To imagine an independent southeast, just picture Saudi Arabia, and replace the Muslim imagery with Christian imagery, and subtract the oil wealth.

The northeast is the economic powerhouse of the nation because of their sensible economic regulations. They have all the states with the highest GDP per capita, while the south has all the ones with the lowest. An independent southeast would be a wasteland.

But the northeast is also dependent on the rest of the nation for its energy, food, and materials for what industry is left. The biggest assets they have are banking and insurance industries. Those can be built within our own country by those operating in Atlanta.
And the northeast (the free states of America) would have free trade. They wouldn't need food from the Fascist States of America if they could just import the food from Europe and Canada. And they have the highest GDP per capita in the nation for a REASON - there powerful service sector, and their willingness to educate their children.

You can let your children become really good farmers and oil drillers all you want, it's never going to make a lot of money for anyone but the CEO.
And the northeast (the free states of America) would have free trade. They wouldn't need food from the Fascist States of America if they could just import the food from Europe and Canada. And they have the highest GDP per capita in the nation for a REASON - there powerful service sector, and their willingness to educate their children.

You can let your children become really good farmers and oil drillers all you want, it's never going to make a lot of money for anyone but the CEO.

That depends on how you set it up and how it will be done. There is more industry in the south and more of an ability to change.

We will give you a passport to go north. Just leave any money, firearms or items of value down here.
And the northeast (the free states of America) would have free trade. They wouldn't need food from the Fascist States of America if they could just import the food from Europe and Canada. And they have the highest GDP per capita in the nation for a REASON - there powerful service sector, and their willingness to educate their children.

You can let your children become really good farmers and oil drillers all you want, it's never going to make a lot of money for anyone but the CEO.

Remember that, despite climate change, the growing season in both Europe and Canada is markedly shorter than it is in the South. The Northeast also is relatively sparse in terms of arable land; it's pretty rocky in many/most places. Food could be a significant concern.
That depends on how you set it up and how it will be done. There is more industry in the south and more of an ability to change.

We will give you a passport to go north. Just leave any money, firearms or items of value down here.

I say some pretty crazy, angry stuff, whatever just comes to mind, when I drink a lot of coffee Sol.

Both the northeast and the southeast would be pretty well off. Neither would die due to lack of services or goods, because they could just trade with each other. We're both well developed areas.
No WM, the rednecks may make noise but the money listens to logic.

WE have industry, agriculture, and the oil to be frilled off the coast of FL.

No one is bringing back slavery.

I have to doubt that money listens to logic. consider the mess we are in.
My main concern would be what an independent southeast would do in terms of social issues. There are large minorities in support of ultraconservative policies in the south, and the south tends to think like a huge hive mind.
My main concern would be what an independent southeast would do in terms of social issues. There are large minorities in support of ultraconservative policies in the south, and the south tends to think like a huge hive mind.

they would rot, all the highly literate would move out of there.
I say some pretty crazy, angry stuff, whatever just comes to mind, when I drink a lot of coffee Sol.

Both the northeast and the southeast would be pretty well off. Neither would die due to lack of services or goods, because they could just trade with each other. We're both well developed areas.

Ok WM, I'll set you in charge of social development and education.
Tell you what... The Rocky Mountain states will take the plains states and TX. We'll also extend an invitation to AK.

We would have more than enough food, oil, nat gas and LAND. Not to mention the trading capabilities out of the gulf.

What exactly would the "new America" portion have to offer?
I am with you SF. Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah and Texas will have more in common with each other, Texas will give us a warm water port and we will hve more than enough land to expand into and our libertarian bend will make us the freest and least taxed of the new nations. And we have enough guns to defend our borders.
You will also be the poorest and least educated, but you'll have yer guns!
Um ok. We do have us a couple of community colleges here in the mountain west. We will try not to do anything to stoopid while all you smart edumacated guys run your worlds.
Um ok. We do have us a couple of community colleges here in the mountain west. We will try not to do anything to stoopid while all you smart edumacated guys run your worlds.

Texas is near the bottom in education in the country as it is. Imagine all you cocksuckers running your own country. You already draw more federal dollars than you contribute to stay afloat because of your bizarre and unworkable economic fantasy.
Mississippi takes twice the federal dollars it puts in.

WTF are you guys going to do to make up the difference? Free market your way into it?

That's sure done a lot of good for the starving kids in the delta you want to die.
You know, its funny that everyone seems to think that all the other sections of the country are ignorant and that theirs is the most educated society on earth.

The sad part is that there are illiterate, uneducated idiots all over this nation. And there are educated, intelligent people all over as well.
You know, its funny that everyone seems to think that all the other sections of the country are ignorant and that theirs is the most educated society on earth.

The sad part is that there are illiterate, uneducated idiots all over this nation. And there are educated, intelligent people all over as well.

Where did anyone say EVERYONE in the south is uneducated?

Just because of the FACT that there are far less educated people in the south doesn't mean they don't exist.
Mississippi takes twice the federal dollars it puts in.

WTF are you guys going to do to make up the difference? Free market your way into it?

That's sure done a lot of good for the starving kids in the delta you want to die.

Hey WM, the southeastern segment will be fine when we start our own nation.

We will have enough to keep the kids from starving until the oil starts flowing in the gulf again.

Kentucky is part of the southeast. We get the resources there.