S.F. Meltdown Over Prop 8


Well-known member
I was reading the SF Chronicle website which allows for reader posts at the end of the article and people were going Jonestown on the thing. There were over 1,600 posts until they got erased and its starting over again.

A general gist was how disappointed and angry they are at people in California and how bigoted the state is. Within all this Democratic talk of bringing out the new black and hispanic vote the exit polls show it was the black and hispanice voters that voted a majority for Prop 8 while a majority of asian and white voters voted against it.

A positive for the pro gay marriage folk is that a strong majority of the youth voted against Prop 8.

I don't even know how this is a matter left up to popular decision. It's like putting segregation on the ballot. That's just not how things are done. It's a matter of human decency.
I don't even know how this is a matter left up to popular decision. It's like putting segregation on the ballot. That's just not how things are done. It's a matter of human decency.
The people who voted in support of this don't care about human decency. They don't see their bigotry as equal to the bigotry of people that voted to make interracial marriage illegal.
Proposition 8 was immoral. It was an evil initiative. It is an awful day for America.

The thing about this is, Mormons make up like 0.5% of the population of California, and they bankrolled 1/3 of the anti-dignity crowds massive smear campaign against human dignity.

Seeing this pass has made me so happy today. Their pain is my entertainment. I keep laughing every time I think about all the fruits that ran out and spent a ton of money on a wedding only to see it come crashing down as not legal.

Just think, the black & hispanic voter's are the one's that put this vote over the top for it to win.

Seeing this pass has made me so happy today. Their pain is my entertainment. I keep laughing every time I think about all the fruits that ran out and spent a ton of money on a wedding only to see it come crashing down as not legal.

Just think, the black & hispanic voter's are the one's that put this vote over the top for it to win.

Really? You felt happy?

Here - click on this:

I don't even know how this is a matter left up to popular decision. It's like putting segregation on the ballot. That's just not how things are done. It's a matter of human decency.

I was wondering the same thing actually.
Really? You felt happy?

Here - click on this:



Hey I got to find the positives someplace, that's why I started thinking of other positive things.

With an Obama win, the following will start to disappear?

Real Time With Bill Maher

Countdown with Keith Olbermann

The Colbert Report

Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton will become insignificant, no more extortion money for them from corporations.
I was reading the SF Chronicle website which allows for reader posts at the end of the article and people were going Jonestown on the thing. There were over 1,600 posts until they got erased and its starting over again.

A general gist was how disappointed and angry they are at people in California and how bigoted the state is. Within all this Democratic talk of bringing out the new black and hispanic vote the exit polls show it was the black and hispanice voters that voted a majority for Prop 8 while a majority of asian and white voters voted against it.

A positive for the pro gay marriage folk is that a strong majority of the youth voted against Prop 8.


Do you realize that among blacks in California, about 70% voted against gay marriage? The ratio among whites was about 50-50. We all know blacks can't be bigots, by definition.
Proposition 8 was immoral. It was an evil initiative. It is an awful day for America.

The thing about this is, Mormons make up like 0.5% of the population of California, and they bankrolled 1/3 of the anti-dignity crowds massive smear campaign against human dignity.
Its OK to want gays to trash a 5000 year old tradition and its OK to be a bigot against followers of a religion. Right?
The People have spoken... Now shut your idiot pinhead liberal whiny-ass mouths about Gay Marriage! Stop your incessant name-calling and slurs, 'The People' have once again soundly rejected it... not in the 'backwards' and 'redneck' Bible-thumping areas of the rural South... not in Alabama, South Carolina or Mississippi... but in the Liberal Left Wing Mecca of California, no less! So, shut the fuck up, move to the back of the bus, and forget about this movement and initiative.... its DOA!
The People have spoken... Now shut your idiot pinhead liberal whiny-ass mouths about Gay Marriage! Stop your incessant name-calling and slurs, 'The People' have once again soundly rejected it... not in the 'backwards' and 'redneck' Bible-thumping areas of the rural South... not in Alabama, South Carolina or Mississippi... but in the Liberal Left Wing Mecca of California, no less! So, shut the fuck up, move to the back of the bus, and forget about this movement and initiative.... its DOA!

"The people" do not have the right to vote on human rights. This evil law should be overturned, you disgusting person.
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