REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci Confesses He 'Made Up' Covid Rules Including 6 Feet Social Distancing

If you discover a new snake you should just let it bite you to find out if it’s poisonous. Go ahead. Be dumb.
When a virus is novel, meaning new, almost everything done early on will be reactive and made up.

Only stupid people do not understand this.

All the scientists and Dr can do, at first, is see how it resembles other similar looking ailments and then guess at which they think is closest and apply those remediations to this while then observing and making adjustments.

Magats think each adjustment, because it turns out that was not the correct remedy means the scientists and Dr were wrong and thus should not be trusted going forward. That is because the magats are stupid.
Just because virus is new doesn't give the governments license to attempt to vaccinate the world with an experimental vaccine using a platform that has never before been used on the masses.
You are an apologist of the worst type..... one who derides and denigrates opposing views.
QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp, you were one of the stupid people blaming Trump for how he handled the virus, Make up your mind.
Trump was letting politics drive his decision to take action or sit on his ass and hope it went away.

Fauci and the CDC scientists were using their decades of combined knowledge and experience to try to come up with a set of guidelines that would minimize the risk of a mass infection.

Trumpers are apparently too fucking stupid to understand such distinctions I guess.

Or too dishonest.
QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp, in your rage filled TDS rant, you sounded incoherent. Calm down, take a breath and you will come off as less stupid.
So, are you going to have a big party for your 15th birthday?
Ya i am not even bothering with such stupidity from you. This was a novel coronavirus and if you look at each of the different forms of coronavirus that are currently known, they have a wide and varying way they transmit and are caught and how the symptoms present and how deadly (or not) they are which means you action them differently if you have to stop spread or treat the symptoms.

None of this was known with SARS at the beginning.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp. You use the word stupid a lot. Was that something you often heard while eating meals as a youngster or from your teachers at school?

Back on topic, Fauci and the scarf lady were disasters and it was clearly Trumps' biggest mistake. Rand Paul had it correct from the get-go.
Trump was letting politics drive his decision to take action or sit on his ass and hope it went away.

Fauci and the CDC scientists were using their decades of combined knowledge and experience to try to come up with a set of guidelines that would minimize the risk of a mass infection.

Trumpers are apparently too fucking stupid to understand such distinctions I guess.

Or too dishonest.
Go get another booster. What are you on now, #6 or #7?
Trump was letting politics drive his decision to take action or sit on his ass and hope it went away.

Fauci and the CDC scientists were using their decades of combined knowledge and experience to try to come up with a set of guidelines that would minimize the risk of a mass infection.

Trumpers are apparently too fucking stupid to understand such distinctions I guess.

Or too dishonest.
1) This Plandemic and the coordinated global response was planned for years. They let it loose at an opportune time to prevent an anti-globalist from being reelected in in the USA. For globalism to take root.... the USA must be taken down.
Trump was placed between a rock and a hard place. He would be blamed for ANYTHING he did or did not do.

2) That being said, it was a perfect opportunity for the mass murderer Fauci to do what he had done before with AZT and the AIDS illness.
This time he did it with Remdesivir and mRNA and Viral Vector injections.
Trump was letting politics drive his decision to take action or sit on his ass and hope it went away.

Fauci and the CDC scientists were using their decades of combined knowledge and experience to try to come up with a set of guidelines that would minimize the risk of a mass infection.

Trumpers are apparently too fucking stupid to understand such distinctions I guess.

Or too dishonest.

Trump, just as DeSantis did, was fine with more unnecessary mass death in their constituents, as long as they thought the politics would benefit them.

They could GAF about their duty to the citizens, when their own self interest was at risk.
Ya lets cut the bullshit.

Your Führer, Trump loved and supported Fauci until the very end. In FACT on Trump's last day in office, he gave Fauci a medal for his service, as that is how much of a priority it was to Trump. He was not going to leave office and have that not completed.
Fauci is a waste of good oxygen just like you. I wonder what it will feel like for you cockroaches to lose to a "felon" if trump wins. I hope you show up the next day after the election if trump wins.
When a new virus arrives, you treat it as the other similar ones in the past. When past ones were spread in the air, a gap between people was recommended. So Fauci did the same thing with this one. It makes sense. Past pandemics were fought with mass innoculations. It worked.
Fauci is a waste of good oxygen just like you. I wonder what it will feel like for you cockroaches to lose to a "felon" if trump wins. I hope you show up the next day after the election if trump wins.

So we can watch Trump give Fauci another Medal?
I bet it will suck if, after all the time and energy you idiots wasted just so you could call him a "felon", he ends up winning.
You keep repeating your fever dream of having your Fuhrer winning. In your TDS you have gone on auto repeat with your hopes and dreams.

It is quite amusing.
When a new virus arrives, you treat it as the other similar ones in the past. When past ones were spread in the air, a gap between people was recommended. So Fauci did the same thing with this one. It makes sense. Past pandemics were fought with mass innoculations. It worked.
:rofl2: Yeahhhhh, because all that happened was "a gap between people" and "mass inoculations"..... :rofl2:

You keep repeating your fever dream of having your Fuhrer winning.

You keep repeating your fever dream of having your Fuhrer winning. In your TDS you have gone on auto repeat with your hopes and dreams.

It is quite amusing.
Yes you are amusing but at the end of the day you're a sad hopeless dope.
You aren't a public health official and you aren't responsible for this kind of thing.
Volsrock never claimed to be a health official, dumbass. Fauci was the 'public health official' and IS responsible for the damage he did to businesses. Fauci IS liable, and should be criminally charged for what he did.

It is against federal law to accept bribes from foreign governments.
It is against federal law to dictate which businesses are 'legitimate' based on 'need'.
It is against federal law to require any medical treatment or to require masks for religious purposes.
It is against federal law to pay people to falsify government records.

Fauci should also be held to civil lawsuits for the damages he caused to businesses.

Do you think maybe someone who's job it IS to think about this stuff and try to keep YOU from keeling over dead might start reaching out for whatever is in the box of possible tools?
Covid19 does not kill. The mRNA treatment for Covid does NOT prevent Covid infections. It CAUSES THEM. Masks do not prevent the transmission of any virus. Paradox V. Paradox M.
Respiratory infections are related to proximity and to covering etc.
FALSE. Covid19, like other respirator viruses is in the air everywhere and on every surface.
I don't know what the real results were but when thousands of people are dying every day and your job is to keep it from getting worse, what would YOU DO?
No one died of Covid19. Covid19 does not kill. NO variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills. It is illegal to pay people to falsify government records, which is what Fauci did.
You'd take the best shots you had.

You "monday morning armchair quarterbacks" are not trained in this stuff. You have ZERO expertise in this stuff. Yet you think the guy who was recommending injecting bleach or "getting light inside the body" is better than a trained professional who has worked on this stuff for literally decades???????

Oh this BS again. No one suggested injecting bleach. Science is not 'experts' nor 'training'. N95 masks do NOT stop any virus. You are locked in Paradox M and Paradox V. Your religion is NOT science.