Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment


The momentum is gaining, gun-suckers.



Retired Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

(CNN) Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens believes the students and demonstrators who protested this past weekend for gun control should seek a repeal of the Second Amendment.

"A concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment," Stevens wrote an op-ed published in The New York Times Tuesday, adding, "today that concern is a relic of the 18th century."

A lifelong Republican but considered liberal in his judicial rulings, Stevens pointed to his dissent in the 2008 landmark District of Columbia v. Heller case that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for self-defense within his home.

"That decision — which I remain convinced was wrong and certainly was debatable — has provided the (National Rifle Association) with a propaganda weapon of immense power," wrote Stevens, who served from 1975 until he retired in 2010.

He added, "Overturning that decision via a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Second Amendment would be simple and would do more to weaken the NRA's ability to stymie legislative debate and block constructive gun control legislation than any other available option."

Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA lobbying arm, said Tuesday that the NRA, a majority of the American people and the Supreme Court, "believe in the Second Amendment right to self-protection and we will unapologetically continue to fight to protect this fundamental freedom."

"The 97-year-old retired justice has long held the opinion that American citizens do not have the individual right to own a firearm for self-protection," Cox said in a statement. "Emboldened by the mainstream media, the gun-control lobby is no longer distancing themselves from the radical idea of repealing the Second Amendment and banning all firearms."

Stevens had previously argued the Second Amendment should be amended, two years after the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

"Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday," Stevens wrote Tuesday of the weekend's "March for Our Lives" rallies.

"These demonstrations demand our respect. They reveal the broad public support for legislation to minimize the risk of mass killings of schoolchildren and others in our society," he continued.
It would actually require three-fourths of the states to agree to repeal. That’s 38 states. It will never happen.
Somehow, some way, one day I believe the government will remove all guns from private ownership which will leave us in a police state.

A retired judge equates to momentum.


HAHAHA stupid,. There was a huge march all of last weekend. Do you remember that? Probably not. Now a retired supreme court judge says time to revisit the second. Not hard to figure times they are a changing. Yes, you guys should be allowed to have muskets.
The momentum is gaining, gun-suckers.



I encourage you to hold your breath waiting for it

Guess the old dumbfuck didnt know The 2nd Amendment was ratified as an inseparable part of the Constitution itself and cannot be repealed without repealing the entire Constitution..
HAHAHA stupid,. There was a huge march all of last weekend. Do you remember that? Probably not. Now a retired supreme court judge says time to revisit the second. Not hard to figure times they are a changing. Yes, you guys should be allowed to have muskets.

Did you write your comment on parchment, using a quill pen, and had it delivered by a guy on horse back; because anything other then that, only goes to prove that you're a hypocrite.

So much for the argument that no one is trying to take away all guns.

You are artificially conflating the second amendment with the ability to own guns.

Very few nations in the word have a 2nd amendment type right.
But hunting, sporting, target shooting, and weapons for home defense still exist through out the world.

The so-called leftist-socialist state of France has some of the highest gun ownership in the world.

In Putin's Russian dictatorship, people are still have guns for hunting, shooting, and home defense. Think about that. Even in the Russian dictatorship, people have guns even when they don't have a second amendment.

Not having a second amendment is not the same thing as a "ban on all guns". That is a lie, a fabrication, a preposterous exaggeration that gun humpers are going to cling to like grim death. It is one reason an honest discussion can not take place -- because a lot of the rightwing are simply committed heart and soul to lying their asses off.

I cannot speak for Justice Stevens, but I think a lot of people see the second amendment being abused by assholes who would like to amass assault rifles, bump stocks, high capacity cartridges, possibly even grenades and machine guns.

In a democratic society, there is zero feasible chance that our elected representatives would enact a "total ban on all guns", even absent a second amendment.
Any rightwinger who has even a shred of honesty knows that if guns are allowed in Putin's dictatorship, there is not a snow balls chance in hell of a total "gun ban" here, even absent the 2nd.
The momentum is gaining, gun-suckers.



I agree that this is great news

Finally the left thinks it is safe to be honest.

Do you think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will make this a national campaign issue?

I really hope they do. I really really really really really really do

The momentum is gaining, gun-suckers.



He wasn't a Republican he was a compromise pick after watergate who judicated way to the left and he has fuck all power to do anything now. But he is right the only option that you anti-Constitutional fascist pigs have is an amendment through Article 5 procedures anything else will be met with deadly force. Good luck with that.
HAHAHA stupid,. There was a huge march all of last weekend. Do you remember that? Probably not. Now a retired supreme court judge says time to revisit the second. Not hard to figure times they are a changing. Yes, you guys should be allowed to have muskets.

Your laughable march means jack and shit without a Constitutional amendment through Article 5 procedures, without one we will put the little fascists like Hogg and Gonzalez 6 feet under before we let them overthrow the Constitution.
If political candidates believe in repealing the 2nd then let them campaign on it. And don’t cry when their opponent highlights it.
He wasn't a Republican he was a compromise pick after watergate who judicated way to the left and he has fuck all power to do anything now. But he is right the only option that you anti-Constitutional fascist pigs have is an amendment through Article 5 procedures anything else will be met with deadly force. Good luck with that.

The demise of the 2nd Amendment is coming.

It's only a matter of time.

Nothing you can do about it.



