Running the government "like a corporation"

There were a lot of things the founders were dumbasses about, the limitation on franchise just one. But not even they wanted to switch the system to one dollar one vote.

I honestly believe our country would be better if we limited suffrage to those who own property. It's essentially the same theory as requiring a basic intelligence test for voting.

But it would never happen so I don't waste time talking about it. The cat's out of the bag already and no one would voluntarily relinquish their voting rights once they are given.
The Republic will come to an end when the rich realize that they can use their money to buy themselves power.

Hey dumbass, the rich already buy themselves power!

Look, this thread was started by a pissant liberal who posted a smart-ass retort about the latest budget figures, which are once again in the red... go fuckin' figure that? I don't understand how that can be, except for the mindset you revealed earlier that governments aren't supposed to make profits... well, it looks like our government is doing a splendid job of that.

Anyway, the smart ass made the thread title: "Running the government like a corporation." As if this is supposed to throw something in conservatives faces, but the fact is, we don't run government like a corporation, if we did, we wouldn't be trillions in debt, we'd be making huge corporate profits. Because people with money are generally very good with money! Again... Go figure?

So my idea is really simple, let the people who obviously know about money, be the ones to determine how to spend the money! You can do this by basing votes on taxes paid. There is nothing unfair about that, it is absolutely as fair as it can be! You keep saying "one man, one vote" but we don't have that now, if we did, Gore would have been elected in 2000 and Hillary would be the Democrat nominee for president.
I honestly believe our country would be better if we limited suffrage to those who own property. It's essentially the same theory as requiring a basic intelligence test for voting.

But it would never happen so I don't waste time talking about it. The cat's out of the bag already and no one would voluntarily relinquish their voting rights once they are given.

It's interesting, some on the left in California complain that too much of the voting comes from property owners (a majority of who are white) and that many lower income minorities don't get their voices heard as a result.
The mistake you fascists are making is assuming that having money or being rich makes one a good steward of others. It's just not the case.

Epicurus and dixie are both fascist retards.
I honestly believe our country would be better if we limited suffrage to those who own property. It's essentially the same theory as requiring a basic intelligence test for voting.

But it would never happen so I don't waste time talking about it. The cat's out of the bag already and no one would voluntarily relinquish their voting rights once they are given.

I would agree with an intelligence test, but then no Republicans would be able to vote. Rich Republicans are trust fund babies like you, rich Democrats earned it.
It's interesting, some on the left in California complain that too much of the voting comes from property owners (a majority of who are white) and that many lower income minorities don't get their voices heard as a result.

Once you get past the knee-jerk reaction of opposing it, you can at least see some valid arguments for it.

I know it could ever be accepted though.
They'd be able to amend the constitution, dumbass.

Amendments to the Constitution would have to be ratified by the states, and there are a lot of blue sates who wouldn't go along with repealing the 13th Amendment. As I said, there is no 'shortage' of rich Liberal elites. They would have a strong voice in the decision making process under my plan.

Here's the thing it would stop... Spending tax money like Paris Hilton in a little dog store! Here's another thing it would stop... Smart-ass liberal punks who like to throw up the national debt when a Republican is president, because they think it gives them political leverage.
Amendments to the Constitution would have to be ratified by the states, and there are a lot of blue sates who wouldn't go along with repealing the 13th Amendment. As I said, there is no 'shortage' of rich Liberal elites. They would have a strong voice in the decision making process under my plan.

Here's the thing it would stop... Spending tax money like Paris Hilton in a little dog store! Here's another thing it would stop... Smart-ass liberal punks who like to throw up the national debt when a Republican is president, because they think it gives them political leverage.

But who will they run to when the governments fails and they want to get bailed out?
An intelligence test would make a lot more sense than a money test. There are plenty of dumb rich people who got where they were by luck or their parents.

Well either one would barr people like AHZ and Wanderingbear from voting, so either would be a step in the right direction.

I will say it's quite hard to stay rich in today's economy if you aren't at least smart enough to choose capable managers for your money.
Well either one would barr people like AHZ and Wanderingbear from voting, so either would be a step in the right direction.

I will say it's quite hard to stay rich in today's economy if you aren't at least smart enough to choose capable managers for your money.

One interesting things about universal franchise, is that as soon as it was implemented in most nations the liberals fell completely out of power and never recovered, the socialists rose to power, and the conservatives had to turn to right-wing populism and immigrant hatred to win.

Property franchise is just too dated and intelligence franchise is just too elitist. It would never be accepted.
Well either one would barr people like AHZ and Wanderingbear from voting, so either would be a step in the right direction.

I will say it's quite hard to stay rich in today's economy if you aren't at least smart enough to choose capable managers for your money.

Its funny how you talk so much smack, considering i've repeatedly humiliated you whenever you've even tried to take me on. I guess talking behind my back like a little girl is all you have left. Congratulations on your cowardice.