Russian court hands Brittney Griner 9-year prison sentence

I heard on NPR a guy from the State Department said they aren’t exactly doing high fives over this.
The Russians understand how to get the better outcome out of these type of negotiations. Way better.
I heard on NPR a guy from the State Department said they aren’t exactly doing high fives over this.
The Russians understand how to get the better outcome out of these type of negotiations. Way better.

Indeed, an America hating, perverted, drug abusing basketball player for “The Merchant of Death.”

Another of Blundering Biden’s policy failures.
Indeed, an America hating, perverted, drug abusing basketball player for “The Merchant of Death.”

Another of Blundering Biden’s policy failures.

In his defense , Russia had so much more leverage there wasn’t much choice.
Bout had six more years left on his sentence.
Whelan and the freak both had/have far more. Russia was perfectly content to wait out Bout’s sentence while Whelan and the freak would still be rotting in some gulag after Bout finished his.
We literally had zero negotiating position.
We’ll have to give up quite a lot to get Whelan out. Like lift sanctions. Not looking good for Paul.
I heard on NPR a guy from the State Department said they aren’t exactly doing high fives over this.
The Russians understand how to get the better outcome out of these type of negotiations. Way better.

If Putin was not giving him up, how would anyone force him to? Sorry, that makes no sense. I read Putin said" do it now, one on one, or nothing happens."What could a negotiator do about that?
If Putin was not giving him up, how would anyone force him to?
Giving who up?
Sorry, that makes no sense.
No comprendo.
I read Putin said" do it now, one on one, or nothing happens."What could a negotiator do about that?
Nothing. Like I said , we had no, zero , leverage. We had to take the deal.
Personally, if I were king, I'd get all American out of Russia and take a few strategic Russians here in america as hostage as a negotiating tool. I know that's not who we are, but that's who I am. If they want to play dirty so can I.
LOL. Good thing you're not a king.

Think about it. We could easily find a Russian , preferable two, where we could trump up charges and hold a sham trial. Then give them exactly a sentence corresponding to the remaining time on Whelan's. Then we'd have leverage.