S.F. Meltdown Over Prop 8

Slavery was a fact of the times it existed in and the bible merely records those times and how differing peoples dealt with it aka cultural relevence. Marriage is a religious sacrament. Homosexuals in CA have "all" the rights neccesary to protect their "human rights". They can go out and have any kind of wedding ceremony they desire, it just won't be recognized as a legal marriage. They do however have all the rights of civil unions which is what they had previously claimed they wanted. It is my belief that what they really want is to take away the religious freedom of those who believe that the religious sacrament of marriage is sacrosanct.
So let me get this straight, if queers marry they take away your belief that marriage is a religious sacrament? How do THEY have the power to do that? Half of ALL these "sacrosanct" relationships end in divorce. But that doesn't "take away the religious freedom" to still believe it is a religious sacrament. What I think is that YOU and others like YOU don't want to have to share the word marriage with queers. You share it already with lots of us that got married in front of JOP's with no mention of god or religion at all. You share it with a lot of people that got married by people that believe that the creator is a woman. You even share it with some people who got married by a person that believes that it is better to revere Satan than god. NONE of this kills marriage, but two guys getting married fucks the whole thing up? Funny that YOUR relgious belief is so fragile that two gay men or two lesbians who call their relationship marriage will wreck the WHOLE religious institution.
You would think that those so concerned with the sanctity of marriage would be trying to out law divorce, which has done more to harm the institution of marriage more than the gays marrying could ever do!

I mean divorce is not sanctioned in the Bible! Jesus speaks against it! And these most holy of holies are worried about who 10% of our population loves? What is the current divorce rate? 48% and what about single people! They really hurt the institution of marriage! Man, all people might decide to stay single, then what the hell happens or not get married, just live in sin and still have children! The list is endless!

It never made sense to me why they worry about a few homosexuals getting married.
They are mostly civil unions because most churches are homophobic!
You would think that those so concerned with the sanctity of marriage would be trying to out law divorce, which has done more to harm the institution of marriage more than the gays marrying could ever do!

I mean divorce is not sanctioned in the Bible! Jesus speaks against it! And these most holy of holies are worried about who 10% of our population loves? What is the current divorce rate? 48% and what about single people! They really hurt the institution of marriage! Man, all people might decide to stay single, then what the hell happens or not get married, just live in sin and still have children! The list is endless!

It never made sense to me why they worry about a few homosexuals getting married.
They are mostly civil unions because most churches are homophobic!

some of the people who are bigoted against gays, are divorced themselves. right on this very thread. but they've absolved themselves of this sin...along with many others.
The gays are starting to blame the blacks...And getting nasty

After 70% of blacks supported Proposition 8 in California, radical gay mobs are attacking blacks at their protests.
Pam's House Blend reported:

Geoffrey, a student at UCLA and regular Rod 2.0 reader, joined the massive protest outside the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Westwood. Geoffrey was called the n-word at least twice.

It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks. YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at men. If your people want to call me a FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger. Someone else said same thing to me on the next block near the temple...me and my friend were walking, he is also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them.

This is absolutely precious. Liberals showing their true racist selves. :clink:
Prop 8 being passed was a given. Everyone thinks California and it's inhabitants are stupid beacuse only a retard would vote no on 8 and i hope ellen DeGenerate and their rest of her gay possey are crying