Running the government "like a corporation"

Yes our govt has been run like several of or corporations. Ford Motor company comes to mind. Or Bear Stearns.
Yes our govt has been run like several of or corporations. Ford Motor company comes to mind. Or Bear Stearns.

From what I've heard, Bush has run it like most of the business ventures he was in charge of during his "youthful indiscretion" years (until he turned 40)...
From what I've heard, Bush has run it like most of the business ventures he was in charge of during his "youthful indiscretion" years (until he turned 40)...

Yep and several of us made that point to deaf partisan ears in 2000 and 2004.
I actually like the plan proposed by Walter E. Williams, who thinks we should run the government like a corporation. Votes would be based on taxes paid, like shareholders in a company. The more tax you pay, the more votes you have, just as the more stock you have in a company, the more votes you have in the board room.

Yeah, I know you pinheads will be in love with this idea, but hey... it works for the corporate world. It's how every successful business in America is operated. There is no reason to believe it wouldn't work just as well for the federal government.
"I actually like the plan proposed by Walter E. Williams, who thinks we should run the government like a corporation. Votes would be based on taxes paid, like shareholders in a company. The more tax you pay, the more votes you have, just as the more stock you have in a company, the more votes you have in the board room. "

That's insane.

I never figured you to be so anti-American. Guess you've never read any of what the nation's founders wrote about just this kind of aristocracy. They'd cringe to read the paragraph above.
I actually like the plan proposed by Walter E. Williams, who thinks we should run the government like a corporation. Votes would be based on taxes paid, like shareholders in a company. The more tax you pay, the more votes you have, just as the more stock you have in a company, the more votes you have in the board room.

Yeah, I know you pinheads will be in love with this idea, but hey... it works for the corporate world. It's how every successful business in America is operated. There is no reason to believe it wouldn't work just as well for the federal government.

Even I have to LOL at that
"I actually like the plan proposed by Walter E. Williams, who thinks we should run the government like a corporation. Votes would be based on taxes paid, like shareholders in a company. The more tax you pay, the more votes you have, just as the more stock you have in a company, the more votes you have in the board room. "

That's insane.

I never figured you to be so anti-American. Guess you've never read any of what the nation's founders wrote about just this kind of aristocracy. They'd cringe to read the paragraph above.

Hey, the subject of the thread is "Running the Government Like a Corporation" so what is so insane about this idea? Isn't that how General Motors does it? Microsoft? Disney? Do these corporations just let anyone have a say in what their corporation does, or is it not the people who have money invested in the corporation itself? How far do you think any of them would get, if they disbanded their board of directors and allowed the general public to dictate their corporate policy?
Corps are supposed to make what the public wants. O so sorry ford you screwed the pooch. Public wanted economical efficient cars and the bosses said build guzzlers ?

Public/consumers do dictate corporate policy or at least they do in successful businesses.
Take toyota and Honda for instance....

remember now what consumers buy is 2/3 of our economy.

I buy what I want , not what they want to sell me. both as an individual and as a business owner.

My business is rocking right now. 100k cost in parts last month. Not counting parts mark up and labor.
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Corps are supposed to make what the public wants. O so sorry ford you screwed the pooch. Public wanted economical efficient cars and the bosses said build guzzlers ?

Public/consumers do dictate corporate policy or at least they do in successful businesses.
Take toyota and Honda for instance....

remember now what consumers buy is 2/3 of our economy.

I buy what I want , not what they want to sell me. both as an individual and as a business owner.

My business is rocking right now. 100k cost in parts last month. Not counting parts mark up and labor.

Yes, consumers have a "say" in business to a degree. The business is usually in tune with what its customer wants, but the customer has absolutely no say in the running of the corporation or what they decide to do or not to do. That is left to the people who's money is invested in the corporation, the stockholders. Your business is "rocking" but what if we allowed Cypress and Waterhead to make your business decisions? Would you do as well?

Williams point, and mine, is this country isn't run like a corporation. Those who contribute absolutely nothing, are the ones who seem to have the loudest voices. While those who contribute the most are constantly hooted down, chastised for making profits, and punished for success.
I actually like the plan proposed by Walter E. Williams, who thinks we should run the government like a corporation. Votes would be based on taxes paid, like shareholders in a company. The more tax you pay, the more votes you have, just as the more stock you have in a company, the more votes you have in the board room.

Yeah, I know you pinheads will be in love with this idea, but hey... it works for the corporate world. It's how every successful business in America is operated. There is no reason to believe it wouldn't work just as well for the federal government.

And I assume you'd get no votes under this plan?
Hey, the subject of the thread is "Running the Government Like a Corporation" so what is so insane about this idea? Isn't that how General Motors does it? Microsoft? Disney? Do these corporations just let anyone have a say in what their corporation does, or is it not the people who have money invested in the corporation itself? How far do you think any of them would get, if they disbanded their board of directors and allowed the general public to dictate their corporate policy?

The government isn't supposed to act like a corporation. It has entirely different goals. What you'd be doing is merely ensuring a situation in which 99% of us become slaves.
Williams point, and mine, is this country isn't run like a corporation. Those who contribute absolutely nothing, are the ones who seem to have the loudest voices.

Like you?

Who do you think contributes more to the economy, Dix? You or William Buffet?

And which one is the one that thinks its unfair for him to pay a lower percentage tax rate than his secretary who makes several billion a year less than him?
The reality is that the only people dumb enough to be arguing for a flat tax or abolishing welfare these days are lower and middle class moron men who aren't smart enough to make a buck and are being taken advantage of by right wing populists. Everyone else, even the rich, seem to have sense.
The reality is that the only people dumb enough to be arguing for a flat tax or abolishing welfare these days are lower and middle class moron men who aren't smart enough to make a buck and are being taken advantage of by right wing populists. Everyone else, even the rich, seem to have sense.

My argument isn't for a "flat tax" or "fair tax" is to allow the people who pay tax to have a political voice equivalent to the amount they paid in. Why shouldn't those who paid the money have a greater say than those who didn't? Why shouldn't those who paid the most, have the greatest amount of power and influence? Why should people who didn't pay a thing, have any say at all? I think it's the root of all our financial problems as a nation, we simply DON'T run America like ANY corporation, and it would be insane to run a corporation the way we run America!
Like you?

Who do you think contributes more to the economy, Dix? You or William Buffet?

And which one is the one that thinks its unfair for him to pay a lower percentage tax rate than his secretary who makes several billion a year less than him?

Well, under my plan, Mr. Buffet would have more votes than me as he would pay more tax than me. Lucky for you, he is a bleeding heart liberal, and would be more compelled to squander tax dollars on liberal social entitlements. That would be the beauty of the system, those who's money is going to pay for all of this shit you want, would have a voice and say in the matter.