S.F. Meltdown Over Prop 8

You just get more hilarious with every post, Waterhead!

First state in the nation to institute three strikes. Banned affirmative action. Struck down gay marriage. Does that sounds liberal to you? Every state in the northeast, including New Hampshire, is more liberal than California. San Fransisco gets a lot of attention but they are only a small part of the population. California has as many rednecks as Alabama.
It's truly scary that people like this exist.

Good thing the one in the white house is about to have his ass kicked out.

It's scary that people like you exist! Those who would cede our liberty and freedom as a democratic society, to a handful of judges! You don't want to live in a democratic free society, you want a dictatorship, run by liberal dictators who can tell us all how to live, what to think, how to dress, how to behave. That's your idea of a 'perfect society' and you will advocate for it as long as you are allowed to. It's amazing your stupid ass doesn't realize, the entire reason you are able to even articulate your idiocy on this board, is because we are a free nation governed by the principles of freedom, liberty, and democracy.
look what else I found in the archive:

In the case of interracial marriage, no one is being denied any right at all. Black people are equally free to marry people of the same race, just as I am. I can't marry a horse or goat, but this doesn't mean my rights are being violated, no one can marry a horse or goat.
It's scary that people like you exist! Those who would cede our liberty and freedom as a democratic society, to a handful of judges! You don't want to live in a democratic free society, you want a dictatorship, run by liberal dictators who can tell us all how to live, what to think, how to dress, how to behave..

They will tell the government that it can't tell us how to live, what to think, how to dress, how to behave.

Are you honestly trying to say that you don't believe in judicial review? What about Heller dix? Were you horrified by that overturning of the will of the people?
look what else I found in the archive:

You can keep drawing irrelevant parallels all you like, race and gender are not the same thing when discussing marriage. I know you want to make this the same argument, but it's simply not the same argument, and no matter how hard you try to insult me, no matter how much emphasis you place on irrelevant false examples, it's just not. Give it up!
They will tell the government that it can't tell us how to live, what to think, how to dress, how to behave.

Are you honestly trying to say that you don't believe in judicial review? What about Heller dix? Were you horrified by that overturning of the will of the people?

Here is what I believe, the judicial branch of government is solely there for REVIEW. They are never supposed to 'legislate' or make things legal or illegal. That is the job of the legislature, because they are given the power by the people, the court is appointed. Just as the Executive branch should not be used to 'legislate' or make things legal and illegal, because they do not have this Constitutional authority.

If our legislature makes a law that is indeed a violation of the Constitution, as it was originally intended and meant, then the court should rule the legislation 'unconstitutional' and that's all. The court does not have the authority to arbitrarily decide if something should or shouldn't be legal, like in the case of gay marriage. If the court so rules, that something is "unconstitutional", the legislature (and the people) can amend the constitution, which they have done numerous times.

This is a very intricate and delicate balance of powers, but liberals like yourself, don't really give a rats ass about that, you want what you want, and democracy be damned! To you, it doesn't matter what the will of the people is, or what our legislative branch is supposed to be for, you just want your ideology forced upon the rest of us against our will. That is Fascism! Move to Iran!
Here is what I believe, the judicial branch of government is solely there for REVIEW. They are never supposed to 'legislate' or make things legal or illegal. That is the job of the legislature, because they are given the power by the people, the court is appointed. Just as the Executive branch should not be used to 'legislate' or make things legal and illegal, because they do not have this Constitutional authority.

If our legislature makes a law that is indeed a violation of the Constitution, as it was originally intended and meant, then the court should rule the legislation 'unconstitutional' and that's all. The court does not have the authority to arbitrarily decide if something should or shouldn't be legal, like in the case of gay marriage. If the court so rules, that something is "unconstitutional", the legislature (and the people) can amend the constitution, which they have done numerous times.

This is a very intricate and delicate balance of powers, but liberals like yourself, don't really give a rats ass about that, you want what you want, and democracy be damned! To you, it doesn't matter what the will of the people is, or what our legislative branch is supposed to be for, you just want your ideology forced upon the rest of us against our will. That is Fascism! Move to Iran!

The court did rule something unconstitutional. They said that not giving gays the right to marriage is a violation of equal protection which, of course, it was.

I doubt Iran is going to be adopting gay marriage anytime soon, BTW. You can't become fascist by giving people too much freedoms, like gay marriage. That doesn't even make sense. We've forced nothing onto you. Have we made you marry a gay man? You are trying to force your will onto gays and force them to not marry, you despicable, immoral, evil, intrusive piece of scum.

State constitutions should require supermajorities, not majorities, to amend. It is foolish to do otherwise.
The court did rule something unconstitutional. They said that not giving gays the right to marriage is a violation of equal protection which, of course, it was.

I doubt Iran is going to be adopting gay marriage anytime soon, BTW. You can't become fascist by giving people too much freedoms, like gay marriage. That doesn't even make sense. We've forced nothing onto you. Have we made you marry a gay man? You are trying to force your will onto gays and force them to not marry, you despicable, immoral, evil, intrusive piece of scum.

State constitutions should require supermajorities, not majorities, to amend. It is foolish to do otherwise.

The people disagreed with the court and passed a constitutional amendment, that is what happens in a democratic society like America. In a Fascist dictatorship, the supreme ruler decides what is best, and the people have no say in the matter. You appear to be the "intrusive piece of scum" here, as I have already clarified for you, gays can get married, no one is denying them any right. The state isn't going to issue them a certificate of marriage to marry someone of the same sex, just as they won't issue me a certificate to marry the same sex, or a horse or goat, just as they won't issue Micheal Jackson a certificate to marry 10-year-old boys, or Madonna a certificate to marry the LA Lakers. Just as you can't get a certificate to marry your blow up doll or your mother, although you love them very much!
"just as they won't issue me a certificate to marry the same sex, or a horse or goat, just as they won't issue Micheal Jackson a certificate to marry 10-year-old boys"

Yeah - because those examples all equate on a moral level with gay marriage.

Your stupid Alabaman redneck is showing again, Dix.
So the ancient Muslim tradition of beheading should be trashed ?
Or the ancient tradition of owning slaves ? After all the bible says it is ok.

When did we give up the tradition of living in caves ?
Around the dinosaur time according to the museum up the road.
Nice try equating a tradition that works with some that don't. :cof1:
The gays are starting to blame the blacks...And getting nasty

After 70% of blacks supported Proposition 8 in California, radical gay mobs are attacking blacks at their protests.
Pam's House Blend reported:

Geoffrey, a student at UCLA and regular Rod 2.0 reader, joined the massive protest outside the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Westwood. Geoffrey was called the n-word at least twice.

It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks. YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at men. If your people want to call me a FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger. Someone else said same thing to me on the next block near the temple...me and my friend were walking, he is also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them.
I just wanted to laugh at this more publicly.

i still think that full human rights for all adults should be granted to all

curiously, the ca constitution requires a 2/3 majority of the legislature to revise the constitution but a simple majority of voters (electors)

comparing homosexual marriage to beastiality is a bit much

extending human rights to adult - adult relationships is part of the equal rights for all - if they want to enter into a contract among themselves and the state so be it

it will go to scotus anyway or perhaps congress will extend equal rights to all adults

remember that blacks and whites could not legally intermarry as recently as 50 years ago

also, women were not allowed to vote until the beginning of the 20th century

black men could vote before women were allowed to vote

now that we have a 'colored' president, perhaps there is a woman president in our future
So the ancient Muslim tradition of beheading should be trashed ?
Or the ancient tradition of owning slaves ? After all the bible says it is ok.

When did we give up the tradition of living in caves ?
Around the dinosaur time according to the museum up the road.

Slavery was a fact of the times it existed in and the bible merely records those times and how differing peoples dealt with it aka cultural relevence. Marriage is a religious sacrament. Homosexuals in CA have "all" the rights neccesary to protect their "human rights". They can go out and have any kind of wedding ceremony they desire, it just won't be recognized as a legal marriage. They do however have all the rights of civil unions which is what they had previously claimed they wanted. It is my belief that what they really want is to take away the religious freedom of those who believe that the religious sacrament of marriage is sacrosanct.
Slavery was a fact of the times it existed in and the bible merely records those times and how differing peoples dealt with it aka cultural relevence. Marriage is a religious sacrament. Homosexuals in CA have "all" the rights neccesary to protect their "human rights". They can go out and have any kind of wedding ceremony they desire, it just won't be recognized as a legal marriage. They do however have all the rights of civil unions which is what they had previously claimed they wanted. It is my belief that what they really want is to take away the religious freedom of those who believe that the religious sacrament of marriage is sacrosanct.

You should sexy up this post with some dots...