Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

Well, I can certainly see you are on my bottom 10 list.


Have a nice night

I will, Nancy.

Pay attention to my advice.

Don’t bullshit.
Don’t lie.
Educate yourself. Don’t be willfully ignorant.
Back up your claims.

You’re off to a shitty start, Nancy.

You didn’t answer. What’s that “Holy Writ”?

I don't think so. Nor are we liberals the godless commie gulag-lovers that your side frequently paints us as being, eh? I've never been able to figure out how expecting the ultra wealthy to cough up their fair share in taxes so that we can provide all our citizens with infrastructure, education, food inspections, help for the elderly and disabled, etc. = Commie Socialist Evil.

You yourself are guilty of calling us more and much worse than that. The taxpayers of this country shell out plenty enough to pay for these things, but way too many take advantage of this country's generosity. How many make a career out of welfare? It was supposed to be used until people could get back on their feet, not to support them for life. Illegals cost us billions. There's too much wasteful spending on other stupid shit, both sides are responsible for it. As for the rich, they pay quite a bit.

"The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent"
I will, Nancy.

Pay attention to my advice.

Don’t bullshit.
Don’t lie.
Educate yourself. Don’t be willfully ignorant.
Back up your claims.

You’re off to a shitty start, Nancy.

You didn’t answer. What’s that “Holy Writ”?


When will you start taking your own advice?
You yourself are guilty of calling us more and much worse than that. The taxpayers of this country shell out plenty enough to pay for these things, but way too many take advantage of this country's generosity. How many make a career out of welfare? It was supposed to be used until people could get back on their feet, not to support them for life. Illegals cost us billions. There's too much wasteful spending on other stupid shit, both sides are responsible for it. As for the rich, they pay quite a bit.

"The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent"

The Top 1% is not a victim.
Those who deny the Holocaust, are anti-vax, push AGW, and think flat earth is so: these are at the core cannot constructively think.

And Republicans are more likely to embrace the above.
Those who deny the Holocaust, are anti-vax, push AGW, and think flat earth is so: these are at the core cannot constructively think.

And Republicans are more likely to embrace the above.

Are you really that stupid? Second thought, you'd best not try to answer that, you've already made an ass of yourself.
Are you really that stupid? Second thought, you'd best not try to answer that, you've already made an ass of yourself.

Thank you for that statement of inability to critically think. You guys are standing out there exposed, more and more, and the political world slips away under your feet.
Thank you for that statement of inability to critically think. You guys are standing out there exposed, more and more, and the political world slips away under your feet.

Try to make at least a meager bit of sense. You've failed so far.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get you. I have heard other thieves say those they stole from deserved it. I suspect you feel the same way and I say those would continue to vote in your legalized thieves do deserve what they get.

What are you crapping on about now? It's all those drugs you kill Mexicans to get for you, I suppose.
You yourself are guilty of calling us more and much worse than that. The taxpayers of this country shell out plenty enough to pay for these things, but way too many take advantage of this country's generosity. How many make a career out of welfare? It was supposed to be used until people could get back on their feet, not to support them for life. Illegals cost us billions. There's too much wasteful spending on other stupid shit, both sides are responsible for it. As for the rich, they pay quite a bit.

"The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent"

Contrary to popular (R) beliefs, very few "make a career out of" being on public assistance.
What are you crapping on about now? It's all those drugs you kill Mexicans to get for you, I suppose.

Interestingly, I note you have been "groaned" almost as many times as you have been "thanked". That should tell about your posting style, all insult, no substance.


Be of good cheer
Try to make at least a meager bit of sense. You've failed so far.

That you can't understand a simple concept is quite clear. Your peers and you refuse to look at reality with open eyes, which is good for the rest of America, when the GOP goes down in shattering, humiliating defeat.
Have you ever looked at those living in cheap trailer parks or public housing complexes?

Of course. For a thankfully-brief period of life I lived in a "cheap trailer park". Contrary to you RWers' mythology, virtually everyone there including myself worked and did not receive public assistance. A few got food stamps, but still held jobs. Oh, and none of us were ppl of color either.
Have you ever looked at those living in cheap trailer parks or public housing complexes?

Not everyone is an elitist like you.

My mother lived many years in government-susidized housing.

I have had friends who live in cheap mobile homes.

My brother took advantage of government backed VA loans to buy a modest townhouse.

I accepted government grants to help pay my room and board.

Policies to support affordable housing is a legitimate government function in a 21st century representative democracy.

We do not live in a feudal serf economy anymore
According to Fiona Hill, the Russian Agenda is to sow discord in the democratic process. As she states, it wouldn't matter if Hillary won or Trump won, the idea is to divide the Country.
('Divide and Conquer')

So Obama was a Russian asset in dividing the country.