Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

Interestingly, I note you have been "groaned" almost as many times as you have been "thanked". That should tell about your posting style, all insult, no substance.


Be of good cheer


Better make that same comment to the chronic forum groaners.

You won’t because they are your fellow RW tardbuddies.
Trump supporters fear the truth for it will not set them free but put them in prisons of their own makings, including their minds of 'what could have been.'
No matter what the evidence, what the facts are, they just deny what's plainly right in front of them.

I'll take it further. Progressive liberals and wingnut crackers needn't discuss issues with one another at all. Minds are not available for change.

Instead of wasting time on issues, we need merely viciously insult one an other on a non-stop basis. The venting will at least be comforting, and we won't even have to waste our time making arguments. How many ways do you know how to say, I fucking hate you, motherfucker?
Of course. For a thankfully-brief period of life I lived in a "cheap trailer park". Contrary to you RWers' mythology, virtually everyone there including myself worked and did not receive public assistance. A few got food stamps, but still held jobs. Oh, and none of us were ppl of color either.

Hmmm...Once again a liberal brings up race. Telling, very telling.
I'll take it further. Progressive liberals and wingnut crackers needn't discuss issues with one another at all. Minds are not available for change.

Instead of wasting time on issues, we need merely viciously insult one an other on a non-stop basis. The venting will at least be comforting, and we won't even have to waste our time making arguments. How many ways do you know how to say, I fucking hate you, motherfucker?

... I notice that HERE on a daily basis.
She thinks she can shame Jack into going to the Dark Side with her. lol

To paraphrase:

I don't understand it. Why do you act like that? You're also more gossipy than any gathering of elderly women. If you disagree with someone be a woman and say it to their face, instead of making comments and getting the other wimps to join in.
Hmmm...Once again a liberal brings up race. Telling, very telling.

Of course it's telling. Duh. I'm pointing out that the stereotype of "public aid recipient" is a black mom with a bunch of kids. Yep, some are. Some are white. Some are non-white. Some are elderly. Some are infants and children. Some are disabled. Are you Christian ppl supposed to have compassion for the poor, and not judge them?
Of course it's telling. Duh. I'm pointing out that the stereotype of "public aid recipient" is a black mom with a bunch of kids. Yep, some are. Some are white. Some are non-white. Some are elderly. Some are infants and children. Some are disabled. Are you Christian ppl supposed to have compassion for the poor, and not judge them?

When have I ever brought up race? I know some are in need of assistance, I've said that. I've seen plant closings here where some had trouble finding jobs and needed help. I've said it before, it's not them I'm complaining about, or the other's you've mentioned. It's the ones who (and my GF saw them first hand when she worked part time along with her full time administrative assistant job) won't work the longer hours during holiday seasons because they didn't want to have their benefits reduced. A lot of them would quit before working the longer hours. That is a fact. Those are the ones I'm talking about. Of course, I don't see you calling out the ones on the left who call us "trailer trash," why is that?
Of course it's telling. Duh. I'm pointing out that the stereotype of "public aid recipient" is a black mom with a bunch of kids. Yep, some are. Some are white. Some are non-white. Some are elderly. Some are infants and children. Some are disabled. Are you Christian ppl supposed to have compassion for the poor, and not judge them?

Jesus said we are to take care of the widows and orphans. Children born to unwed mothers are not orphans nor are their mothers widows. Many of the "families" on welfare, both black and white, should be collecting child support from dead beat fathers, not the rest of us.