Roll Call...New Member On The Floor

Well you should be in hog heaven today Trump caved at least for three weeks. He now is at the mercy of Pelosi's extortion, by giving in and getting nothing in return she can now pull the strings. But at least people will be getting paid. And hopefully this insanity is at an end.

There is no extortion coming from Pelosi.

They are going to "negotiate" border security.

The better negotiator will get more of what she wants...than the person with whom she is negotiating.

We'll see what happens.

I do agree with you on one thing, though. I hope this insanity is at an end.
Well you should be in hog heaven today Trump caved at least for three weeks. He now is at the mercy of Pelosi's extortion, by giving in and getting nothing in return she can now pull the strings. But at least people will be getting paid. And hopefully this insanity is at an end.

I doubt it, alas. Not paying vast sums for pointless nonsense is hardly 'extortion', surely? Won't we just have a nonsensical 'emergency' with court cases that will, with luck, stretch out to the next presidential election?
I doubt it, alas. Not paying vast sums for pointless nonsense is hardly 'extortion', surely? Won't we just have a nonsensical 'emergency' with court cases that will, with luck, stretch out to the next presidential election?

Longer than that even. There are still lawsuits pending over eminent domain issues for existing parts of the wall that have been tied up in the courts for years. This article is nearly two years old:
There is no extortion coming from Pelosi.

They are going to "negotiate" border security.

The better negotiator will get more of what she wants...than the person with whom she is negotiating.

We'll see what happens.

I do agree with you on one thing, though. I hope this insanity is at an end.

There is no extortion coming from Pelosi.

Give me a fucking break. Pelosi used this shutdown exactly like Trump did. You whine Trump was using extortion I say they both were. Pelosi could just as easily give a down payment on border security to end the shutdown weeks ago. Funny how you were agreeing with me then all of a sudden it was back to evil Trump and Saint Pelosi. We know you are a liberal and the only truth is what you think.

They are going to "negotiate" border security.

Gee where have I heard that before? Oh yea "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986" we sure haven't accomplished much in 33 years.

The better negotiator will get more of what she wants...than the person with whom she is negotiating.

Negotiation is give and take to reach an agreement. There was no give on either side so there was no negotiation!
Well you should be in hog heaven today Trump caved at least for three weeks. He now is at the mercy of Pelosi's extortion, by giving in and getting nothing in return she can now pull the strings. But at least people will be getting paid. And hopefully this insanity is at an end.

the democratic held house exists because the people voted them in to stop you assholes

They are doing what they were hired by the people to do idiot

its what the founders planned huh
The republican party hates democracy

its why the claim America is not a democracy

Its why they REFUSE to say Democratic party

That is the name of the party

They LIE every time they say Democrat party

that is a fucking lie

The name of the Party Is Democratic party

how do you compromise with an asshole liar that refuses to even call you by your real name

time to start calling the republican party the Republic party or the Publican party

I have never understood why our corporate media just lets them insult us all and says nothing about their constant insult of over half of the American voters
Between Fox and Toadstool, they'll come up with some excuse for why he caved and got nothing, and the Trumpanzee morons will slurp it right up and vomit it back. You can see that going on right now on this thread.

Instead of this just being a lesson Donald had to learn......Donald has an easy way out of this!

He could stand up right now, and have a press conference, and turn this whole thing around by publicly announcing, "I made a decision to turn the lights back on, as I made a terrible mistake by turning them off because of comments made by Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh! Well Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter don't run this presidency- I do- and their comments will have no more influence on my decisions in the future".

This demonstrates stength- not weakness!

And this would be a lesson for Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump!

Donald Trump just needs to standup to his own! Otherwise he just ends up being Annie Coulter's and Rush Limbaugh's fallguy!
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Give me a fucking break. Pelosi used this shutdown exactly like Trump did. You whine Trump was using extortion I say they both were. Pelosi could just as easily give a down payment on border security to end the shutdown weeks ago. Funny how you were agreeing with me then all of a sudden it was back to evil Trump and Saint Pelosi. We know you are a liberal and the only truth is what you think.

Jesus H. Christ...take it easy. Yer gonna blow a gasket.

Trump extorted Pelosi...unsuccessfully. She IS NOT USING EXTORTION on Trump. She asked that the government be re-opened. She did not ask for anything in return. He WAS trying to get something in return for re-opening the government.

I am NOT a liberal...and I do not think Pelosi is Saint Pelosi. She just is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better negotiator than Donald Trump.

Gee where have I heard that before? Oh yea "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986" we sure haven't accomplished much in 33 years.

They are going to negotiate border security. If you don't get what you want...get a better negotiator. YOUR side has had almost total control of government for the last two years. Why the hell do you not have what you want?

Negotiation is give and take to reach an agreement. There was no give on either side so there was no negotiation!

I think there was.

The side I favor won that negotiation.

I think that is what is bothering you.
Instead of this just being a lesson Donald had to learn......Donald has an easy way out of this!

He could stand up right now, and have a press conference, and turn this whole thing around by publicly announcing, "I made a decision to turn the lights back on, as I made a terrible mistake by turning them off because of comments made by Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh! Well Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter don't run this presidency- I do- and their comments will have no more influence on my decisions in the future".

This demonstrates stength- not weakness!

And this would be a lesson for Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump!

Donald Trump just needs to standup to his own! Otherwise he just ends up being Annie Coulter's and Rush Limbaugh's fallguy!

Wish I could thank you several times for this one, AT.

I doubt Trump will do that...because he HAS NO CLASS...and class is required for that kind of move.
Instead of this just being a lesson Donald had to learn......Donald has an easy way out of this!

He could stand up right now, and have a press conference, and turn this whole thing around by publicly announcing, "I made a decision to turn the lights back on, as I made a terrible mistake by turning them off because of comments made by Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh! Well Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter don't run this presidency- I do- and their comments will have no more influence on my decisions in the future".

This demonstrates stength- not weakness!

And this would be a lesson for Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump!

Donald Trump just needs to standup to his own! Otherwise he just ends up being Annie Coulter's and Rush Limbaugh's fallguy!

the right NEVER admits a mistake

it makes them horribly weak

they think it shows strength

weak people dont understand what strong is
Jesus H. Christ...take it easy. Yer gonna blow a gasket.

Trump extorted Pelosi...unsuccessfully. She IS NOT USING EXTORTION on Trump. She asked that the government be re-opened. She did not ask for anything in return. He WAS trying to get something in return for re-opening the government.

I am NOT a liberal...and I do not think Pelosi is Saint Pelosi. She just is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better negotiator than Donald Trump.

They are going to negotiate border security. If you don't get what you want...get a better negotiator. YOUR side has had almost total control of government for the last two years. Why the hell do you not have what you want?

I think there was.

The side I favor won that negotiation.

I think that is what is bothering you.

They are going to negotiate border security. If you don't get what you want...get a better negotiator.

Just who is this they? Are you suggesting the same people have been negotiating border security for over 30 years? The only difference now is two mega egoist are butting heads to see who will be the Alpha dog. Before 2016 it was strictly a political issue. But now this is no longer about Trump wanting a wall but about Nanny Pelosi flexing her muscles to show what a bad ass she is. You can try to rationalize this all you want the plain fact is it's all about ego.

The side I favor won that negotiation.

I think that is what is bothering you.

You couldn't be more wrong! I have made it clear about my feelings of both players. I don't give a fat rats ass who wins I only care about this Great Nation. You clearly cannot get past the politics and look at things from a non political position.

I firmly believe we need a fence in certain areas but not the entire border. Many areas have natural obstacles to crossing so no fence needed.

So my overall reaction to your post is.

Just who is this they? Are you suggesting the same people have been negotiating border security for over 30 years? The only difference now is two mega egoist are butting heads to see who will be the Alpha dog. Before 2016 it was strictly a political issue. But now this is no longer about Trump wanting a wall but about Nanny Pelosi flexing her muscles to show what a bad ass she is. You can try to rationalize this all you want the plain fact is it's all about ego.

You couldn't be more wrong! I have made it clear about my feelings of both players. I don't give a fat rats ass who wins I only care about this Great Nation. You clearly cannot get past the politics and look at things from a non political position.

I firmly believe we need a fence in certain areas but not the entire border. Many areas have natural obstacles to crossing so no fence needed.

So my overall reaction to your post is.


Democrats were elected to rain in Trump.
Give me a fucking break. Pelosi used this shutdown exactly like Trump did. You whine Trump was using extortion I say they both were. Pelosi could just as easily give a down payment on border security to end the shutdown weeks ago. Funny how you were agreeing with me then all of a sudden it was back to evil Trump and Saint Pelosi. We know you are a liberal and the only truth is what you think.

Gee where have I heard that before? Oh yea "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986" we sure haven't accomplished much in 33 years.

Negotiation is give and take to reach an agreement. There was no give on either side so there was no negotiation!

Nancy did the right thing by saying no.

No House of Representatives is going to allow a president to shut the Government down for a policy issue!

And, I'll tell you why they don't. For the number one reason is that it would set a very bad precedent.

Because every president following and including this president, would deliberately use that tactic every year come budget time just to get his/her way about something.

Sorry, but you have to nip that one in the Bud!

Thanks Nancy- I can tell you actually took part in raising children before!
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Just who is this they? Are you suggesting the same people have been negotiating border security for over 30 years? The only difference now is two mega egoist are butting heads to see who will be the Alpha dog. Before 2016 it was strictly a political issue. But now this is no longer about Trump wanting a wall but about Nanny Pelosi flexing her muscles to show what a bad ass she is. You can try to rationalize this all you want the plain fact is it's all about ego.

Trump made it about THE WALL...with that smug bullshit he fed his moronic supporters.

HIS ego is the problem.

If he wants money spent on a wall...the law says he goes through the House.


You couldn't be more wrong! I have made it clear about my feelings of both players. I don't give a fat rats ass who wins I only care about this Great Nation. You clearly cannot get past the politics and look at things from a non political position.

I'm looking at it from a Constitutional perspective.

Funding for anything starts in the House...even a wall that Mexico is going to pay for.

If Trump wants the wall...and has decided he no longer wants Mexico to pay for it...he can ask Nancy Pelosi to pay for it using taxpayer money.

Should be interesting.

I firmly believe we need a fence in certain areas but not the entire border. Many areas have natural obstacles to crossing so no fence needed.

Sounds reasonable to me, Grumpy. So...I've mentioned how I think we should go about it. How about you?
Nancy did the right thing by saying no.

No House of Representatives is going to allow a president to shut the Government down for a policy issue!

And, I'll tell you why they don't. For the number one reason is that it would set a very bad precedent.

Because every president following and including this president, would deliberately use that tactic every year come budget time just to get his/her way about something.

Sorry, but you have to nip that one in the Bud!

Thanks Nancy- I can tell you actually took part in raising children before!

Nancy did the right thing by saying no.

No House of Representatives is going to allow a president to shut the Government down for a policy issue!

I don't see it as a policy issue in fact the current wall is part of the "Secure Fence Act of 2006" that Bush signed into law.

And congress has been giving presidents what they want for decades to prevent shutdowns. Most presidents just don't take a hard line like Trump did. Sorry sport but I disagree this was all about the ego's of two people.
Trump made it about THE WALL...with that smug bullshit he fed his moronic supporters.

HIS ego is the problem.

If he wants money spent on a wall...the law says he goes through the House.


I'm looking at it from a Constitutional perspective.

Funding for anything starts in the House...even a wall that Mexico is going to pay for.

If Trump wants the wall...and has decided he no longer wants Mexico to pay for it...he can ask Nancy Pelosi to pay for it using taxpayer money.

Should be interesting.

Sounds reasonable to me, Grumpy. So...I've mentioned how I think we should go about it. How about you?

I have no argument with anything you said.

I do get tired of hearing "Mexico will pay for it" That was pure campaign rhetoric don't forget Trump seems like he has never left the campaign trail. So I take that with a grain of salt.
I don't see it as a policy issue in fact the current wall is part of the "Secure Fence Act of 2006" that Bush signed into law.

And congress has been giving presidents what they want for decades to prevent shutdowns. Most presidents just don't take a hard line like Trump did. Sorry sport but I disagree this was all about the ego's of two people.

What happened to the 1.6 billion dollars given the president for his wall in last years budget?

Word has it that that money was never spent and still just sitting there.