Republicans... Who do you think will run if Trump is convicted on any charge?....

I hear you. I disagree, but I hear you. When it comes to Presidents you should go with who you think will win.
I used to do this (supporting the "electable" candidate), but I've since figured out that the "electable" candidate claim is just a Uniparty lie used to deceive people into only supporting RNC & DNC "acceptable" candidates who will not disrupt the status quo in any way (as Trump did and is still doing). The corrupt Uniparty will no longer be telling me who is an "acceptable" candidate or not. Ergo, my "don't care; still voting Trump" stance.

At this time DeSantis still has my vote.
Besides the whole "elitist globalist rich donors" supporting him, as they did Ted Cruz, as they did Jeb Bush (good company, eh?)... Have you ever wondered why the corporate media (even CNN) are all of a sudden being extra nice towards DeSantis, giving him softball questions, not interrupting him in interviews, not rabidly foaming at the mouth towards him as they act towards Trump? Since when have the corporate media ever been nice to Republicans other than to point towards RINOs (Romney, McCain, Bush) when useful to them and say "SEE, even REPUBLICANS don't agree with Trump and the MAGA loons"?

Have you really looked closely at, and thought about, the "chosen candidates" for President since Reagan ran? Notice anything familiar/similar about them, especially on the Republican side?
1988: George H. W. Bush --- Mike Dukakis
1992: George H. W. Bush --- Bill Clinton (Ross Perot... OH NO!!! THE HORROR!!!)
1996: Bob Dole --- Bill Clinton (Ross Perot... OH NO!!! THE HORROR!!!)
2000: George W. Bush --- Al Gore
2004: George W. Bush --- John Kerry
2008: John McCain --- Barack Obama
2012: Mitt Romney --- Barack Obama
2016: DONALD J. TRUMP (OH SHITTTTTTT!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!! UNAPPROVED!!!! BAD!!! BAD!!!!) --- Hillary Clinton

When it's Uniparty "approved" candidates, the elites are happy... When it's Trump, the elites are very unhappy... worried... foaming at the mouth to use lawfare to try to jail a true political opponent to the Uniparty status quo who is beloved by We The People on Main Street who have been disenfranchised and discarded by political "elites". If people can't see this clearly by now, there's nothing that I can do to make it any more clear as to what the problem in politics is and who actually represents a second party challenge to the Uniparty status quo.

Trump has not shown he has a plan to overcome the shenanigans that lost him the last election, and we already know he didn't have a plan to overcome it then.
Then, it was unknown just how bad the problem was. Now, much more is known about it. Now, it sounds like one plan is to compete against Democrats in the early voting / ballot harvesting angle. IOW, making it about ballots instead of voters.

DeSantis already has a plan to get a ground game moving and making sure that folks are gathering ballots in the states that allow it,
DeSaster is only repeating what Trump has already said prior... Those aren't DeSaster's ideas... He's too busy re-tooling his failing campaign for a SECOND time now while ignoring the insurance crisis in Florida... while launching his campaign based on lies... while lying about "I won't run against Trump" while he was lying about "running for re-election as Governor" during his "book tour". Everything in the DeSantis realm is inauthentic and based on lies... He might as well call himself Ron! at this point...

Trump spent his time telling folks not to vote early, which is a terrible plan for overcoming that ground game deficit.
Trump said that before what was supposed to be the 2020 election (it faulted due to fraud). The strategy was to not give Democrats an idea of how many ballots they need to manufacture, turning out overwhelming numbers on election day. That plan initially worked, causing counting to come to a standstill in several states, but ultimately didn't work because Democrats used covid to keep dragging out the manufacturing of ballots until they had juuuuuuuuuust enough in several key states via the corrupt counties within each state... Now, Trump has been rather open about competing in ballot harvesting and early voting... to not "already be losing" before what is supposed to be election day. --- DeSantis didn't come up with that... Trump has been saying it for quite some time before DeSantis ever made mention of it.

The DeSantis camp are very off-putting and corrupt people (Bill Mitchell, Ben Shapiro, Christina Pushaw, Dave Rubin, et al), and Jill "Casey" DeSantis is about the biggest narcissist that I have ever seen, and I have narcissistic family members. It's painful listening to her drone on and on at a hundred miles an hour about herself and her kids and "the governor" (why not call him your husband or the father of your children?)... It's totally disconnected from the issues that the common person is facing, which Trump speaks VERY well to.

It was also interesting watching a clip of Donald Trump back in the late 80s talking with David Letterman... he sounded exactly the same then as he sounds on the campaign trail now ("other countries are taking advantage of us, not paying their share, etc etc")... Now THAT'S a guy who truly believes what he is saying and a guy who is authentic... The way he relates to the commoner when he goes to restaurants and stuff is also something that DeSantis simply cannot do.

Trump is not perfect by any means, and has his issues, but he is "the guy" at this point. Nobody else running for President is opposing the Uniparty. (RFK being the closest) How do I know?? The media isn't attacking any of the other ones as they are attacking Trump (and even RFK), and none of the other ones are being prosecuted for their ACTUAL crimes, let alone any fabricated crimes, as they've been going after Trump ever since 2015...

To me, it's as clear as day as to who is on the side of "We The People" and who is on the side of the corrupt Uniparty globalist elitist status quo. It's Trump (We The People) vs everyone else (corrupt status quo). If anyone other than Trump wins, the corrupt status quo wins.

Edit: and then there's the problem that "any Republican other than Trump" will face, which includes people like myself who are only-Trump votes. People like me will NOT be voting for the Republican candidate for President if Trump isn't the nominee (I will be writing his name in if need be). This group of people is a very significant size (I would say that numerous millions of people, even over ten million people, isn't being unrealistic), and Republicans need those people (and me) if they expect to win in 2024. Having DeSantis (or anyone other than Trump) at the top of the 2024 ticket would be "1992 on steroids". And my support matters because I live in Wisconsin, a very key state for Republicans to win.
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Biden is horribly flawed and not well... What's your point?

Biden is not terribly flawed. He is a normal run-of-the-mill American politician. He is highly experienced and works within the normal confines of American presidents. He has a long history of working across the aisle. He is noted for being particularly honest. he is not a threat to the existence of America.
That is the opposite of Trump.
Your Trumpian beliefs made you blind.
Biden is not terribly flawed. He is a normal run-of-the-mill American politician. He is highly experienced and works within the normal confines of American presidents. He has a long history of working across the aisle. He is noted for being particularly honest. he is not a threat to the existence of America.
That is the opposite of Trump.
Your Trumpian beliefs made you blind.

No president is an actual threat to America.

Our turnover of power prevents that.

90% of what a president does is undone by the next administration.

Outside of having half the nuclear codes presidents don't really have that much power.

The power essentially lies with the Supreme Court however they are also limited by their ability to only rule on cases brought before them.

Congress is in between.

This is the system of checks and balances that the founders devised when they formed the nation.
Biden is not terribly flawed. He is a normal run-of-the-mill American politician. He is highly experienced and works within the normal confines of American presidents. He has a long history of working across the aisle. He is noted for being particularly honest. he is not a threat to the existence of America.
That is the opposite of Trump.
Your Trumpian beliefs made you blind.

Akshually, he's noted for lying and plagiarism. He was forced out of a Presidential race for lying.
Biden is not terribly flawed. He is a normal run-of-the-mill American politician. He is highly experienced and works within the normal confines of American presidents. He has a long history of working across the aisle. He is noted for being particularly honest. he is not a threat to the existence of America.
That is the opposite of Trump.
Your Trumpian beliefs made you blind.

Yes, he is. He's a serial liar, that's a problem. He is willing to cheat and plagiarize. That's a problem. He's in way over his head in terms of competence and intellect. That's a HUGE problem. Yes, some people are good at getting promoted beyond their capacity to perform. Biden is one of them.
Making things worse, he is internally aware of this to one degree or another and shows it in his absolute inability to take any amount of pushback from anyone. I know the type. I've worked for that type. They're terrible bosses and even worse managers. They make their subordinate's lives a living hell while fucking everything up.

Biden does just that.

Trump is a difficult leader. He's a totally different sort of person. Working for him, from what I see is like being in a frenzy of frantic activity at an insane asylum. He's the sort that has 100 things going and some degree of control over 10 of them. You never know what tomorrow will bring with his sort. If you are an OCD workaholic, you can deal with Trump. If you aren't, you think the guy is an insane deamon of frenzy.

That is bad in it's own way too, but it isn't anywhere close to working with the sort of martinet that Biden is. Biden is the sort that has staff quit on him because they don't want the disaster he is creating. Trump has staff quit on him because they can't keep up with the frenzy of crazy he creates.

Biden's personality will leave you wanting to commit suicide. Trump's will leave you utterly drained and wanting the crazy to stop.

A lifetime of experience says Biden is far, far worse to work for than Trump.
Scott.....tough to say, he hasn't had to go through the mill yet. I'm guessing that there may still be enough energy among Democrats to win that one. DeSantis? I would have agreed a few months ago. Now, I think he is VERY damaged goods. And it gets worse every day. This 'state guard' story may have real legs.
I agree, he has legislated his way into not being acceptable to Independents, students and women.
That is seriously awful.

So are DeSantis's poll numbers :) In Iowa, Tim Scott has almost caught DeSantis. On the eight day, God created Ron DeSantis. I guess God must have been really tired because he forgot to include a heart.
So you have never been

RQAA. She has shown MUCH more patriotism than YOU. You hate America. You hate and discard the Constitution of the United States. You hate and discard the constitutions of the various States. You hate women. You hate children.

All you do is hate.

...and it's eating you alive.
I really hate DeSantis punishing Disney for free speech and a business decision
, but I agree they would be hard to beat.

Republicans love government punishing business for a political disagreement

DeSantis is NOT punishing Disney for free speech. Disney simply has to play on the same field as any other business.
I hear you. I disagree, but I hear you. When it comes to Presidents you should go with who you think will win.
When it comes to Presidents I will go with the best choice for upholding the Constitution of the United States.
At this time DeSantis still has my vote.
Fine. Trump still has my vote.
Trump has not shown he has a plan to overcome the shenanigans that lost him the last election,
Trump has never lost an election.
and we already know he didn't have a plan to overcome it then.
Trump has never lost an election.
DeSantis already has a plan to get a ground game moving and making sure that folks are gathering ballots in the states that allow it, Trump spent his time telling folks not to vote early, which is a terrible plan for overcoming that ground game deficit.
Vote early. Vote often.

Voting isn't taking place yet, dude.
I dislike that as well, but nobody is ever perfect, unless you don't care about policy and only vote party. I've never been that guy though.
Except it's not happening. DeSantis simply made Disney play by the same rules as any other business. That's it. That's all. You forget that Democrats want special treatment, not equal treatment!
That bad message about business is not enough to overcome his positives. This man was so positive, in a state full of democrats like you in the major citiies he won by nearly 20% of that vote, he won in cities that no republican has won in ages. That would be near impossible to overcome, he needs to get that going outside Florida. If he can't, then republicans will be sitting there holding a bag of Trump/Whichever milquetoast candidate he picks that he think won't overshadow him.
Trump could possibly pick DeSantis as his running mate you know.
You should vote for the person you think will make the best president and hope the majority of voters do as you. Do you think we should just vote according to the polls? Trump lost a fair and honest election as he should have.
Desantis is falling . He has no national footing.

Trump has never lost an election.
There was no election in 2020.