S.F. Meltdown Over Prop 8

"The people" do not have the right to vote on human rights. This evil law should be overturned, you disgusting person.

This is not a matter of human rights. Gay people are not being denied ANY right that ANY other human has. There is nothing EVIL about the determination of society in what it wants to accept as morally decent behavior. There IS something EVIL about half-wits like you, who want to impose your fucking will on the rest of society, because you are not interested in living in a homogeneous community.
This is not a matter of human rights. Gay people are not being denied ANY right that ANY other human has. There is nothing EVIL about the determination of society in what it wants to accept as morally decent behavior. There IS something EVIL about half-wits like you, who want to impose your fucking will on the rest of society, because you are not interested in living in a homogeneous community.

There is something EVIL about you, who are cruel to people who want nothing other than to marry the person they love. This is a human right, this is cruelty, and that is banned under the 8th amendment. This is so wrong, and immoral, it is beyond words, and I wish all the people who voted for it would die in the most painful way possible, because they are the scum of the Earth, and they deserve it.

Yes, I do want to impose things like free speech, freedom of religion, and gay marriage on society. They are equal right, equal concepts, and anyone who doesn't believe that is an immoral, evil barbarian.

The amendment that will bring these fellow human beings back into equality WILL pass in two years. The courts should never have had the opportunity to be overturned by a mere majority anyway.
There is something EVIL about you, who are cruel to people who want nothing other than to marry the person they love. This is a human right, this is cruelty, and that is banned under the 8th amendment. This is so wrong, and immoral, it is beyond words, and I wish all the people who voted for it would die in the most painful way possible, because they are the scum of the Earth, and they deserve it.

Yes, I do want to impose things like free speech, freedom of religion, and gay marriage on society. They are equal right, equal concepts, and anyone who doesn't believe that is an immoral, evil barbarian.

The amendment that will bring these fellow human beings back into equality WILL pass in two years. The courts should never have had the opportunity to be overturned by a mere majority anyway.

The courts should never have had the opportunity to be overturned by a mere majority anyway.

LMGDMFAO! You have GOT to be kidding me! You don't think the will of the people matters? You think a fucking court should decide things? What kind of god damn 'freedom' is that? You are a joke, a pathetic fucking anti-American joke! Go to hell!
LMGDMFAO! You have GOT to be kidding me! You don't think the will of the people matters? You think a fucking court should decide things? What kind of god damn 'freedom' is that? You are a joke, a pathetic fucking anti-American joke! Go to hell!

You are anti-American. You don't even support freedom. You are an evil, immoral, cruel piece of scum, and if there were a hell God would send you straight there for having so little compassion for your fellow humans.
Its OK to want gays to trash a 5000 year old tradition and its OK to be a bigot against followers of a religion. Right?

So the ancient Muslim tradition of beheading should be trashed ?
Or the ancient tradition of owning slaves ? After all the bible says it is ok.

When did we give up the tradition of living in caves ?
Around the dinosaur time according to the museum up the road.
Seems to me, living in caves, owning slaves, and beheading, were not initiatives on the ballot in California. Gay Marriage was, and it was defeated AGAIN! The People don't want Gay Marriage, can't you idiots get that through your tiny pinheads? Apparently not, you want some liberal-appointed judge in some liberal court, to force your liberal views on society against its will. You don't believe in Democracy at all, you support Fascism. Instead of even trying to comprehend why people oppose Gay Marriage, you want to call them names and draw irrelevant parallels to things that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Keep it up, get some idiot judge to "rule" that we have to accept Gay Marriage... we'll find some idiot judge to "rule" you have to pray to our God daily! Is that the course you want to take with this? Didn't think so! Now, FUCK OFF!
I found this from the archives of Just Plain Politics weekly meeting minutes from the 50s.

Seems to me, living in caves, owning slaves, and beheading, were not initiatives on the ballot in Alabama. Desegregation was, and it was defeated AGAIN! The People don't want desegregation, can't you idiots get that through your tiny pinheads? Apparently not, you want some liberal-appointed judge in some liberal court, to force your liberal views on society against its will. You don't believe in Democracy at all, you support Fascism. Instead of even trying to comprehend why people oppose desegregation, you want to call them names and draw irrelevant parallels to things that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Keep it up, get some idiot judge to "rule" that we have to accept desegregation... we'll find some idiot judge to "rule" you have to pray to our God daily! Is that the course you want to take with this? Didn't think so! Now, FUCK OFF!
I found this from the archives of Just Plain Politics weekly meeting minutes from the 50s.

The irony of course here is that a high majority of blacks and a majority of hispanics voted to ban gay marriage while a majority of whites and asians voted for it to be legal.
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I was reading the SF Chronicle website which allows for reader posts at the end of the article and people were going Jonestown on the thing. There were over 1,600 posts until they got erased and its starting over again.

A general gist was how disappointed and angry they are at people in California and how bigoted the state is. Within all this Democratic talk of bringing out the new black and hispanic vote the exit polls show it was the black and hispanice voters that voted a majority for Prop 8 while a majority of asian and white voters voted against it.

A positive for the pro gay marriage folk is that a strong majority of the youth voted against Prop 8.


it is a sad day for equality in ca, but at least prop 4 was voted down
I found this from the archives of Just Plain Politics weekly meeting minutes from the 50s.

It's quaint that you wish to equate Gay Marriage with Desegregation. Also that you wish to equate California with Alabama and the 50's with 2008. As I said, you can draw all the irrelevant parallels you like here, they don't apply, and you continue to look like the clueless idiots you are. This was voted on in CALI-FRICKIN-FORNIA! For the SECOND time, the PEOPLE rejected Gay Marriage.... They do not want to redefine marriage! Get that through your head! It's not a 'civil rights' issue, it's not a 'human rights' issue, it is a 'moral issue' and the people have once again REJECTED it! Stop trying to cram your immorality down our throats!
You missed the point, as per usual.

Dixie, should they have put segregation on the ballot and left it up to the good people of Alabama to decide if they wanted black people in their schools?
It's quaint that you wish to equate Gay Marriage with Desegregation. Also that you wish to equate California with Alabama and the 50's with 2008. As I said, you can draw all the irrelevant parallels you like here, they don't apply, and you continue to look like the clueless idiots you are. This was voted on in CALI-FRICKIN-FORNIA! For the SECOND time, the PEOPLE rejected Gay Marriage.... They do not want to redefine marriage! Get that through your head! It's not a 'civil rights' issue, it's not a 'human rights' issue, it is a 'moral issue' and the people have once again REJECTED it! Stop trying to cram your immorality down our throats!

56%, 52%.... what is the eventual result of this pattern Dix?

With black turnout down in the 2010, gay marriage is certain to pass in 2010. California, is not liberal. California is the dead center of the nation. A defeat there isn't surprising.
Same with interracial marriage. I could have just as easily said that.

No, it's completely different. In the case of interracial marriage and segregation, a group of people were being denied their Constitutional rights based on the color of their skin, and the US Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made segregation illegal.

In the case of Gay Marriage, no one is being denied any right at all. Gay people are equally free to marry people of the opposite sex, just as I am. I can't marry a horse or goat, but this doesn't mean my rights are being violated, no one can marry a horse or goat. The comparing of Gay Marriage to segregation or interracial marriage, is not applicable, and is just another straw man argument, to support something that isn't the same thing. You want a good comparison? Public nudity! It is currently against the law for nudists to run around naked in public... it wouldn't harm you or me for them to do this, so why are their 'rights' being violated?

For the record, gay couples can and do "get married" all the time, they just can't obtain a legal certificate of marriage from the state, a piece of paper. They are not forbidden from "marrying" or living with each other in "matrimony" or having a ceremony, or anything else. No "right" is being violated, and any 'legal' rights they want, could easily be obtained through 'civil unions' legislation, which would probably pass in most states. The 'obstacle' to that, is liberals like you, who want to have it your way and absolutely refuse to bend.
No, it's completely different. In the case of interracial marriage and segregation, a group of people were being denied their Constitutional rights based on the color of their skin, and the US Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made segregation illegal.

In the case of Gay Marriage, no one is being denied any right at all. Gay people are equally free to marry people of the opposite sex, just as I am. I can't marry a horse or goat, but this doesn't mean my rights are being violated, no one can marry a horse or goat. The comparing of Gay Marriage to segregation or interracial marriage, is not applicable, and is just another straw man argument, to support something that isn't the same thing. You want a good comparison? Public nudity! It is currently against the law for nudists to run around naked in public... it wouldn't harm you or me for them to do this, so why are their 'rights' being violated?

For the record, gay couples can and do "get married" all the time, they just can't obtain a legal certificate of marriage from the state, a piece of paper. They are not forbidden from "marrying" or living with each other in "matrimony" or having a ceremony, or anything else. No "right" is being violated, and any 'legal' rights they want, could easily be obtained through 'civil unions' legislation, which would probably pass in most states. The 'obstacle' to that, is liberals like you, who want to have it your way and absolutely refuse to bend.

It's truly scary that people like this exist.

Good thing the one in the white house is about to have his ass kicked out.