Russian court hands Brittney Griner 9-year prison sentence

This Britney Griner episode has been a test of patriotism and morality, and jpp conservatives failed on both counts.

Sorry to disappoint you conservatives, but she is not going to rot in a Russian penal colony for nine years. Despite your fervent prayers that she would. There is a pretty going chance Biden is going to be successful getting her and Paul Whelan released.

She probably neill come back and hate America more than before and leftist cunts will be thrilled.
You and your twumptard hand-wringers are the biggest drama queens:

"Oh! Look how our speech is being attacked! Twump can't instigate riots on Twitter anymore and I can't say, "nigger".

"Look how I'm being attacked! All I said was, all blacks should go back to their shithole countries".

You don't even see how clueless you are about yourself, Mary.

Id bet more mortgage money you know more about what trump is doing than I do. You pieces of filth are scared to death of him
So let me get this straight, she refused to be on the court during the National Anthem, then she went even further and say that it shouldn't be played before any Games. Then she stupidly tried to carry illegal drugs into a hostile Country, gets caught pleads guilty and locked up. Then she wants the Country that she apparently has absolutely no respect for to come to her rescue?

I take weed with me everywhere I go, domestically. TSA could give a rat's ass. They're looking for bombs. They even let you bring lighters in your carry-ons now, as long as they're not the torch kind.

Lastly, don't talk about "stupid". You're soaking in stupidity.

Come to the State of Florida and let me know what's up when you're coming. I'll be sure and have any LEOs around ready to take you to the FL.
Poor gal. It must be like a voyage to Lilliput.

Or a Russian gulag with a bunch of Russian dykes and that's really what it is.

She'll come out turned out by Russian dykes, or get her ass beat to the point of crippling. That's what I see in this situation.

Russia wants to trade her for some POS murderer or something. I'd say no deal.

I have a friend that did 9 years for dope because somebody snitched on him. He made it. She can too; If she's as badass as my friend is, and I most highly doubt that. She's a fuckin' worm bitch. She's gonna fold like motherfuckin' origami. Them Russian bitches will turn her ass out.

That's the difference between where you are and where I'm from. We have our own set of rules and way of doing things.

I'm not just talking about FL, I'm talking about my neighborhood, the people I grew up with. We don't play that shit.

If I could get the Feds accountable to the law for locking up a friend of mine for 35 years for something that's trivial; I would. That was certainly not justice done.
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You and your twumptard hand-wringers are the biggest drama queens:

"Oh! Look how our speech is being attacked! Twump can't instigate riots on Twitter anymore and I can't say, "nigger".

"Look how I'm being attacked! All I said was, all blacks should go back to their shithole countries".

You don't even see how clueless you are about yourself, Mary.

STFU you white nigger faggot.

(with rotten cumbreath POS)

If ever there was a nigger in this world, you're worse.

I'll educate you on something: For a long time now, over a century, blacks and whites in America have called the pieces of shit of society (black or white, but mostly black; But not 100%) "niggers". You deserve that

moniker. You're a nigger.
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STFU you white nigger faggot.

(with rotten cumbreath POS)

If ever there was a nigger in this world, you're worse.

I'll educate you on something: For a long time now, over a century, blacks and whites in America have called the pieces of shit of society (black or white) "niggers". You deserve that


How can you not be embarassed by yourself? I'm truly perplexed. I've seen ass-holery displayed but you lower it to where the Hubble couldn't find it.
How can you not be embarassed by yourself? I'm truly perplexed. I've seen ass-holery displayed but you lower it to where the Hubble couldn't find it.

Nigger sez wut?! Your diatribe is irrelevant, brah. It's obvious you're a POS.

You ain't gettin' no love from anybody worth a fuck anywhere, anytime. Fuck You.
So let me get this straight, she refused to be on the court during the National Anthem, then she went even further and say that it shouldn't be played before any Games. Then she stupidly tried to carry illegal drugs into a hostile Country, gets caught pleads guilty and locked up. Then she wants the Country that she apparently has absolutely no respect for to come to her rescue?


Yep, that's about the size of it.
So the Brit maggot thinks that she deserves jailing for having excellent musical taste .

Ya deaf wee numpty.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
Russia has always been a sewer.

I can understand Cypress defending his ethnicity--a person is going to do that--but this is a people who have never in their history been able to put together a democracy.
This reveals a genetic flaw in any ethnicity. There's no other possibility.

Perhaps the very BEST of Russian history was the relatively short-lived Soviet Union. At least they fought the NAZIs with us.
Most Russian regimes, much like the present one, resembled the NAZIs instead.

Nine years on a marijuana charge?
This is what a civilized nation does in the third millennium?
You can't just blame the Putin regime when this nonsense is all Russia has ever known.

We can't help the idiot carpet muncher broad who was stupid enough to go to Russia, even though stupidity was the poor girl's only real crime.
We have to tighten, not loosen, the sanctions on Russia.
We already look like so many castrati letting those assholes run all over Europe as we sit on our hands.
Military, we're a lot like modern Russia. We'll invade anybody except somebody our own size.