Romney's "Christian" America

Why do we have to talk about religion all the time when this is a politics forum? Can't you separate religion and politics or is it all the same thing to you?
This is for Haiku:

From the Augsberg Confession:

there is one Divine Essence which is called and which is God: eternal, without body, without parts, of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness, the Maker and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible; and 3] yet there are three Persons, of the same essence and power, who also are coeternal, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And the term "person" 4] they use as the Fathers have used it, to signify, not a part or quality in another, but that which subsists of itself.

Zombie Jesus, his father and ghost are of no interest to me in a politics forum. Why should I care and where is the argument? You make one up just to give yourself something to pontificate about. Your Bushie "bring on the libruls" routine is a yawn. You, sir, are the Black Knight...

Really? So Hamas is fighting in the name of Mohammed, is that what you're saying? The jews are fighting for their religion I suppose? I don't get it...what does Jesus have to do with it?

I know you don't get it. Come back when you do or ask an adult to explain it to ya.

Let's be clear. What if RazorX came on here posting about how black people were bad using examples of bad things some black people have done? Would you think, like I do, that he is a bigot?

Now what makes you think that posting that Christians are bad because one person who claims that title has done something bad is different? I'll give you a hint. It fits the example above of bigotry.

That you would try to cloak it in morality doesn't change that it is bigotry, plain and simple. What you find disgusting in others seems to be displayed here. Should we add hypocrisy to this?
I know you don't get it. Come back when you do or ask an adult to explain it to ya.

Did you read the OP? You're all over the place. You want to fight someone and are disappointed no one is to be you I guess. Maybe someone in your family will oblige you thursday eh?

Happy Holidays!

Maybe the problem is that you're 'in the eternal mist' or something.
Did you read the OP? You're all over the place. You want to fight someone and are disappointed no one is to be you I guess. Maybe someone in your family will oblige you thursday eh?

Happy Holidays!

Maybe the problem is that you're 'in the eternal mist' or something.

"sucks to be you".......

Just goes to show anyone can get on the internet and post on a political forum. You don't really have to know anything about anything other than saying juvenile crap like ......"sucks to be you". Ignorant miscreant.
"sucks to be you".......

Just goes to show anyone can get on the internet and post on a political forum. You don't really have to know anything about anything other than saying juvenile crap like ......"sucks to be you". Ignorant miscreant.

She and Dude; same boat.
Another perfect example of how little conservatives care about the less fortunate...

Fox News host mocks food stamps: ‘Do you know how fabulous I’d look? I’d be so skinny’

Fox News host Andrea Tantaros on Wednesday seemed to be mocking the millions of hungry Americans who are forced to used food stamps when she suggested that the program would make for a great diet plan.

During a Thanksgiving-eve segment on Fox Business, host Stuart Varney noted that Newark Mayor Cory Booker had accepted a challenge to live on food stamps for a week.

“Could you like on 133 bucks a month for food?” Varney asked Tantaros, who co-hosts Fox News’ The Five.

“I should try it because, do you know how fabulous I’d look?” she replied. “I mean, the camera adds ten pounds. It really does. I would be looking great.”

According to the USDA, 50.1 million Americans lived with food insecurity in 2011. Over 57 percent of those households participated in federal food assistance programs.

Raw Story (
Mormonism has their Book of Mormon along with the Bible. Christianity only has one book, the Bible.

So Mormonism and Christianity are nothing alike...except they both consider the Bible their Holy Book.

Both religions worship the Holy Trinity...

Both religions believe in the 10 Commandments...

And Noah..

And the Last Supper...

And the Crucifixion of Jesus...

Golly, you are right...they are nothing alike.
What's any of it to do with Romney?
It's obamas Christian America, or is it 4 more years of division he wants?