Running the government "like a corporation"

What does income have to do with equality when it comes to electing representatives?

It's as arbitrary as favoring those with more square footage in their house, or tall people.

You're a friggin' total moonbat; I waste way too much time on your lunacy. I think at this point, you know what I & the rest are saying, and it probably resonates somewhere in your twisted brain; on some level, you know that what you're arguing for is NOT equality.

Still, you'll respond until dawn with "one equals one! Those who pay more just get more! It's all perfectly equal! It's democratic!"

Well, here is what it has to do with "income." In America, we pay Federal Income Tax. This wasn't originally dreamed up by our Founding Fathers, and in many ways, is an affront to the very principles we declared our independence from England over. Nevertheless, we currently have a Federal Income Tax, which is a significant chunk of the money we use to pay for what the Government provides. Over the years, compassionate people have listened to the pleas for easing the tax burden on some or increasing the tax burden on others, and it has become grossly wop-sided. Currently, the wealthy pay virtually no tax, because they earn no income. People who are enterprising and happen to earn a lot of income, pay the highest rate of tax. The average American pays a low tax in comparison, and anyone below the upper middle class, pay virtually no tax, like the wealthy. However, the "power and control" or the politics of who dictates control, is equally distributed to everyone, regardless of what they paid or didn't pay.

This is unfair, just as it would be unfair for 15 people to come sit at your table and order dinner on your tab. Or allowing the crackhead on the corner to have access to your debit card. They may have just as much need or be just as hungry as you are, but that doesn't "entitle" them to take your money and do with it as they please. There is nothing "democratic" about that whatsoever.

The fundamental problem we have run into as a nation, as a government, and with regard to our national debt and financial situation in general is, more people in America don't pay taxes, than people who do. Once this imbalance is allowed to flourish and thrive, those who don't pay taxes or have any liability, have increasingly less problem demanding those who do pay taxes, to pay more! They also have no sense of restraint or control of spending, because it is not their liability or investment they are spending, it belongs to those who they are demanding the taxes from, who are in the minority now.

This simply will not continue indefinitely. It is impossible for it to do so, just as it would be impossible for you to personally remain solvent if the crackhead has your debit card and pin number. Eventually the money runs out, the enterprising people you taxed to death, give up and stop trying to earn money, and no one is left to pick up the tab, and the nation goes belly-up because of it. This day is coming, it can't be avoided, unless we drastically change our policies and way of doing business. You posted the thread about "Running Government Like a Corporation" and I thought it was a prime opportunity to present Dr. Williams idea.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary

How does your garden grow?

"I live with my brat in a high-rise flat

so how in the world would I know

Something interesting about your assertion that allotting votes by income tax paid doesn't amount to giving the wealthy more power.

Top 1 percent pay more than bottom 90 percent in income tax. Interesting. Wonder how many votes that translates to.

Then they should have 90% say in how the money they contributed is spent. If you don't want them to have that much control, get George Soros and Barbara Streisand to pony up some income taxes and gain some power back. Or maybe, instead of the mantra about "taxing the rich" you could start saying "lower the tax for the rich" and get some politicians to go along with your idea? Hell, raise the taxes on the entitlement crowd and you can have your say on government funded health care! I don't care! Because, then it's your money and your decision.
Then they should have 90% say in how the money they contributed is spent. If you don't want them to have that much control, get George Soros and Barbara Streisand to pony up some income taxes and gain some power back. Or maybe, instead of the mantra about "taxing the rich" you could start saying "lower the tax for the rich" and get some politicians to go along with your idea? Hell, raise the taxes on the entitlement crowd and you can have your say on government funded health care! I don't care! Because, then it's your money and your decision.

So you admit that we're all correct about how it gives power to the wealthy. Thanks.
i disagree with dixie's theoliges,though i do find it polictally convientent to break from the roman catholic church
Well that is out of "tax returns filed" not number of Americans. We have about 300 million Americans. So that is roughly 215 million Americans who don't pay tax, according to your numbers.

No, unfortunately for you they actually say this on the site (which you didn't bother to read or are just being dishonest about):

"roughly 121 million Americans—or 41 percent of the U.S. population—will be completely outside the federal income tax system in 2006. This total includes those who pay no tax, and those who pay some tax upfront and are later refunded the full amount of the tax paid or more."

41 percent of the US population.

You're wrong. Just admit it.
So everyone can see what a moron you are:

U.S. Total Tax Returns Filed

Number with 0 Tax Liability (pay no taxes)

Total Percentage of Non-Paying Individuals

Total Percentage of Non-Paying Individuals

By FAR, more Americans DON'T pay taxes, than DO! 85 million DO... 215 Million DON'T! What are you NOT understanding about that??? I never argued that more tax filers didn't pay tax than did, I clearly said, more AMERICANS. Stop trying to twist my comments into lies you can attack, you shithead!
No, unfortunately for you they actually say this on the site (which you didn't bother to read or are just being dishonest about):

"roughly 121 million Americans—or 41 percent of the U.S. population—will be completely outside the federal income tax system in 2006. This total includes those who pay no tax, and those who pay some tax upfront and are later refunded the full amount of the tax paid or more."

41 percent of the US population.

You're wrong. Just admit it.

Then someone's statistics are wrong. 121 million and 85 million, is less than number of Americans, according to the census. Sooooooooo.............?????
Total Percentage of Non-Paying Individuals

By FAR, more Americans DON'T pay taxes, than DO! 85 million DO... 215 Million DON'T! What are you NOT understanding about that??? I never argued that more tax filers didn't pay tax than did, I clearly said, more AMERICANS. Stop trying to twist my comments into lies you can attack, you shithead!

No, unfortunately for you they actually say this on the site (which you didn't bother to read or are just being dishonest about):

"roughly 121 million Americans—or 41 percent of the U.S. population—will be completely outside the federal income tax system in 2006. This total includes those who pay no tax, and those who pay some tax upfront and are later refunded the full amount of the tax paid or more."

41 percent of the US population.

You're wrong. Just admit it.

Clearly they say AMERICANS. ;)