Running the government "like a corporation"

"Why shouldn't those who paid the money have a greater say than those who didn't? Why shouldn't those who paid the most, have the greatest amount of power and influence? "

Because we had a revolution to separate ourselves from a country that had essentially this philosophy.

Like I said, the founders would cringe. Aren't you one of the crew that is always barking & yapping about patriotism? What you're espousing here is antithesis to the principles that serve as our foundation.

Frankly, it's hard to believe you're serious.
"Why shouldn't those who paid the money have a greater say than those who didn't? Why shouldn't those who paid the most, have the greatest amount of power and influence? "

Because we had a revolution to separate ourselves from a country that had essentially this philosophy.

Like I said, the founders would cringe. Aren't you one of the crew that is always barking & yapping about patriotism? What you're espousing here is antithesis to the principles that serve as our foundation.

Frankly, it's hard to believe you're serious.

No, actually we had a Revolution to free ourselves from a central government who was taxing us to death.

I don't think the Founders would cringe at all, seeing how they never originally intended to allow our government to tax incomes in the first place. I can actually see some forward-thinker like Ben Franklin, embracing my idea and making a good argument for it. As I pointed out, this is precisely how any successful corporation is operated, the people who have the most invested, have the most say in what the company does. If it works for a corporation, why wouldn't it work for a country?
American Fascism at its finest.

LOL... No, Fascism would be not allowing any votes and government just takes what it wants. My system would be very democratic. I would even say, if you paid anything in taxes, you would get a minimum of one vote. The point is, those who are contributing the money, should have the most say in how it is spent. That is how corporations work, the people who have the most invested are the people who call the shots, those who have nothing invested, are not allowed to dictate policy to the board of directors.

If this country were operated on that principle, we wouldn't be trillions in debt, we would be making tremendous profits. It is precisely because, the people who are making the decisions on the spending of the money, are not the ones who have paid the money in. If it were THEIR money, the policies would be quite different.
My argument isn't for a "flat tax" or "fair tax" is to allow the people who pay tax to have a political voice equivalent to the amount they paid in. Why shouldn't those who paid the money have a greater say than those who didn't? Why shouldn't those who paid the most, have the greatest amount of power and influence? Why should people who didn't pay a thing, have any say at all? I think it's the root of all our financial problems as a nation, we simply DON'T run America like ANY corporation, and it would be insane to run a corporation the way we run America!

Why shouldn't everyone be equal? Asking stupid questions without answers doesn't establish your point anly better.
No, actually we had a Revolution to free ourselves from a central government who was taxing us to death. ?

We had it for freedom, the stupid tax act was an annoyance at best. Don't trivialize my nation, fucker.

I don't think the Founders would cringe at all, seeing how they never originally intended to allow our government to tax incomes in the first place. I can actually see some forward-thinker like Ben Franklin, embracing my idea and making a good argument for it. As I pointed out, this is precisely how any successful corporation is operated, the people who have the most invested, have the most say in what the company does. If it works for a corporation, why wouldn't it work for a country

If it works for a corporation, why WOULD it work for a country? What a dumbass argument. You are truly the scum of the human race.
LOL... No, Fascism would be not allowing any votes and government just takes what it wants. My system would be very democratic. I would even say, if you paid anything in taxes, you would get a minimum of one vote. The point is, those who are contributing the money, should have the most say in how it is spent. That is how corporations work, the people who have the most invested are the people who call the shots, those who have nothing invested, are not allowed to dictate policy to the board of directors. .

One man, one vote. Fair government. Not "I make a lot of money so I should be able to tell people whether or not they can have an abortion". Anti-American fucker. Go to Saudi Arabia and renounce your citizenship.

If this country were operated on that principle, we wouldn't be trillions in debt,

And why would that be? You just make random claims and provide no justification for them.

we would be making tremendous profits.

The government is not supposed to make profits, you unamerican scum.

It is precisely because, the people who are making the decisions on the spending of the money, are not the ones who have paid the money in. If it were THEIR money, the policies would be quite different

It is their money, you unamerican fucker. If the founders had wished to make Americans into slaves like you, they would've put it in the constitution. Instead, the specifically made a house representative of the people, and one of the states, not two of the rich.
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I know I am on your block list and you probably won't see it, but I had to respond....

One man, one vote. Fair government. Not "I make a lot of money so I should be able to tell people whether or not they can have an abortion". Anti-American fucker. Go to Saudi Arabia and renounce your citizenship.

No, you missed the point, it has nothing to do with how much money you have, it would be how much taxes you paid. Very wealthy people who didn't make incomes and didn't pay tax, wouldn't have a vote.

And why would that be? You just make random claims and provide no justification for them.

Do I really have to justify that corporations are run by this very principle? Stockholders call the shots, ALL the shots. The bigger the stockholder, the more influence they have in calling the shots. This is how a corporation is operated, and there is no reason to assume a nation couldn't operate in the same manner.

The government is not supposed to make profits, you unamerican scum.

LOL... yeah, when you run them like we run ours, there is no way for them to make a profit. But you are incorrect, governments can make profit and run in the black. What's "unamerican" about not wanting to see my country bankrupted? Because if they "aren't supposed to make a profit" that is eventually what will happen to them financially, it can't be avoided.

It is their money, you unamerican fucker. If the founders had wished to make Americans into slaves like you, they would've put it in the constitution. Instead, the specifically made a house representative of the people, and one of the states, not two of the rich.

Stop hurling insults at me and make a goddamn point! If Founders wished to make a fucking Federal Income Tax, they would have put THAT in the fucking Constitution too!
the only thing thats going to die a slow and painful death is your right wing, corporatist Republican, ideology.

Reagan is dead. His policies may live on, but we're in the process of doing something about that as well.

oh by the way, go fuck yourself
If we changed the formula from one person one vote to one dollar one vote, it still would in no way mean they wouldn't be spending others money. The money would still come from a collective stack. Naturally, we all wish to regulate this collective stack as much as possible, but all Dixie's plan would do would be to abolish welfare and make the poor and middle class slaves to the rich. Suddenly the rich, 1% of whom would control 50% of the vote, would decide whether or not we went to war, who could get an abortion, whether or not gay marriage would be legal.

Dixie is an utter retard and I can't believe I'm spending time defeating this argument.
My goodness, I didn't expect liberal pinheads to embrace my idea, but I had no idea of the amount of hate and vitriol they would hurl at me with no basis. I have been called unpatriotic and un-American and there is nothing unpatriotic or un-American about my idea. In fact, it is rooted firmly in the principles of free capitalism and fairness. It is no more "un-Constitutional" than Federal Income Taxation.

Running the government "like a corporation" IS the title of the thread! Do corporations allow people who have no investment in the company to make corporate decisions and set corporate policy? No, although they will listen to their customers and consumers, they have a board of directors who control stock in the company, and they are the ones who set policy and make corporate decisions. Not only that, but the stockholders who own the most stock, have the most votes.

Now the beauty of my idea is, you would no longer have people cheating on taxes, no more tax fraud, because everybody would want to pay in as much tax as they could, in order to have a say in government. With the assurance that the people who were paying were the ones doing the decision making, we would have no problem generating tax revenues. But the most significant aspect would be the efficiency of government, we would have very little wasted spending. People just tend to waste it less if it is their own money, as opposed to someone elses. We wouldn't see our government making stupid decisions of how to spend the tax revenues, because it would be their constituents money, not some 'rich person' they demonized. Special Interest would no longer have a voice, unless they had some mighty deep pockets. But, Hey... if they want to pay for their pet project, why not? It would be their money, not mine.

Yes, we would have a much better government if we ran it like a corporation. Unfortunately, pinheads won't ever allow this, they will fight tooth-and-nail against any such an idea, because it would mean the end of their free ride. An end to the Endless Pile of Money they believe is in Washington D.C. for the taking. An end to this false outrage over the national debt when a Republican is president, because they see a political opportunity. It would end the class warfare they have propagated the past 30 years or more, and their little Robin Hood Syndrome regarding taxation of the wealthy to give to the poor.

Pinheads will say... Oh, but what about the little guy who has nothing and can't pay tax.... we must give him a voice! But as an earlier pinhead proved by tossing out ****** Buffet's name, there are plenty of wealthy liberal elites. I can think of several more... George Soros, John Heinz-Kerry, The Kennedy's... So, there would be plenty of benevolence toward the poor little guy who had nothing, I am sure! But back to the original assertion, why exactly would someone who didn't contribute, be entitled to a voice? When you take your family out to dinner, and some stranger follows you in and sits at your table, do you give him the menu and let him order? Does he deserve to? This is the fundamental reason we are trillions in debt, the people who are doing the dinner ordering, aren't the ones who are going to pick up the check and leave the tip.
My goodness, I didn't expect liberal pinheads to embrace my idea, but I had no idea of the amount of hate and vitriol they would hurl at me with no basis. I have been called unpatriotic and un-American and there is nothing unpatriotic or un-American about my idea. In fact, it is rooted firmly in the principles of free capitalism and fairness. It is no more "un-Constitutional" than Federal Income Taxation

It is unconstitutional in the way that it is not one man one vote. Also, the federal income tax is in the constitution. You should check up on it sometime, somewhere under "amendment no. 16".
Not even someone who would benefit from the one dollar one vote scheme would ever have the absolute like of dignity to suggest that they should be benefitted by it. Only redneck trailor trash like Dixie who listens to too much Limbaugh is going to do that shit.
Not even someone who would benefit from the one dollar one vote scheme would ever have the absolute like of dignity to suggest that they should be benefitted by it. Only redneck trailor trash like Dixie who listens to too much Limbaugh is going to do that shit.

You strike me as the type who would have no problem following me and my family into the restaurant, sitting down and picking up a menu, and announcing... "what we havin' tonight folks?" ...Wouldn't bother you in the least, would it? I mean, you would feel like you were entitled to this because you are YOU! Right?

Admit that you are opposed to this idea because it would render your little dog and pony show obsolete. It would be the end of your little special interest gravy train, where you get to dictate to others how to spend THEIR money! It's real easy for you now, you just sit here and bitch and moan about the lack of healthcare, and lobby for us to pay for another trillion-dollar entitlement with someone elses money. And some hack politician is going to do it because he wants to be elected, and what the fuck, it's not HIS money! Your pathetic socialism is the problem this country has had for the past 60 years, and it is the reason we find ourselves in record debt as a nation now. The system is run, not like a corporation, but like a fucking carnival sideshow. Step right up and Tax The Rich! ...Take a Shot at a NEOCON! Hit 3 Republicans in a row and win a Prize! Young lady, if I guess your weight can I have your vote? Our politicians are running around the country burning up more fuel than all the SUV's in the world combined, feeding your spoiled-brat generation of misfits what they want to hear, which is... take from the rich and give to the poor! Never mind we are trillions in debt already, with no way to keep our current entitlements solvent! Let's add another enormous and massive government program on to things, because WE WANT IT, and RICH PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH!

That's why you oppose my idea, because it would make government administration exactly like a corporation, and your little carnival show would be over for good. Our nation would prosper beyond belief, and it would effectively END all the bullshit issues and rhetoric from extremist nobodies like yourself.
some edited out for clarity.

Williams point, and mine, is this country isn't run like a corporation. Those who contribute absolutely nothing, are the ones who seem to have the loudest voices. While those who contribute the most are constantly hooted down, chastised for making profits, and punished for success.

Ohh you mean like CEO's that get all the bucks vs the workers that actually make the stuff the company sells ? wind up taking benefit and wage concessions while CEO Pay rises to obscene levels ?
You strike me as the type who would have no problem following me and my family into the restaurant, sitting down and picking up a menu, and announcing... "what we havin' tonight folks?" ...Wouldn't bother you in the least, would it? I mean, you would feel like you were entitled to this because you are YOU! Right?

Yeah. That has nothing to do with abolishing democracy and giving the richest 1% a majority of the vote.

You are a fucking joke. You're strawman is the dumbest one you've ever constructed.
Your pathetic socialism is the problem this country has had for the past 60 years, and it is the reason we find ourselves in record debt as a nation now.
The reason we find ourself in debt as a nation now is because of massive conservative tax cuts to the rich. It's only grown massively since conservatives took absolute control over our government in the 80's, before that, the debt was relatively stable.