Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

Yeah. Maybe that's what they want?

As long as the dictator is the one *they* want. Imagine them with a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren dictator. The horrors, the ignominy of being forced to have universal health care, free education through college for your kids, High-speed internet everywhere, bullet trains, non-crumbling bridges and highways, jobs with decent pay, no more gerrymandering, sensible gun regulations, a clean environment. Can you imagine how unfree they will be?
Again....WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Parading a group of permanent government unelected bureaucrats in front of the camera's giving their personal opinions about WHY THEY ARE PISSED off with the new direction of US international evidence of nothing as its the POTUS who establishes policy....not the ingrained SHADOW GOVERMENT employees. There is no actual evidence of any Quid Pro Quo, no extortion, no bribery. If its us to us in the 2 week transcripts of the "eyewitnesses", show the world, shout it out.....where one witnesses testified under oath that the President actually committed any of the focus group buzz word accusations. "ONE"....1, eyewitness who actually provided factual evidence of a crime. Hearsay evidence is prosecutable evidence of NOTHING. :bigthink:

The only REAL EVIDENCE provided in the entire SHITSHOW PRODOCUTION? The actual transcripts of the communications between the US and UKRAINE. Thus far no one has proven these transcripts are FAKE.

hahahahahahahahaha ... this would actually be hilarious, ... if it wasn't a collective mindset.

"Diplomat Gordon Sondland acknowledges quid pro quo in Ukraine"

"Said resumption of aid to Ukraine would not occur until Ukraine agreed to Biden statement"

Again....WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Parading a group of permanent government unelected bureaucrats in front of the camera's giving their personal opinions about WHY THEY ARE PISSED off with the new direction of US international evidence of nothing as its the POTUS who establishes policy....not the ingrained SHADOW GOVERMENT employees. There is no actual evidence of any Quid Pro Quo, no extortion, no bribery. If its us to us in the 2 week transcripts of the "eyewitnesses", show the world, shout it out.....where one witnesses testified under oath that the President actually committed any of the focus group buzz word accusations. "ONE"....1, eyewitness who actually provided factual evidence of a crime. Hearsay evidence is prosecutable evidence of NOTHING. :bigthink:

The only REAL EVIDENCE provided in the entire SHITSHOW PRODOCUTION? The actual transcripts of the communications between the US and UKRAINE. Thus far no one has proven these transcripts are FAKE.
As long as the dictator is the one *they* want. Imagine them with a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren dictator. The horrors, the ignominy of being forced to have universal health care, free education through college for your kids, High-speed internet everywhere, bullet trains, non-crumbling bridges and highways, jobs with decent pay, no more gerrymandering, sensible gun regulations, a clean environment. Can you imagine how unfree they will be?

As long as the dictator is the one *they* want. Imagine them with a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren dictator. The horrors, the ignominy of being forced to have universal health care, free education through college for your kids, High-speed internet everywhere, bullet trains, non-crumbling bridges and highways, jobs with decent pay, no more gerrymandering, sensible gun regulations, a clean environment. Can you imagine how unfree they will be?

I have just a few questions for all of this: Who pays for the universal health care, free education, high speed internet? Who provides the jobs with decent pay? Can you define "sensible gun regulations" which do not include running afoul of the 2nd Amendment? If I am forced by higher taxes to pay for your health care, education etc then I am not free am I? If you chip away at the Constitution I am always in fear of having more of my freedoms taken away. Liberal socialism (and you can call it whatever you want but what you are promoting is socialism, democratic, American, Gobbly Gookian, it doesn't matter, its still socialism) always leads to death and destruction, always.
Again....WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Parading a group of permanent government unelected bureaucrats in front of the camera's giving their personal opinions about WHY THEY ARE PISSED off with the new direction of US international evidence of nothing

"Diplomat Gordon Sondland acknowledges quid pro quo in Ukraine"

"Said resumption of aid to Ukraine would not occur until Ukraine agreed to Biden statement"


Sondland: "YES."



I have just a few questions for all of this: Who pays for the universal health care, free education, high speed internet? Who provides the jobs with decent pay? Can you define "sensible gun regulations" which do not include running afoul of the 2nd Amendment? If I am forced by higher taxes to pay for your health care, education etc then I am not free am I? If you chip away at the Constitution I am always in fear of having more of my freedoms taken away. Liberal socialism (and you can call it whatever you want but what you are promoting is socialism, democratic, American, Gobbly Gookian, it doesn't matter, its still socialism) always leads to death and destruction, always.

Okay, buddy, whatever you say. <backs slowly away, wiping the spittle off her jacket...>
Okay, buddy, whatever you say. <backs slowly away, wiping the spittle off her jacket...>

I didn't expect a logical answer and you proved you did not have a logical answer. Someone has to pay for all that, who is that someone going to be? The rich? When has that ever worked?
The fall back progressive liberal mantra when someone actually is so boorish as to disagree with them. "You must be on drugs" or "You must be insane", because, obviously progressive liberal fascist are the cream of the crop and the most knowledgeable people on the planet. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they brook no dissent.
You were given the benefit of the doubt. Don't blow it by opening your mouth.
With the caveat that it must align with their biases.... in this case, their bias for any (R) president no matter how incompetent and criminal, and their bias against any (D) no matter how competent and ethical.
Selective memory. They will suddenly criticize any action taken by trump, only when it is taken by a Democrat.
You need to explain this. I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Better to remain silent and be perceived and idiot, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.

You and your ilk were given an out...drug abuse.

I'd take that as a win, and move on.