Roll Call...New Member On The Floor

Here is the post to which I refer:

'Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post


why didn't you republicans GIVE HIM THE WALL when you held all the powers?'

Why don't you answer the question?

we just spent a week hearing that the proposal needed needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass ....when did we have 60 votes in the last two years?......
There are no political wins in shutdowns. Donnie should have never refused to sign the Bills that the Legislative Branch handed him with unanimous support. So he made a mistake, and he temporarily resolved it with the temporary bill to get the government back up for the next 3 weeks.

Look, this president has to learn that he can't shut the government down for policy reasons. If presidential threats to shut down the government were successful, we would never get another Bill signed, and we would be in s shutdown mode every year, until the president gets what he wants. So it sets a bad precedent, that would surely rear it's ugly head again and again.

Also this president needs to STFU and stop threatening to shut the government down by saying, "I will take the mantle for it". Because, the people are justifiably going to hold him accountable for that.

So, this puts the president and Nanci Pelosi back to ground zero. And let me tell you, Donald Trump better take a play out of Bill Clinton's Administration and realize he needs to actually negotiate with the House Speaker. Even though Newt Gingrich impeached Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was able to form a bond with Newt to get some very well-needed legislation passed and they worked together, negotiated, made some standup sacrifices and compromises that brought successes for both. Miracles do happen!

So, if Donald wants something from Nancy, he better forget "The Art Of his Deals" and learn the "Art of Being the President"!
we just spent a week hearing that the proposal needed needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass ....when did we have 60 votes in the last two years?......

and you have less now because the people voted to remove some of your assholes who tried to make them pay for the wall

what kind of a pack of idiots would think they could get it now?
There are no political wins in shutdowns. Donnie should have never refused to sign the Bills that the Legislative Branch handed him with unanimous support. So he made a mistake, and he temporarily resolved it with the temporary bill to get the government back up for the next 3 weeks.

Look, this president has to learn that he can't shut the government down for policy reasons. If presidential threats to shut down the government were successful, we would never get another Bill signed, and we would be in s shutdown mode every year, until the president gets what he wants. So it sets a bad precedent, that would surely rear it's ugly head again and again.

Also this president needs to STFU and stop threatening to shut the government down by saying, "I will take the mantle for it". Because, the people are justifiably going to hold him accountable for that.

So, this puts the president and Nanci Pelosi back to ground zero. And let me tell you, Donald Trump better take a play out of Bill Clinton's Administration and realize he needs to actually negotiate with the House Speaker. Even though Newt Gingrich impeached Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was able to form a bond with Newt to get some very well-needed legislation passed and they worked together, negotiated, made some standup sacrifices and compromises that brought successes for both. Miracles do happen!

So, id Donald wants something from Nancy, he better forget "The Art Of his Deals" and learn the "Art of Being the President"!

Nancy and Chuck just taught him that
There are no political wins in shutdowns. Donnie should have never refused to sign the Bills that the Legislative Branch handed him with unanimous support. So he made a mistake, and he temporarily resolved it with the temporary bill to get the government back up for the next 3 weeks.

Look, this president has to learn that he can't shut the government down for policy reasons. If presidential threats to shut down the government were successful, we would never get another Bill signed, and we would be in s shutdown mode every year, until the president gets what he wants. So it sets a bad precedent, that would surely rear it's ugly head again and again.

Also this president needs to STFU and stop threatening to shut the government down by saying, "I will take the mantle for it". Because, the people are justifiably going to hold him accountable for that.

So, this puts the president and Nanci Pelosi back to ground zero. And let me tell you, Donald Trump better take a play out of Bill Clinton's Administration and realize he needs to actually negotiate with the House Speaker. Even though Newt Gingrich impeached Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was able to form a bond with Newt to get some very well-needed legislation passed and they worked together, negotiated, made some standup sacrifices and compromises that brought successes for both. Miracles do happen!

So, if Donald wants something from Nancy, he better forget "The Art Of his Deals" and learn the "Art of Being the President"!

well newt was fucking his crazy eyed aid while Bill was fingering his aid

they had some things in common
Here is the post to which I refer:

'Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

um IDIOT why
'didn't you republicans GIVE HIM THE WALL when you held all the powers?[/B]'*‘Æ*‘æ‘

Why don't you answer the question?
Why would I respond to an "idiot ?".... :chesh:
and you have less now because the people voted to remove some of your assholes who tried to make them pay for the wall

what kind of a pack of idiots would think they could get it now?

I hate to burst your bubble, Desh, but we added seats in the senate........wait, that's not true.......I actually enjoyed bursting your bubble....
I hate to burst your bubble, Desh, but we added seats in the senate........wait, that's not true.......I actually enjoyed bursting your bubble....

then get your orange idiot his mexico derived money for his fucking wall without the Democratic party support

we voted for our members to STOP you assholes NOT help you

Elections have consequences

why didn't you republicans GIVE HIM THE WALL when you held all the powers?

Don't ask Toxic to discuss politics; it's too hard. She's only here for attention whoring and has you and Frank as her johns in this thread. lol

You're right -- if the "national emergency" is so emergent, why the hell didn't Toadstool get his GreatWallofEgo when he owned both houses? Because he knew that even with majorities, they weren't going to fund it. So now 3 weeks will go by w/o progress. He'll declare a national emergency, and there will be years and years of court cases and lawsuits -- and no wall.
I suppose the idea is that we should discuss issues here.

We must be a Gay Site! Because everyone does not agree- We are all suddenly Gay!

You have Legion out here calling everyone Gay who don't agree with his Bullshit!

Fuck, I haven't seen behavior like that since I was in about the 9th grade! LOL!
Nancy and Chuck just taught him that

Something Mitch should have been explaining to daddy Trump all along!

Mitch just took the lazy approach, "Well this president is going to learn sooner or later- one way or the other about government shutdowns"!

And who knows if daddy Trump actually learned anything here? Donnie is a little slow!
I don't blame you. It would show just how absurd and "asinine" your claim that Pelosi and Schumer should offer Trump some concessions on his extortion...are.

My "tirade" is aimed at the fact that he is president of the United States...the face of our nation on the world's stage. Anyone who is not disgusted with that is an ignoramus.

As Donald Trump, the human, if I found him in distress, I would do everything possible to comfort I would do for any other human. I do not "hate" people. Sorry that you do.

Well you should be in hog heaven today Trump caved at least for three weeks. He now is at the mercy of Pelosi's extortion, by giving in and getting nothing in return she can now pull the strings. But at least people will be getting paid. And hopefully this insanity is at an end.
Something Mitch should have been explaining to daddy Trump all along!
Mitch just took the lazy approach, "Well this president is going to learn sooner or later- one way or the other about government shutdowns"!
And who knows if daddy Trump actually learned anything here? Donnie is a little slow!

Between Fox and Toadstool, they'll come up with some excuse for why he caved and got nothing, and the Trumpanzee morons will slurp it right up and vomit it back. You can see that going on right now on this thread.