Roll Call...New Member On The Floor

I have no argument with anything you said.

I do get tired of hearing "Mexico will pay for it" That was pure campaign rhetoric don't forget Trump seems like he has never left the campaign trail. So I take that with a grain of salt.

I understand, Grumpy.

What I am attempting to get through to you is: You should take the rest of the promise...the part about building a be pure campaign rhetoric also.

That is what it was. Take the whole thing with a shaker full of salt.

It was like, "A chicken in every pot...and two cars in every garage."

If Herbert Hoover had a government shut-down and demanded the chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage before would you have felt?
Perhaps it was rein in.


OOPs I am one of the 38% who used the wrong form of rein. You got me. 100 lashes with a wet noodle. And my spell check missed it also.


I made an OOPs shoot me!

Allow me one then, Grump.

Every once in a while I compose a response...and then hit "Go Advanced" to read it over...and then forget to hit the POST button.

I thought that is what I had done when I read your second post.

Mea Culpa.
Tell me fuck head how do you rain in someone?

I don't but given your probs with spelling and grammar you would use that word because you're stupid. What you meant to use was 'rein' like you use on a horse's ass like yourself. You said 'reign' like when the queen puts reins on you and rides your pussywhipped ass in the rain.
Hello TOP,

It has been there the entire time. You have to look for it.

I find it helps to filter out the trolls.


Maybe you didn't notice but you just addressed one of the chief trolls around here. Other than myself of course. Hahahaha.
I don't but given your probs with spelling and grammar you would use that word because you're stupid. What you meant to use was 'rein' like you use on a horse's ass like yourself. You said 'reign' like when the queen puts reins on you and rides your pussywhipped ass in the rain.

Well Clearly you have been going through life being pissed on and thought it was raining. You can go feed your birds now.
Well Clearly you have been going through life being pissed on and thought it was raining. You can go feed your birds now.

Birds? I heard you were senile, looks true. You sure hate being showed you are wrong.... hahahahaha! Go feed your bats now. The ones in your belfry!