Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

I know a great deal,

Jesus said we are to take care of the widows and orphans. Children born to unwed mothers are not orphans nor are their mothers widows. Many of the "families" on welfare, both black and white, should be collecting child support from dead beat fathers, not the rest of us.

Just what this place needs, another faux Xtian purporting to speak for Jesus.

Just what this place needs, another faux Xtian purporting to speak for Jesus.


I don't know if I am going to stay in this forum. The lunatic to rational ratio is just far too great. It seems that most of the posters here, like you, are foaming at the mouth, screaming at anyone who might have a different opinion.

Jesus did not ever say Go, become a socialist and take on the burden of all those who won't help themselves. And just what is an Xtian???????
I don't know if I am going to stay in this forum. The lunatic to rational ratio is just far too great. It seems that most of the posters here, like you, are foaming at the mouth, screaming at anyone who might have a different opinion.

Jesus did not ever say Go, become a socialist and take on the burden of all those who won't help themselves. And just what is an Xtian???????

JESUS was a socialist more than a capitalist
Jesus said we are to take care of the widows and orphans. Children born to unwed mothers are not orphans nor are their mothers widows. Many of the "families" on welfare, both black and white, should be collecting child support from dead beat fathers, not the rest of us.

so your claim is Jesus didn't care about the poor ??????


you make one HORRIBLE christian
so your claim is Jesus didn't care about the poor ??????


you make one HORRIBLE christian

Jesus said and I quote

For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.

Mark 14:7

And I don't recall at any time saying don't help the poor. But many who cry poverty are not. I would prefer to help those who truly cannot help themselves. And surely you don't believe the government taking my money and giving it to just anyone is actually an act of charity on my part!
Interestingly, I note you have been "groaned" almost as many times as you have been "thanked". That should tell about your posting style, all insult, no substance.


Be of good cheer

I have never groaned one single person in the over a decade I have been on this site

I have NEVER banned anyone from a thread ( except myself as a joke)

I am groaned constantly by the right wing idiots here

what pray tell does that mean to you?
Not with liberals. Since I am not even sure what a credible source according to liberals may be I am already at a disadvantage. Liberals don't debate, they preach. You either believe what they want you to believe without question or you are willfully ignorant in their eyes.

BTW, a lie to a liberal is anything that does not agree with their Holy Writ. Bullshit is the same only spelled differently.

No, you people are worthless.

how about the 8 intel agencies of the USA????

is that good enough for you?

its the republicans who say they don't matter and are the enemy
I don't know if I am going to stay in this forum. The lunatic to rational ratio is just far too great. It seems that most of the posters here, like you, are foaming at the mouth, screaming at anyone who might have a different opinion.

Jesus did not ever say Go, become a socialist and take on the burden of all those who won't help themselves. And just what is an Xtian???????

That's what JPP liberals want.

Ever since the Amazon crowd migrated over, they've done all they can to be decisive, argumentative, and denigrating; because they want to turn this into Amazon 0.2 and driving out the opposition appears to be their agenda.
Jesus said and I quote

For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.

Mark 14:7

And I don't recall at any time saying don't help the poor. But many who cry poverty are not. I would prefer to help those who truly cannot help themselves. And surely you don't believe the government taking my money and giving it to just anyone is actually an act of charity on my part!

UH; wasn't there also something about those who WILL not work, shall not eat (or something like that).

Being able to work and not doing so, is different then not being able to work; but liberals don't see the difference, anymore then they apparently can't understand the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration.
