Ron Paul says Rush's apology was about $

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No, it's none of your business what I do here, but I abide by all regulations and don't have a problem with them either. So the taxpayers as a group tell me what to do, which is what happened with the birth control mandate which over 60% of americans support. When you get over 60% of americans who want to know what I do here, let me know.

So the majority gets to decide what EVERY plan covers? Why? Why should each business/organization decide what is best for its own employees? YOU DO. But that is ok, because your business is your business and you just want to tell other businesses what to do.

My posts from yesterday and today, and in fact, from friday as well, have all addressed all of your stupid questions, oh and they are stupid, at length.

No Darla, they do not. Which is why I continue to ask them. Yet you continue to refuse to either answer them or simply point to the posts where you 'addressed them at length'. Why can't you do that Darla? Surely if you answered them and I missed them you will be able to point it out for me.... right?

Prostitutes? You sound like Rush Limbaugh now. That's perfect. I knew if you went on long enough you'd reveal the ugly underbelly here. That was quick.

Thank you for once again proving you can't comprehend a thing you read. You continue to simply attack me.

I used prostitutes as an example of something that you would obviously find objectionable. What if some yahoo came up with a bill that said 'sex reduces stress, therefore we should have health care cover paying for sex'. You (and most women) would obviously object to being forced to pay for something you find morally reprehensible or include it in your health plan.

But you don't care about that... you just want to lash out by proclaiming what I stated is the same as Rush. One of us did indeed show an ugly underbelly. It just wasn't me.
Boy, you know you have beaten the colorado boys on points when they start wanking like they just made wanking an Olympic event.

LMAO... you really are showing your desperation. You repeatedly refuse to address any questions, you in fact run from them. You constantly attack US rather than addressing the point. You continually create straw man after straw man... in order to project your hatred and sexist views on to us.
Well, you are the only one who sees it that way.

He compared supplying birth control pills to supplying prostitutes, it is a Limbaughesque quote. You are the one trying hard not to see the likeness.

Gawd, people who give themselves pats on the back and claim victory for themselves are irritating to me.

LMAO... says one of the two women proclaiming that they have won victory?

Seriously, the two of you are being quite obtuse. My comment was nothing like Rush's. YOU are the one seeing what it is you want, rather than looking at was really there. You jumped to conclusions and now are too embarrassed to back down from your comments.
LMAO... you really are showing your desperation. You repeatedly refuse to address any questions, you in fact run from them. You constantly attack US rather than addressing the point. You continually create straw man after straw man... in order to project your hatred and sexist views on to us.
Well if you want Obama re-elected and Democrats in control of both houses you and Damo keep going along this line of thought as about 75% or more of the women out there don't agree with you. If you guys keep thumping your chests about "religious freedom" you'd better be prepared for the consequences. Cause you're in a serious minority.
They do not argue that being gay itself is a sin. Your argument has no merit.

Yeah, you aren't sinful if you're gay, just if you have gay sex. What a joke. So, it is not therefore a sin to be a pedophile only if you have sex witha child is it a sin.

How stupid is that, to me, really stupid, same with the phrase, love the sinner, hate the sin. Who do you think you are fooling?
Because she knows they are better than sheep.
She eats those too but yes....she definatetly prefers goats. One of her all time favorite things to eat. You should try her goat Kare-Kare. Will knock your socks off. Oh!....That's're a vegetarian. Sorry.
LMAO... says one of the two women proclaiming that they have won victory?

Seriously, the two of you are being quite obtuse. My comment was nothing like Rush's. YOU are the one seeing what it is you want, rather than looking at was really there. You jumped to conclusions and now are too embarrassed to back down from your comments.

Nope, sorry, not embarrassed at all, but you should be.
LMAO... you really are showing your desperation. You repeatedly refuse to address any questions, you in fact run from them. You constantly attack US rather than addressing the point. You continually create straw man after straw man... in order to project your hatred and sexist views on to us.

LMAO... you really are showing your desperation. You repeatedly refuse to address any questions, you in fact run from them. You constantly attack US rather than addressing the point. You continually create straw man after straw man... in order to project your hatred and sexist views on to us.

I've written pages and pages of posts on this and have answered every possible question, not once, but dozens of times as you morons refuse to abide facts. It took me three days of constant posts before the last one of you finally stopped writing "they want taxpayers to pay for their birth control". I mean that alone was a big battle.

Page after page.

IN fact, your post is pure projection SF.
Another very "manly" statement by SF.

Sex relieves stress for men because they don't have to worry about getting pregnant!
My guess is that the opposite is true. That sex stresses him out cause he has to worry about getting any! Oh.....sorry....forgot....lots of sheep in Colorado.
I've written pages and pages of posts on this and have answered every possible question, not once, but dozens of times as you morons refuse to abide facts. It took me three days of constant posts before the last one of you finally stopped writing "they want taxpayers to pay for their birth control". I mean that alone was a big battle.

Page after page.

IN fact, your post is pure projection SF.
Rome wasn't built in a day Darla.
Well if that is the case, then surely you can point to the posts where you answered those questions. You simply attack me, proclaim I am arrogant for asking these questions... yet it is YOU who could care less what I have to say because you are convinced this is 'menz attacking women'.

I care that the religious organizations WERE NOT all exempt from the start. You keep making up my position, yet YOU are not paying attention to what it is that I am ACTUALLY saying. You just make stupid proclamations like the above and pretend they are true.

LMAO... you yell and scream and consistently provide these ad hom attacks and then state something as profoundly ignorant as the above?

I actually do. You want to lash out at the church, which is why you keep throwing out the pedophile references as if they have ANY bearing on this. They do not.

LMAO... and you say I am the one with the anger issues. Funny how you continue to attack me for being a man.

Again, another attack on me. Stating that the religious organizations, including the hospitals etc... should have the right to not include birth control is not sexist darla. It doesn't attack anyone based on gender, no matter how often you stomp your feet or shout or yell that it does. It is a RELIGIOUS organization exercising its rights. Something that YOU will not tolerate.

Your constant attempts to proclaim me as sexist shows just how pathetically weak your argument is.

Nope, that's not what you first said. You first said:

"LMAO... so tell us Darla, if the Churches were 'always exempt' and the religious hospitals were 'always exempt'... then do tell us what it was the religious organizations were upset about???

Please, explain it to us helmet wearing retards... what were they upset about?"

Clearly questioning my assertation that the churches were always exempt (and inventing the second claim out of whole cloth). Not just questioning it - finding my claim absurd. But of course, my claim was factual. Because I am very well versed in the facts of this matter.

As for what I will and won't tolerate in religious organizations, maybe you still don't understand:

A compromise was reached based on the Hawaii solution, which mandates insurance companies covering religious organizations have to provide birth control coverage without raising premiums, but that the organizations themselves do not have to contribute.

So I have no idea what you are yelling and screaming over, nor do I care.
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So the majority gets to decide what EVERY plan covers? Why? Why should each business/organization decide what is best for its own employees? YOU DO. But that is ok, because your business is your business and you just want to tell other businesses what to do.


Yes. Mandating insurance coverage of preventative health care is not new, in fact many states have already mandated birth control coverage. The only new thing here is the right wing freaking out over basic preventative health care and deciding to make contraception an issue in the 2012 election. Let me know how that works out for you.