Rogan's Mouth Still Costing Spotify.


Althea told me...........
Graham Nash removed his content from Spotify today, along with India Arie. The latter doing so over Rogan's comments about what 'real' black people are, and aren't.

Whereas this is just the start of a movement that won't end anytime soon, especially given Rogan's claim today about Ivermectin having been proven effective against Omicron in phase 3 clinical trials, ( a lie that the stoner misquoted from an article citing the opposite) this action is one of the more interesting:

[h=1]Award-winning Spotify science podcast drops regular show to focus on countering misinformation spread by Joe Rogan and others on Spotify[/h]

Now THAT'S a kick in the dick.
good, joe rogan's a world class asshole anyway

I'm a big MMA fan, tired of listening to him ruin fights with his ridiculous commentary. His boss Dana White is MAGAhead btw, a lot in common with Joe
good, joe rogan's a world class asshole anyway

I'm a big MMA fan, tired of listening to him ruin fights with his ridiculous commentary. His boss Dana White is MAGAhead btw, a lot in common with Joe
Same. Saw UFC 1 years ago. Lamented when it became illegal in my state, and then was thrilled to see it back on Spike T.V..

I've never cared much for Dana, especially lately. He trained millionaires in a boxing gym, and just happened to hit the jackpot when the Fertittas started training with him. The UFC was all but dead when the Ultimate Fighter broke and Griffin/Bonnar beat the living crap out of each other in the finale.

I always liked Rogan/Goldberg the best. Today's lineups are still high quality, but I've seen Rogan do commentary on a big fight now and then when I wasn't sure if he was watching the same fight I was? Dana shafted Goldberg, as did Bellator. I feel sorry for the guy.

Rogan is a little too full of himself. $100 million will do that. Look what it also did to Dana.

I still enjoy his commentating during the big fights, but I won't miss him when he's gone.
Same. Saw UFC 1 years ago. Lamented when it became illegal in my state, and then was thrilled to see it back on Spike T.V..

I've never cared much for Dana, especially lately. He trained millionaires in a boxing gym, and just happened to hit the jackpot when the Fertittas started training with him. The UFC was all but dead when the Ultimate Fighter broke and Griffin/Bonnar beat the living crap out of each other in the finale.

I always liked Rogan/Goldberg the best. Today's lineups are still high quality, but I've seen Rogan do commentary on a big fight now and then when I wasn't sure if he was watching the same fight I was? Dana shafted Goldberg, as did Bellator. I feel sorry for the guy.

Rogan is a little too full of himself. $100 million will do that. Look what it also did to Dana.

I still enjoy his commentating during the big fights, but I won't miss him when he's gone.

I have not heard anyone I trust tell me that he is any different after the deal, in fact what I hear is the opposite.

Graham Nash removed his content from Spotify today, along with India Arie. The latter doing so over Rogan's comments about what 'real' black people are, and aren't.

Whereas this is just the start of a movement that won't end anytime soon, especially given Rogan's claim today about Ivermectin having been proven effective against Omicron in phase 3 clinical trials, ( a lie that the stoner misquoted from an article citing the opposite) this action is one of the more interesting:

Now THAT'S a kick in the dick.

no it isn't.

Joe is untouchable.

His viewership dwarfs all mainstream media....combined.
no it isn't.

Joe is untouchable.

His viewership dwarfs all mainstream media....combined.

I think it was Eric Weinstein I saw say that Tucker is as well....If he left FOXNEWS he would have almost the same reach....and they are standing my him.
But the bottom line is that the reason the left seeks to censor Rogan is not that they are concerned people will be misinformed in a way that impacts their health. If this were the case, they would simply refute the arguments put forth on his show. They would publish reports and op-eds proving them wrong. Instead of defeating the ideas, they seek to shut them down completely.

Perhaps it is because no matter how much they dismiss these views, they seem to have too much truth to them. In other words, they prefer to cancel Rogan because they cannot compete with the arguments expressed on his show. This isn’t only true of COVID-related conversations – it includes any discussion that goes against the tenets of wokeism. Unfortunately for them, Rogan is here to stay.
I actually think the left is wrong about Rogan. He does put his foot in his mouth from time to time, but - unlike the Hannity's of the world - he's pretty forthright about what he knows & doesn't know.

I don't consider him to be a Trumper or even a Republican. He seems like one of the few genuinely independent voices we have out there. His popularity doesn't bother me, unlike that of many other pundits & podcasters.
Graham Nash removed his content from Spotify today, along with India Arie. The latter doing so over Rogan's comments about what 'real' black people are, and aren't.

Whereas this is just the start of a movement that won't end anytime soon, especially given Rogan's claim today about Ivermectin having been proven effective against Omicron in phase 3 clinical trials, ( a lie that the stoner misquoted from an article citing the opposite) this action is one of the more interesting:

Now THAT'S a kick in the dick.

I have a better kick in the dic... er, idea. Why not just put Rogan in an unpaid-time-out and let the stuff die down?
India Arie to Pull Music From Spotify Due to Joe Rogan’s Comments on Race

India Arie is the latest musician to announce plans to remove their catalog from Spotify in support of Neil Young, who took the first step in doing so after the streaming service failed to properly address streamer Joe Rogan’s spread of Covid-19 misinformation on his podcast. But for Arie, the conversation goes beyond viruses and vaccines — it’s also about race.

Last month, Rolling Stone reported that a group of 270 doctors, healthcare workers, educators, and scientists was campaigning for Spotify to publicly adopt a misinformation policy; the missive inspired Young to remove his music from the service. Young, in turn, inspired Arie. “Neil Young opened a door that I must walk through,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I believe in freedom of speech. However, I find Joe Rogan problematic for reasons other than his Covid interviews. For me, it’s also his language around race.”

Graham Nash removed his content from Spotify today, along with India Arie. The latter doing so over Rogan's comments about what 'real' black people are, and aren't.

Whereas this is just the start of a movement that won't end anytime soon, especially given Rogan's claim today about Ivermectin having been proven effective against Omicron in phase 3 clinical trials, ( a lie that the stoner misquoted from an article citing the opposite) this action is one of the more interesting:

Now THAT'S a kick in the dick.

Joe Rogan is your high school best friend's 28 year old loser brother who lives at home and really wants to talk to you about testosterone supplements and steroids.
I actually think the left is wrong about Rogan. He does put his foot in his mouth from time to time, but - unlike the Hannity's of the world - he's pretty forthright about what he knows & doesn't know.

No he isn't.

He dresses it up in "I'm just asking questions"...but the questions he's asking are ones that have already been answered...he just didn't like the answer so he keeps asking the question until he gets the answer he wants.

It's the opposite of intellectualism and modesty. It's hubris, really.
Spotify could save themselves $300M and de-platform Rogan right now.

I think they've calculated that they would lose a lot more money that way. Just give him a brief time-out, see if he shuts the fuck up about shit he knows nothing about, and then everyone is happy again.
I don't consider him to be a Trumper or even a Republican. He seems like one of the few genuinely independent voices we have out there. His popularity doesn't bother me, unlike that of many other pundits & podcasters.

He's just as bad as them because he does the same things they do...disregard answers to his questions until he gets the answer he wants, that aligns with his worldview.

He's a pretty shitty person.