Retroactive threadbans


on indefiniate mod break
Retroactive threadbans are banning someone from a thread after you have started it.

For a long time, us mods did not step in on this stuff, because we could see the potential for it being ceremoniously abused.

Lately, I have started granting requests to people (and to a lesser extent other mods have followed suit on rare occasions), based on the following logic:

1) Historically, we have always treated each users threads on JPP as their own domain. We routinely grant requests to close threads and to delete threads. Threadbanning is just another extension of that.

2) Given point number 1, de-facto retroactive threadbanning already existed in some form because people would just end up closing/deleting their old thread and starting a new one with a new ban list. This just ends up with more (and pointless) work being created, and it would also lead to the deletion of other peoples quality posts just because the issue of one individual being allowed in a thread. This was all happening when we had a readily available solution to affect an outcome that can be handled in a simpler and quicker manner.

So there is logic to allow retroactive threadbans. By granting them, we can preserve otherwise good discussion instead of having to delete it, have less clutter on the board from closed threads, and have less work for the mod team.

Here is where the cart goes off the rails:

1) users that use it in bad faith to troll people in their threads, or kick someone out that really wasn't doing anything wrong
2) users that use it as a "gotcha" measure
3) users that use it to feel superior and to create warnings and demerits throughout their threads and generally being a pain in the ass
4) adults generally acting like children

So let me clarify retroactive threadbans a bit further:

1) Nobody is entitled to one. If you want to guarantee someone is threadbanned, do it upfront. Otherwise you are at the whims of us mods. Be responsible for your own shit.

2) The above also goes for thread closings and deletions. If you ask once and a while, sure. If it becomes an everyday thing, then fuck off.

3) If you abuse this and use it to troll or try to use the mod team to fight your petty vendettas, you will not have any of your requests granted.

4) As always, mods are human beings, not robots, and we are able to look at the context of a situation. Again, the privileges and large free reign you get here and the extent to which we let you govern your own threads comes with the caveat that you act maturely and responsibly and you don't take the privileges for granted.

In short, we do them now, on a case by case basis. If you tend to not ask for them, your likelihood of it being granted goes up. If you become a problem child then your issues will quickly be ignored. Use your privileges in your threads (closings/deletions/threadbans) responsibly.
Retroactive threadbans are banning someone from a thread after you have started it.

For a long time, us mods did not step in on this stuff, because we could see the potential for it being ceremoniously abused.

Lately, I have started granting requests to people (and to a lesser extent other mods have followed suit on rare occasions), based on the following logic:

1) Historically, we have always treated each users threads on JPP as their own domain. We routinely grant requests to close threads and to delete threads. Threadbanning is just another extension of that.

2) Given point number 1, de-facto retroactive threadbanning already existed in some form because people would just end up closing/deleting their old thread and starting a new one with a new ban list. This just ends up with more (and pointless) work being created, and it would also lead to the deletion of other peoples quality posts just because the issue of one individual being allowed in a thread. This was all happening when we had a readily available solution to affect an outcome that can be handled in a simpler and quicker manner.

So there is logic to allow retroactive threadbans. By granting them, we can preserve otherwise good discussion instead of having to delete it, have less clutter on the board from closed threads, and have less work for the mod team.

Here is where the cart goes off the rails:

1) users that use it in bad faith to troll people in their threads, or kick someone out that really wasn't doing anything wrong
2) users that use it as a "gotcha" measure
3) users that use it to feel superior and to create warnings and demerits throughout their threads and generally being a pain in the ass
4) adults generally acting like children

So let me clarify retroactive threadbans a bit further:

1) Nobody is entitled to one. If you want to guarantee someone is threadbanned, do it upfront. Otherwise you are at the whims of us mods. Be responsible for your own shit.

2) The above also goes for thread closings and deletions. If you ask once and a while, sure. If it becomes an everyday thing, then fuck off.

3) If you abuse this and use it to troll or try to use the mod team to fight your petty vendettas, you will not have any of your requests granted.

4) As always, mods are human beings, not robots, and we are able to look at the context of a situation. Again, the privileges and large free reign you get here and the extent to which we let you govern your own threads comes with the caveat that you act maturely and responsibly and you don't take the privileges for granted.

In short, we do them now, on a case by case basis. If you tend to not ask for them, your likelihood of it being granted goes up. If you become a problem child then your issues will quickly be ignored. Use your privileges in your threads (closings/deletions/threadbans) responsibly.

I only do it for people derailing a discussion, otherwise I have an adamant base of bans. I also brought attention to Annie making a sock to re-enter a thread they abused, and I asked they be banned from. Otherwise I'm just fine letting people enter the discussion. Covfefe enjoys my recipe discussion as well, and we like to keep it to that. Yaya is angry, because they think I singled them out.
Retroactive threadbans are banning someone from a thread after you have started it....

1) users that use it in bad faith to troll people in their threads, or kick someone out that really wasn't doing anything wrong
2) users that use it as a "gotcha" measure

I see that whiny-ass ball-less wonder Yaya retroactively banned me from his whiny-ass pity party Thread ban lament.... because I asked Jade to look into having him removed from Jade's Recipe Exchange thread for derailing and refusing to stop fighting with other ppl. Hahahahaha.

Please don't take this as a request to remove said whiny-ass little putz's Owl Removal pleas. Just wanted to publicly mock the little weiner and his tender butthurtz. lol
I see that whiny-ass ball-less wonder Yaya retroactively banned me from his whiny-ass pity party Thread ban lament.... because I asked Jade to look into having him removed from Jade's Recipe Exchange thread for derailing and refusing to stop fighting with other ppl. Hahahahaha.

Please don't take this as a request to remove said whiny-ass little putz's Owl Removal pleas. Just wanted to publicly mock the little weiner and his tender butthurtz. lol

You guys know the Ignore List is a thing right? Hell, we can even force you to ignore one another if you want.
Retroactive threadbans are banning someone from a thread after you have started it.

For a long time, us mods did not step in on this stuff, because we could see the potential for it being ceremoniously abused.

Lately, I have started granting requests to people (and to a lesser extent other mods have followed suit on rare occasions), based on the following logic:

1) Historically, we have always treated each users threads on JPP as their own domain. We routinely grant requests to close threads and to delete threads. Threadbanning is just another extension of that.

2) Given point number 1, de-facto retroactive threadbanning already existed in some form because people would just end up closing/deleting their old thread and starting a new one with a new ban list. This just ends up with more (and pointless) work being created, and it would also lead to the deletion of other peoples quality posts just because the issue of one individual being allowed in a thread. This was all happening when we had a readily available solution to affect an outcome that can be handled in a simpler and quicker manner.

So there is logic to allow retroactive threadbans. By granting them, we can preserve otherwise good discussion instead of having to delete it, have less clutter on the board from closed threads, and have less work for the mod team.

Here is where the cart goes off the rails:

1) users that use it in bad faith to troll people in their threads, or kick someone out that really wasn't doing anything wrong
2) users that use it as a "gotcha" measure
3) users that use it to feel superior and to create warnings and demerits throughout their threads and generally being a pain in the ass
4) adults generally acting like children

So let me clarify retroactive threadbans a bit further:

1) Nobody is entitled to one. If you want to guarantee someone is threadbanned, do it upfront. Otherwise you are at the whims of us mods. Be responsible for your own shit.

2) The above also goes for thread closings and deletions. If you ask once and a while, sure. If it becomes an everyday thing, then fuck off.

3) If you abuse this and use it to troll or try to use the mod team to fight your petty vendettas, you will not have any of your requests granted.

4) As always, mods are human beings, not robots, and we are able to look at the context of a situation. Again, the privileges and large free reign you get here and the extent to which we let you govern your own threads comes with the caveat that you act maturely and responsibly and you don't take the privileges for granted.

In short, we do them now, on a case by case basis. If you tend to not ask for them, your likelihood of it being granted goes up. If you become a problem child then your issues will quickly be ignored. Use your privileges in your threads (closings/deletions/threadbans) responsibly.
How about instead of retroactive threadbans why don’t you perform retroactive abortions? Wouldn’t that be a more permanent solution?

Instead of going back and forth with whiny assed whimps who don’t know how to ignore some asshole who desperately needs aborted you could just say “Damo... hand me the zircon encrusted tweezers.”.

I mean wouldn’t that be more efficient? No more having to give Desh or Legion a thousand warnings?

Damn right it would!
I see that whiny-ass ball-less wonder Yaya retroactively banned me from his whiny-ass pity party Thread ban lament.... because I asked Jade to look into having him removed from Jade's Recipe Exchange thread for derailing and refusing to stop fighting with other ppl. Hahahahaha.

Please don't take this as a request to remove said whiny-ass little putz's Owl Removal pleas. Just wanted to publicly mock the little weiner and his tender butthurtz. lol
Welcome to the club. We’ve been doing that to Yurt for ages.
2) Given point number 1, de-facto retroactive threadbanning already existed in some form because people would just end up closing/deleting their old thread and starting a new one with a new ban list. This just ends up with more (and pointless) work being created, and it would also lead to the deletion of other peoples quality posts just because the issue of one individual being allowed in a thread. This was all happening when we had a readily available solution to affect an outcome that can be handled in a simpler and quicker manner.

So there is logic to allow retroactive threadbans. By granting them, we can preserve otherwise good discussion instead of having to delete it, have less clutter on the board from closed threads, and have less work for the mod team.

Good point
They do have their cesspool at GR, don't they?
Hypocrites unite!!
GR is pretty much non-existent. An angry vile post here, an angry vile post there. But it's been abandoned.
(They banned PostModernProphet for using the c-word...I think that's just hilarious because those two use it All the time around here. Two sets of rules...somethings never change...)