Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

The momentum is gaining, gun-suckers.



comical... you think highlighting the fact that Stevens was originally a Republican changes the fact that he led the liberal wing of SCOTUS?

The 98 year old Stevens is the only thing that is antiquated.
Fuck the police. They are nothing but racist bullies with guns.

The entire Law Enforcement establishment needs to be revamped as well. They need to get rid of all the racism and racist and start fresh.

So you are worried about the police being bullies with guns, but want to repeal the 2nd because you think that is also racist?
I agree. Repeal and replace with some carefully drafted and specific language the limits magazines, ensures our cops and military have better arms than the criminals,
requires training and prohibits ownership by mental defectives. All should be registered, all parts should be traceable. Each gun should be prefired and the FEDERAL government
have its rifling thumbprint. Owners should be strictly liable for harm, including harm by private hypothecation and some later felony. Tons of things need to be done
and they should all be spelled out. The stupid militia language removed, the regulation specifically enumerated. The not infringed removed.

I 10 munutes I could save a million lives and hunters could still kill bambi. This country is filled overflowing with paranoid morons.

LMAO... a million lives? The stupidity of your above comment is astounding.
I support repealing the 2nd.

It is out of date.

The arms which existed when it was written are antiquated compared to today.

The 2nd does not prevent a very rich and immature individual from having his own nuclear submarine with nuke-tipped ICBM's.

That kind of scenario belongs in fantasy movies, not reality.
White men wrote the 2nd it's their thoughts and ideas of how things should be.

Everything is Black and white in this country because the white man made it that way.

But now it's time for minorities to take over and put you old tired ass racist to bed.

So you don't believe black people should be allowed to own guns?
Whatever you would care to wager, I am in. Not a chance in hell the 2nd Amendment is repealed. None.

I support repealing the 2nd.

It is out of date.

The arms which existed when it was written are antiquated compared to today.

The 2nd does not prevent a very rich and immature individual from having his own nuclear submarine with nuke-tipped ICBM's.

That kind of scenario belongs in fantasy movies, not reality.

The arms at the time are indeed antiquated. But that has little to do with the fact that the 2nd being 'out of date'. It is every bit as relevant as it was when written. The people have the right to bear arms to protect themselves against a tyrannical government.
I support repealing the 2nd.

It is out of date.

The arms which existed when it was written are antiquated compared to today.

The 2nd does not prevent a very rich and immature individual from having his own nuclear submarine with nuke-tipped ICBM's.

That kind of scenario belongs in fantasy movies, not reality.


comical... you think highlighting the fact that Stevens was originally a Republican changes the fact that he led the liberal wing of SCOTUS?

The 98 year old Stevens is the only thing that is antiquated.

The court is neither Repub or Dem. The justices are supposed to decide according to law. There are judges who a party backed that turned out quite different than expected.
The court is neither Repub or Dem. The justices are supposed to decide according to law. There are judges who a party backed that turned out quite different than expected.

Uh... yeah... that was my point. Stevens was a Rep, but led the liberal side of the court. While judges are indeed supposed to decide according to the law, we know for a fact many do not.
Hello Superfreak,

The arms at the time are indeed antiquated. But that has little to do with the fact that the 2nd being 'out of date'. It is every bit as relevant as it was when written. The people have the right to bear arms to protect themselves against a tyrannical government.

The tyrannical government Americans feared was the British government, not the new and better government being formed to get away from that.

The purpose of the 2nd was to allow the new nation to quickly form an army if needed. It dovetailed with the concept of the nation not maintaining a standing army. The forefathers feared government oppression by means of using a government army to force citizens into submission. That's why the USA was not supposed to have a standing army. The forefathers wanted to create a government free of tyranny that the people would like: a government of the people, by the people and for the people. With such a concept, the people would not have to fear their own government because the balance of powers among the 3 branches would prevent tyranny.

Since there was to be no standing army, the 2nd was created in order to provide a means for the nation to defend itself. The common misconception that the 2nd was for citizens to defend themselves from the government is why the NRA always leaves off the first half of the amendment. The NRA office in DC has the second part of the 2nd in bold letters on the front of the building. The first part is completely omitted because they don't want to understand it and they only care about the last phrase. Like tunnel vision.

(from our forefathers) A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now that we have a standing army, the premise of the 2nd no longer applies.
Hello Superfreak,

The tyrannical government Americans feared was the British government, not the new and better government being formed to get away from that.

The purpose of the 2nd was to allow the new nation to quickly form an army if needed. It dovetailed with the concept of the nation not maintaining a standing army. The forefathers feared government oppression by means of using a government army to force citizens into submission. That's why the USA was not supposed to have a standing army. The forefathers wanted to create a government free of tyranny that the people would like: a government of the people, by the people and for the people. With such a concept, the people would not have to fear their own government because the balance of powers among the 3 branches would prevent tyranny.

Since there was to be no standing army, the 2nd was created in order to provide a means for the nation to defend itself. The common misconception that the 2nd was for citizens to defend themselves from the government is why the NRA always leaves off the first half of the amendment. The NRA office in DC has the second part of the 2nd in bold letters on the front of the building. The first part is completely omitted because they don't want to understand it and they only care about the last phrase. Like tunnel vision.

Now that we have a standing army, the premise of the 2nd no longer applies.

Wrong. Part of that new and better government was the protections they built in for WE THE PEOPLE. That includes the 2nd. It is every bit as relevant today as it was then. The fact that we have a military is not at all relevant. While I doubt the military would ever listen to politicians in DC if ordered to turn on the populace, the 2nd allows us to protect ourselves from just that possibility.

The 2nd was not meant to solely protect us from other nations, but from our leadership as well. The security of a free State, from foreign oppressors and DOMESTIC.