Ron Paul Concerns

Well he seems to be the only one doing the name calling around here. Asshat did call me a skank in my intro thread but he later apologized at least and sticks to calling me ignorant which really isn't a name.

Yeah, ahz does that alot. Calls names then apologizes. You'll see. c***, slas*, etc come to mind. Then there is, "Poses as conservative, but really a liberal." Do not mention 'nationalism' it leads to the name calling. Trust me. :D
What are you talking about? My name isn't Darla. I wouldn't tell you my real name if my life depended on it. You can't even get my screen name right and it's in your damn face. How pathetic.

Metro guys...give it a rest already...darla/cippie/southern comfort! I thought I wason IA another lie eh'? Just lioke all the invites!:cof1:
I don't post here that much, I've been called some names. I think it goes with messageboards, especially when one is in the minority?

Everyone gets their ideology or intelligence insulted from time to time.

Insults directed towards somone's race or gender are unneccessary.
Ah of course. Well so far I haven't seen him call me a name again or at least that I have remembered or noticed. So far it's just BB calling me a bimbo. So old. At least he just sticks to "ignorant" which as I said isn't really a name.

Yeah, ahz does that alot. Calls names then apologizes. You'll see. c***, slas*, etc come to mind. Then there is, "Poses as conservative, but really a liberal." Do not mention 'nationalism' it leads to the name calling. Trust me. :D
Say what....!

Yeah, ahz does that alot. Calls names then apologizes. You'll see. c***, slas*, etc come to mind. Then there is, "Poses as conservative, but really a liberal." Do not mention 'nationalism' it leads to the name calling. Trust me. :D

did I ever or asshat for that matter call Ms.Kathianne a bimbo...never I like your spunk and ya do do the homework...before ya reply...unlike the southern comfort girl...aka darla/cippie/Southern Belle or whatever when she is bored or lost for words!
Just goes to show that you have no idea in hell what you're talking about. You're the one who calls me southern comfort. I've never called myself that hun. I think you need to go over and join the Alex Jones group. You're a consperiacy theorist it seems. Go look at my intro thread hun.

did I ever or asshat for that matter call Ms.Kathianne a bimbo...never I like your spunk and ya do do the homework...before ya reply...unlike the southern comfort girl...aka darla/cippie/Southern Belle or whatever when she is bored or lost for words!
You don't think c**** or slas* are gender based?

Yes they are, and when your buddies from the other board showed up, they were calling women here c*nts.

The only time I ever saw you called that name, it wasn't by a liberal. And I stood up for you.
Really...I thought your name was bimbo.........

What are you talking about? My name isn't Darla. I wouldn't tell you my real name if my life depended on it. You can't even get my screen name right and it's in your damn face. How pathetic.

my bad...however ya are a clone of darla and cippie...the comebacks are identical...po little me I am being attacked because I am gay...or a woman or whatever...get a clue already...your responses are the boring ones in need of the word bimbo!
Just a play on words.........

Just goes to show that you have no idea in hell what you're talking about. You're the one who calls me southern comfort. I've never called myself that hun. I think you need to go over and join the Alex Jones group. You're a consperiacy theorist it seems. Go look at my intro thread hun.

Over your little head once again...then maybe it's true...are you drunk?( a fav liberal dnc response...stolen for the moment):cof1:
Yes they are, and when your buddies from the other board showed up, they were calling women here c*nts.

The only time I ever saw you called that name, it wasn't by a liberal. And I stood up for you.

I believe you and have seen nothing different from you. I was specifically referring to AHZ that has a long lasting 'nationalistic' problem with me from another board.

With the dust up with Desh, which we have *ahem* both put behind us, he really went to town on several boards. He said, "sorry" and 'let's make nice. I said, 'Ok,' but not going there again. He's still trying to drag the nationalism deal over here. Not going to happen.
You're pathetic. I'm not crying or anything dumbass. I'm saying how pathetic it is you only have one name to call a female and that's bimbo. You claim to be so intelligent yet you only seem tohave one name to call females you disagree with and/or don't like. I just think it's pathetic. I haven't been crying at all. See there you go again with the bimbo talk. Is that all you have? Gee and yet I'm supposed to be the stupid one according to you....

my bad...however ya are a clone of darla and cippie...the comebacks are identical...po little me I am being attacked because I am gay...or a woman or whatever...get a clue already...your responses are the boring ones in need of the word bimbo!
I believe you and have seen nothing different from you. I was specifically referring to AHZ that has a long lasting 'nationalistic' problem with me from another board.

With the dust up with Desh, which we have *ahem* both put behind us, he really went to town on several boards. He said, "sorry" and 'let's make nice. I said, 'Ok,' but not going there again. He's still trying to drag the nationalism deal over here. Not going to happen.

The nationalistic problem isn't mine. It's yours. In your warped view the only people who deserve a national government which protects their interests are jews.