Sad news: E man is gone.


Wow. I am so sorry that I was never able to interact with him. I bet he was a very interesting and intelligent poster. What a loss not just for you guys and his family, but for the planet as well. RIP.
Thanks for posting this.. :)

No problem I wrote that up myself with the help of the illuminati. His facebook page has more stuff on it that was from the Wake Forest service, with more pictures. That's where I nabbed that from.
Wow. I am so sorry that I was never able to interact with him. I bet he was a very interesting and intelligent poster. What a loss not just for you guys and his family, but for the planet as well. RIP.

He was a character. Fancied himself a musician, but he was terrible....

The cowboy hat, scarf and the rest of the get up was his usual Eman costume.

First time I saw it I told him he was just copying Tracy Morgan's "Brian Fellows" character.

He didn't really deny it.

You be the judge....


By the time he made this video his guitar playing technique had actually improved a little, compared to his earlier videos....

No problem I wrote that up myself with the help of the illuminati. His facebook page has more stuff on it that was from the Wake Forest service, with more pictures. That's where I nabbed that from.

Post of the month award.
I never went there, it was so big. Was Trinn-fast over there? That was a priceless moniker you created. lol
I agree. It's huge, and hard to keep track of who's there. I never noticed a Trinnity, but the format is terrible, and it's a lot of work just to have a discussion.
Nurse Dog did post here for quite a bit, but rage-quit one night, which I thought was well played.

Big dog has been posting here.
I missed that. I know I haven't seen any of his accounts in a while, but I assumed one of the assholes here was a new account for him. Was it over being banned?

He messed with me at DCJ once. Thought he was hot shit posting a pic of me holding a 10lb brown trout that I posted on the Maher Board years earlier. I didn't care that my face was in it. Someone (who loves Goldens) saved it from years ago, and no doubt gave it to him for ammo.

That worked right up until I posted his real name, and place of business. He shit himself, and ran to Bill. Of course both posts were removed, but a grand time was had by all.
No problem I wrote that up myself with the help of the illuminati. His facebook page has more stuff on it that was from the Wake Forest service, with more pictures. That's where I nabbed that from.
LMAO. Wasn't that one of his favorite claims? That the illuminati were following him around when he posted?
Look, y'all. I know the man has passed and y'all miss him, but we can't just start doxxing his family in tribute. Stop posting links to his RL stuff. Tell people you will pass the information to them in PMs and leave it off the board.
Well, the Google Maps pic from Maryland is newer than five years ago and his car is in the driveway....

Looks like you got spanked.

Look, y'all. I know the man has passed and y'all miss him, but we can't just start doxxing his family in tribute. Stop posting links to his RL stuff. Tell people you will pass the information to them in PMs and leave it off the board.
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