Robber Takes Womans Money, Then Mutilates Her for McCain Support

You once again assume too much. Where did I say only Drudge ? All should have to spend more time on the retraction than the flawed origional story. Truth is the most important thing.
Okay. Follow closely.

We are talking about Drudge. I asked whether he (Drudge) linked to the story or wrote it. Your answer was "But does he link to the correction as prominently?"

That "he" there, since Drudge was the subject, was talking about Drudge.
Okay. Follow closely.

We are talking about Drudge. I asked whether he (Drudge) linked to the story or wrote it. Your answer was "But does he link to the correction as prominently?"

That "he" there, since Drudge was the subject, was talking about Drudge.

Ok follow more closely.

Where did I limit my method of retraction to Drudge ONLY ?

I say Dixie is a retard, but that does not make him the only retard now does it ?
Many newspapers have a policy of running a correction on the same page as the original story.
But, as he asked, are they as prominently placed? When have you seen 20 pt Script screaming about a correction at the top of the page?

Corrections are, in every paper I have personally seen (so I realize this may not be true in all cases and thus will use "usually" as a qualifier, this will be ignored by somebody, usually ib1yysguy, who will insist that I said that all newspapers hide their corrections inside their pages somewhere) usually small boxes at the bottom of a page almost nobody reads somewhere hidden inside. They seem to be created to be missed.

While a note is placed about "corrections" being available, almost nobody sees them or cares.
And Drudge has a policy of running corrections and even doubt followup stories under the original. He did it with this story too.
Cool. Good to know. I've noted also that the story wasn't a Drudge original.

I don't get what the whole "Teh Drudge is teh EEEEvills!!11!!!shiftplusone!!" was all about here. Just a snark for no reason, I guess. Somebody carrying a personal grudge of some sort.
Kudos to drudge. He made it a bit headline about her lying.

but I still think that kind of thing should be required by law.
oh look how mad they are that this won't pan out for them. wow

I'm not mad at all. Even if the story was true I don't believe it to be a reflection of all Obama supporters. There are crazies that support every political candidate especially on the federal level. That's life.
Cool. Good to know. I've noted also that the story wasn't a Drudge original.

I don't get what the whole "Teh Drudge is teh EEEEvills!!11!!!shiftplusone!!" was all about here. Just a snark for no reason, I guess. Somebody carrying a personal grudge of some sort.

Drudge is the clearinghouse for Republican horseshit. In a rational world, this would have been a local news story. Instead, because Drudge made it the headliner on his website (and he did so for a reason), it became huge news. If one were to look into it, I bet the Joe the Plumber nonsense can trace its origins back to Drudge.
Drudge is the clearinghouse for Republican horseshit. In a rational world, this would have been a local news story. Instead, because Drudge made it the headliner on his website (and he did so for a reason), it became huge news. If one were to look into it, I bet the Joe the Plumber nonsense can trace its origins back to Drudge.
It's top billing, at least 20 pt script on the top of Drudge that "SHE MADE IT UP!"...

Also, the original story was from AP.

You can't get much further from "local" than that.
It's top billing, at least 20 pt script on the top of Drudge that "SHE MADE IT UP!"...

Also, the original story was from AP.

You can't get much further from "local" than that.

Uh, that's my point. And no, the original story was not from the AP. It was from a local Pittsburgh news station.
When I clicked the link, it was Breitbart and was credited to the AP.

The original story, trumpeted by Drudge and Dano, was a local Pittsburgh news story. Check out the original link. Dano copied and pasted it from Drudge. The story is now being reported by the AP and Breibart because Drudge and people like him trumpeted the original local story.

That's my point. It's a local news story that hit the horseshit catapult that is the Drudge Report and now it is national news.
also agree.

it's just that when i first read about it i felt very upset because i despise violence against women, and because i knew this would rear the black beast/white woman stereotype.

then when i stared at the picture i started to feel sick in my stomach because i felt i was seeing something else. imagine if someone hated black people so much that they would mutilate their own face to do this.
Very Prophetic.
I read the whole thread and wonder how many actually read the whole story?
It wasn't JUST the mutilation, she was beaten too, did she fake that?
She was ALSO robbed too, did she fake that?


That's a lot of shit to fake and I am certain at a bank there ARE security cameras and it doesn't take a genius to realize that her story is going to be verified very easily. This thread makes me kinda sick with lefties automatically believing the woman to be a fraud simply because they are harmed politically, very rash too given far more than a cut happened.
Wow just reading back on all this and SHE did everything you asked. Every single thing.
No. I said (were this attack to be true) it is a fact that he does not like McCain because of something. I suggested that something. I have asked repeatedly for anyone else on here to suggest an alternate theory on why a criminal became enraged at seeing her McCain bumper sticker.

IF she did choose to make her assailant black it's IMHO more likely because 90+% of blacks vote against Repubs than because of racism, and that demographic breakdown of robberies committed includes black males in a higher percentage, thus making her story more believable. Again IF.

Obama like most Dems certainly is softer on crime, well except he wants to make those who use assault weapons criminals.
Hover over his "Issues" menu item and you will see more issues than I've seen any candidate put up there, yet crime is conspicuously absent...gee I wonder why.

And just in case there are doubts that it should be there, go here and look under "Issues":
Somehow I missed this particular paragraph in you pre-hoax analogy of why, instead of racism, she chose to invent a black attacker. Give it a fucking rest already. This is one of the oldest racist tricks in the book. The big strong black predator assailing the diminutive flower that is white womanhood. She even at some point threw in some sexual assault to make the guy even more heinous. This was fucking race baiting plain and simple and it would actually give you more credibility to acknowledge that point, but you refuse to acknowledge any racism that is connected, no matter how tenuously, to the Republican party.