Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

The second will never likely be repealed , but it is ripe for reinterpretation.
The current interpretation isn't all that old.
The second will never likely be repealed , but it is ripe for reinterpretation.
The current interpretation isn't all that old.

reinterpreting plain words of the constitution at the whim of a majority provides enormous issues, or are you only talking about just reinterpreting the 2nd?

and the current interpretation has been mostly the same since ratification. the damage done to the 2nd started in 1934 when societies morons allowed the congress and the courts to reinterpret the commerce clause
The demise of the 2nd Amendment is coming.

It's only a matter of time.

Nothing you can do about it.





The current interpretation is due for a reexamination by the SCOTUS.
The cryptic wording and errors by the scribes who copied it for ratification need to be looked at again, and soon will be.
No other part of the constitution is so oddly worded.
if your going to remove the second ammendment getting rid of it via constitutional ammendment would be my preferred choice rather than by judicial fiat or legislation as liberals seem to want. Getting rid of it the other ways means your other rights can be removed that way as well.
HAHAHA stupid,. There was a huge march all of last weekend. Do you remember that? Probably not. Now a retired supreme court judge says time to revisit the second. Not hard to figure times they are a changing. Yes, you guys should be allowed to have muskets.

I'm your militia. I have a right to buy the guns I feel are appropriate for militia use.

I encourage you to hold your breath waiting for it

Guess the old dumbfuck didnt know The 2nd Amendment was ratified as an inseparable part of the Constitution itself and cannot be repealed without repealing the entire Constitution..

There is no inseparable part of the Constitution that cannot be repealed except the provision for equal state representation in the Senate
One day you all will listen to me.

I told yall the misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment by racist white men is the problem.

Time to fix it and bring it up to date.
Take it seriously.

1. given the massive amount of votes/states required to amend the constitution, i'm not worried about it.
2. should the near impossible happen, you have to contend with MILLIONS of pissed off patriots who are armed and ready to fight for their rights.

maybe it's you who should take it serious.
HAHAHA stupid,. There was a huge march all of last weekend. Do you remember that? Probably not. Now a retired supreme court judge says time to revisit the second. Not hard to figure times they are a changing. Yes, you guys should be allowed to have muskets.

just as soon as you limit our standing military and every cop out there to a musket
just as soon as you limit our standing military and every cop out there to a musket

Fuck the police. They are nothing but racist bullies with guns.

The entire Law Enforcement establishment needs to be revamped as well. They need to get rid of all the racism and racist and start fresh.
1. given the massive amount of votes/states required to amend the constitution, i'm not worried about it.
2. should the near impossible happen, you have to contend with MILLIONS of pissed off patriots who are armed and ready to fight for their rights.

maybe it's you who should take it serious.

"Serious" modifies the noun "take" in that last sentence, so the word would take the adverbial form "seriously".
I thought you were supposed to be smart?
Oh well
The SCOTUS is due to reinterpret the awkward and cryptic wording of the second.
They soon will.
States will have nothing to do with it.
Will you shoot a Supreme Court Justice if you don't like how he rules?
You are artificially conflating the second amendment with the ability to own guns.

I cannot speak for Justice Stevens, but I think a lot of people see the second amendment being abused by assholes who would like to amass assault rifles, bump stocks, high capacity cartridges, possibly even grenades and machine guns.

In a democratic society, there is zero feasible chance that our elected representatives would enact a "total ban on all guns", even absent a second amendment.
Any rightwinger who has even a shred of honesty knows that if guns are allowed in Putin's dictatorship, there is not a snow balls chance in hell of a total "gun ban" here, even absent the 2nd.

You are correct, but neither does the 2nd Amendment allow anybody to abuse gun ownership or prevent almost any regulation the public supports. Many states already have gun regulations that ban assault weapons, require longer waiting periods, etc. So, repealing the 2nd would accomplish nothing that cannot already be done.

I certainly don't see a march or 97 year-old justice as providing any momentum that would accomplish anything toward repeal--not even a member of Congress introducing a proposed amendment to repeal.
There is no inseparable part of the Constitution that cannot be repealed except the provision for equal state representation in the Senate

Well, what is the Party of the Jackass waiting for???!!! Let's see it on their political platform! After all, everyone is with you morons right? DO IT! :rofl2: