Rogan's Mouth Still Costing Spotify.

I actually think the left is wrong about Rogan. He does put his foot in his mouth from time to time, but - unlike the Hannity's of the world - he's pretty forthright about what he knows & doesn't know.

I don't consider him to be a Trumper or even a Republican. He seems like one of the few genuinely independent voices we have out there. His popularity doesn't bother me, unlike that of many other pundits & podcasters.

Obviously I know who Joe Rogan is, but I'll admit I don't watch MMA nor do I listen to his podcast so I really don't know all that much about him. My perception was he's this somewhat liberal dude but was kind of a straight shooter and who would have people from all walks of life on and that was a big part of his appeal. No idea if that is accurate or not.
I think they've calculated that they would lose a lot more money that way. Just give him a brief time-out, see if he shuts the fuck up about shit he knows nothing about, and then everyone is happy again.

He won't shut up...he will dress himself up as a martyr.

He lacks impulse control, so he's only going to get worse from here.

There's literally no commercial reason for them to continue keeping him on their roster....he does not bring subscriber revenue to Spotify, and it's wicked hard to prove he does.

His sub numbers are lower than many of those true crime podcasts, which are way more popular, and fetch a way bigger audience.

Spotify is not worried about losing money, they're worried about losing Nazi listeners...and I'm not sure why because, call me old fashioned, but I always believed you shot Nazis on sight, you don't accommodate them.
no it isn't.

Joe is untouchable.

His viewership dwarfs all mainstream media....combined.

ROFLMAO. No, he doesn't.

Joe got 200 million downloads per month and averaged about 11 million per show before he went exclusively to Spotify.
It seems there is no way to know what his current numbers are since Spotify doesn't release them.

CBS Evening News on weekdays which is the 3rd place news of the big 3 networks averages 105 million viewers per month and about 5 million per show.
ABC which holds the number one spot for nightly news averages about 9 million viewers per show and 190 million per month.
NBC gets about 8 million viewers per show and about 168 million per month.
So the two worst TV nightly news shows get about 30% more viewers than Rogan. He doesn't do more than all three combined.

Since we can't currently know what Rogan's numbers are, it is possible that ABC alone is beating him if 20% of his listeners didn't follow him to Spotify.
If even half of Rogan's listeners are on Spotify simply to listen to him that is a lot of money for Spotify bringing in about $50 million per month. So Joe may be untouchable but it certainly isn't because he has more listeners than the 3 networks combined.
Obviously I know who Joe Rogan is, but I'll admit I don't watch MMA nor do I listen to his podcast so I really don't know all that much about him. My perception was he's this somewhat liberal dude but was kind of a straight shooter and who would have people from all walks of life on and that was a big part of his appeal. No idea if that is accurate or not.

So you've been conned because he's no liberal...he's Trump. He doesn't know shit, is banking on a pretty lousy career of reality TV, and is actively spreading misinformation that has gotten people killed.

So I'm wondering how you came to the perception that he's a liberal and not a raging dickhead fascist?
Neo-Nazis Mostly Thrilled Joe Rogan Called Them 'Feds'

Joe Rogan is promoting the The Patriot Front, which is a hate group formed in the wake of 2017's bloody “Unite the Right” rally.

I actually think the left is wrong about Rogan. He does put his foot in his mouth from time to time, but - unlike the Hannity's of the world - he's pretty forthright about what he knows & doesn't know.

I don't consider him to be a Trumper or even a Republican. He seems like one of the few genuinely independent voices we have out there. His popularity doesn't bother me, unlike that of many other pundits & podcasters.
I don't do podcasts. Any of them.

I agree with your general assessment of Rogan, but w/respect to Covid, he's on the wrong side of the argument. He openly admits that he smokes pot and drinks during his podcast, and should not be taken as an authority on anything.

That is indeed in direct contrast to those you mention above.

But...he promotes conspiracies, and attracts the same nutters that believe trump is POTUS.

I don't know if I've ever seen any political comments from him.
If just 20% of Rogan's listeners left Spotify it would cost them $240M per year in revenues. I think they can see a financial incentive to not de-platform him.

Well, he's already cost them $4B in just one $240M per year vs. $4B in one week.

Seems like an easy call to me.
I have a better kick in the dic... er, idea. Why not just put Rogan in an unpaid-time-out and let the stuff die down?
They won't do that. What they claim they're going to do, is start using disclaimers. They have yet to tell anyone what that will look like. Being a stoner, Rogan is pretty passive. I think we'll see conflicting views on his show in the future w/respect to Covid.
Joe Rogan is your high school best friend's 28 year old loser brother who lives at home and really wants to talk to you about testosterone supplements and steroids.
His head HAS grown quite a bit over the years.
India Arie is the latest musician to announce plans to remove their catalog from Spotify in support of Neil Young, who took the first step in doing so after the streaming service failed to properly address streamer Joe Rogan’s spread of Covid-19 misinformation on his podcast. But for Arie, the conversation goes beyond viruses and vaccines — it’s also about race.

Last month, Rolling Stone reported that a group of 270 doctors, healthcare workers, educators, and scientists was campaigning for Spotify to publicly adopt a misinformation policy; the missive inspired Young to remove his music from the service. Young, in turn, inspired Arie. “Neil Young opened a door that I must walk through,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I believe in freedom of speech. However, I find Joe Rogan problematic for reasons other than his Covid interviews. For me, it’s also his language around race.”

Yes. Referenced in the OP. The only 'real' black people are from the deepest darkest parts of Africa, and wear no clothes.

Just ask Rogan.
No he isn't.

He dresses it up in "I'm just asking questions"...but the questions he's asking are ones that have already been answered...he just didn't like the answer so he keeps asking the question until he gets the answer he wants.

It's the opposite of intellectualism and modesty. It's hubris, really.
Yes. Devil's advocate. It sells.

But he DID shove horse wormer into his body, so there is that.
I think they've calculated that they would lose a lot more money that way. Just give him a brief time-out, see if he shuts the fuck up about shit he knows nothing about, and then everyone is happy again.
He came under fire immediately when he said that 22 year olds who are otherwise healthy, don't need the vaccine.

Then he admitted to being an idiot who knows nothing.

So he continued to have conspiracy nutters on the show to do his bidding.
ROFLMAO. No, he doesn't.

Joe got 200 million downloads per month and averaged about 11 million per show before he went exclusively to Spotify.
It seems there is no way to know what his current numbers are since Spotify doesn't release them.

CBS Evening News on weekdays which is the 3rd place news of the big 3 networks averages 105 million viewers per month and about 5 million per show.
ABC which holds the number one spot for nightly news averages about 9 million viewers per show and 190 million per month.
NBC gets about 8 million viewers per show and about 168 million per month.
So the two worst TV nightly news shows get about 30% more viewers than Rogan. He doesn't do more than all three combined.

Since we can't currently know what Rogan's numbers are, it is possible that ABC alone is beating him if 20% of his listeners didn't follow him to Spotify.
If even half of Rogan's listeners are on Spotify simply to listen to him that is a lot of money for Spotify bringing in about $50 million per month. So Joe may be untouchable but it certainly isn't because he has more listeners than the 3 networks combined.

he does.
[FONT=&]India Arie is the latest musician to announce plans to remove their catalog from Spotify in support of Neil Young, who took the first step in doing so after the streaming service failed to properly address streamer Joe Rogan’s spread of Covid-19 misinformation on his podcast. But for Arie, the conversation goes beyond viruses and vaccines — it’s also about race.

[FONT=&]Last month, Rolling Stone reported that a group of 270 doctors, healthcare workers, educators, and scientists was campaigning for Spotify to publicly adopt a misinformation policy; the missive inspired Young to remove his music from the service. Young, in turn, inspired Arie. “Neil Young opened a door that I must walk through,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I believe in freedom of speech. However, I find Joe Rogan problematic for reasons other than his Covid interviews. For me, it’s also his language around race.”


Bye Felicias! :laugh: