Sanders: "Obviously, we are taking on the entire Democratic establishment.”


100% recycled karma
Bernie Sanders held a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Sunday to mark one year since launching his presidential bid, vowing to take his fight for the Democratic nomination to the superdelegates currently supporting frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

“It’s a tough road to climb,” Sanders told reporters at the National Press Club, but “not an impossible” one.

In a scene reminiscent of the sparsely attended, April 30, 2015, press conference on Capitol Hill where he formally announced his run, the Vermont senator said that those superdelegates supporting the former secretary of state ought to rethink their pledge — particularly in states where he won handily.

“I would ask the superdelegates to respect the wishes of the people of those states,” Sanders said.

Overall, Clinton has the support of 520 superdelegates, while Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, has “all of 39” — despite winning 17 primaries and caucuses “in every part of the country.”

Sanders pointed out that although he won Washington state’s Democratic caucuses by 46 points (73 percent to 27 percent) and 25 of the state’s 36 pledged delegates, Clinton has the support of 10 of Washington’s Democratic unpledged superdelegates.

Clinton’s lead over Sanders in pledged delegates is 1,645 to 1,318.

“Let’s be clear,” Sanders said. “It is virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention delegates by June 14 — the end of the primary season — with pledged delegates alone. She will need superdelegates to take her over the top at the convention in Philadelphia. In other words, it will be a contested convention.”

He urged the superdelegates to consider which Democratic candidate would have the best chance of winning in November. And “based on virtually every national and state poll over the last several months,” Sanders said, that would be him.

“I would be the stronger candidate,” he said, noting that it “would be a disaster if Donald Trump or some other rightwing Republican were to become president of the United States.”

Sanders also said superdelegates should consider the youthful enthusiasm he’s injected into the Democratic Party, drawing a total of more than 1.1 million people to his rallies and a record 7.4 million individual campaign contributions — statistics that Sanders says prove his nomination would not only secure the White House but also help Democrats win down-ballot races in the fall.

The energy and excitement in this campaign is with the work we have done,” Sanders said. “This is an important reality that superdelegates cannot ignore.”

“We have zero,” he said. “Obviously, we are taking on the entire Democratic establishment.”
Sanders is trying to mount a revolution and I am all for it, but its a huge fight that is very unlikely to be successful. I have given his campaign money and might give more, but I don't see how he wins.
Sanders is trying to mount a revolution and I am all for it, but its a huge fight that is very unlikely to be successful. I have given his campaign money and might give more, but I don't see how he wins.

You mean a socialist revolution?
Maybe it's time to do away with the Electoral College.
It was started way before we had the ability to record all of the countries votes and collect them in a timely manner; but with electronic communication and such, it's now possible to record and report each States General and Primary elections.
Maybe it's time to do away with the Electoral College.
It was started way before we had the ability to record all of the countries votes and collect them in a timely manner; but with electronic communication and such, it's now possible to record and report each States General and Primary elections.
agreed. the electoral college has the effect of minimizing campaigns to the so called Battleground states-
skewing the concept of 1 person =1 vote
agreed. the electoral college has the effect of minimizing campaigns to the so called Battleground states-
skewing the concept of 1 person =1 vote

I also don't like the idea of announcing who's winning in either the State(s) or the Country, until after all the polls are closed; because I think that some people become influenced and just then vote for whoever's in the lead.

For example:
If the election only affects that State, then they should wait until all the State's polling places are closed.
If the election is for the entire US, then they should wait until all of the US polling places are closed.

Now before the JPP liberals try to say this is only because of Trump, they really need to see what Bernie's saying; because:

In a press conference organized to mark the year anniversary of his insurgent bid, Sanders called on superdelegates to reflect the vote in their state. He also cast himself as more electable against Donald Trump, arguing that superdelegates should prioritize beating the GOP frontrunner over other concerns.

"It's a steep hill to climb," he admitted, at a press conference in Washington on Sunday. "But, at the end of the day the responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for the country and what is best for the Democratic Party."
Yup. Trump wants the citizens back on top of the food chain while Bernie wants the state. But both want cronies capitalism out.

I'm feeling the Bern 100% on getting the cronies out. Also, the super delegates concept needs to go. It has no place in a democracy.
Sanders is trying to mount a revolution and I am all for it, but its a huge fight that is very unlikely to be successful. I have given his campaign money and might give more, but I don't see how he wins.

trump is not really running a better campaign than sanders its just the rules of the dem party make it impossible for a outsider to win. Super delegates yes, but proportionality also. Remember you need 1/2 to win. if they judged sanders was a threat in the start they could easily have run some other guy, funded him, and outflanked him from the left. That splits the vote 3 ways and lets the party decide it and it goes to clinton. The way the rules are set up i dont see any hope for a sanders in the dem party.

Oddly enough the rep party is more susceptible to bottom up change than the dem party is.
I'm feeling the Bern 100% on getting the cronies out. Also, the super delegates concept needs to go. It has no place in a democracy.

Actually it serves the same purpose as senators relative to the house. They are the people that are the party between elections. There are too many but they do have a role.
I find this very interesting because some of the superdelegates supporting Sanders are doing so from states/counties that Clinton won. Keith Ellison being one. But the Berners have no problem with that.

Also, even if we did this, held the super delegates to voting how their constituents voted, Hillary would still have a massive lead.

Lastly, when this primary first began, Sanders for some reason believed he would win the popular vote and the super delegates would throw it to Hillary. He ranted and raived that that would be undemocratic, rigged, and a travesty. But he is losing the popular vote, AND the pledged delegate vote by far more than Hillary trailed Obama. So NOW, the super delegates should throw the nomination to Bernie in defiance of the will of the voters.

And somehow, this guy has the rep as being honest.

So far as I can tell any election that does not result in a bernie win is rigged.

If Hillary was pulling this shit the same people would be screaming bloody murder. They either don't see their hypocrisy, or the don't care. I believe the are fueled by hate and they don't care. Well, we are not going to overturn this election to make a bunch of unemployable malcontents happy. Hillary will be the nominee. Get used to it. Elections have consequences. She is winning far more pledged delegates and votes than Obama did against her. Yet somehow she is still not legitimate to you whiners. She has won the votes. She has earned her win. Show some goddamned respect. Women don't have to do 4 times better and work 5 times harder and still be delegitimatized by a bunch of whining white guys. That's not going to stand. Those days are gone. STFU and vote third party, no one is interested in your squeaking anymore.
Maybe it's time to do away with the Electoral College.
It was started way before we had the ability to record all of the countries votes and collect them in a timely manner; but with electronic communication and such, it's now possible to record and report each States General and Primary elections.

You do not want to do away with the electoral college. You would essentially leave the Presidency to the five most populous states and render smaller states irrelevant.
I'm feeling the Bern 100% on getting the cronies out. Also, the super delegates concept needs to go. It has no place in a democracy.

Super delegates have nothing to do with democracy. Think of the two political parties as a private club. They can set any rules they want. Don't like it? Join a different club.
I find this very interesting because some of the superdelegates supporting Sanders are doing so from states/counties that Clinton won. Keith Ellison being one. But the Berners have no problem with that.

Also, even if we did this, held the super delegates to voting how their constituents voted, Hillary would still have a massive lead.

Lastly, when this primary first began, Sanders for some reason believed he would win the popular vote and the super delegates would throw it to Hillary. He ranted and raived that that would be undemocratic, rigged, and a travesty. But he is losing the popular vote, AND the pledged delegate vote by far more than Hillary trailed Obama. So NOW, the super delegates should throw the nomination to Bernie in defiance of the will of the voters.

And somehow, this guy has the rep as being honest.

So far as I can tell any election that does not result in a bernie win is rigged.

If Hillary was pulling this shit the same people would be screaming bloody murder. They either don't see their hypocrisy, or the don't care. I believe the are fueled by hate and they don't care. Well, we are not going to overturn this election to make a bunch of unemployable malcontents happy. Hillary will be the nominee. Get used to it. Elections have consequences. She is winning far more pledged delegates and votes than Obama did against her. Yet somehow she is still not legitimate to you whiners. She has won the votes. She has earned her win. Show some goddamned respect. Women don't have to do 4 times better and work 5 times harder and still be delegitimatized by a bunch of whining white guys. That's not going to stand. Those days are gone. STFU and vote third party, no one is interested in your squeaking anymore.

Super delegates have nothing to do with democracy. Think of the two political parties as a private club. They can set any rules they want. Don't like it? Join a different club.

the problem with that is the 2 partys control who are the viable nominees. Superdelegates are anathema to populism.
That's why Bernie correctly calls the Democratic primary "rigged". The superdelegates were for Clinton before any primary was held.
They were pledged. The game was rigged in favor of the establishment

Which means only establishment candidates are viable for the Democrats - a decidedly UN-democratic process for a Party that calls itself Democrats..

As you say that is the Party's prerogative -but it doesn't serve the will of the People to have a real say in who is nominated.
Newspapers/pundits have been using the superdelegates since before this whole thing started to point to HRClinton's "inevitability"

Then there is the matter of closed primarys -like NY's where 3,000,000 voters could not participate in choosing the nominees for president.
Given the fact Bernie does much better with independents - everyone except blacks and single women, and older women really-
shutting out the core of independent thought plays right to HRClinton's strength of mindless inevitability.

The Republicans are the democratic (small 'd') party!
the problem with that is the 2 partys control who are the viable nominees. Superdelegates are anathema to populism.
That's why Bernie correctly calls the Democratic primary "rigged". The superdelegates were for Clinton before any primary was held.
They were pledged. The game was rigged in favor of the establishment

Which means only establishment candidates are viable for the Democrats - a decidedly UN-democratic process for a Party that calls itself Democrats..

As you say that is the Party's prerogative -but it doesn't serve the will of the People to have a real say in who is nominated.
Newspapers/pundits have been using the superdelegates since before this whole thing started to point to HRClinton's "inevitability"

Then there is the matter of closed primarys -like NY's where 3,000,000 voters could not participate in choosing the nominees for president.
Given the fact Bernie does much better with independents - everyone except blacks and single women, and older women really-
shutting out the core of independent thought plays right to HRClinton's strength of mindless inevitability.

The Republicans are the democratic (small 'd') party!

More bullshit. The super delegates being "pledged" is irrelevant. They don't vote until the convention. In 2008 she also had the super delegates...until Obama started winning. Then the super delegates, whom are loathe to overturn the will of the voters, switched to Obama. Now Bernie wants them to switch to the loser. THAT would be rigged.

Closed primaries. The whine of the berners and hillary haters. IMO all primaries should be closed and I've always thought so. If you are not part of an organization, you don't get to have a say in who that organization chooses as its leaders. The choice is yours. If you CHOOSE to not be a member of the party, you don't get to vote in its primary. If you want to vote in the primary, then you are free to CHOOSE to register with the party. But let's stipulate that honest people can have a disagreement about this. Let's move on to the slimy dishonesty inherent in this.

If an honest person wanted primary reform because they feel that voters who CHOOSE to disallow themselves from voting in the primary by registering independent are "disenfranchised", AND they had among their reforms ending the caucus, then I would take them seriously. Caucuses take hours to vote in. They disenfranchise the disabled and low income shift workers who simply cannot take a day off to participate. And yes, shift workers work shifts on weekends too. This is why the caucuses have the lowest turnout of all. Very few people participate in caucuses.

Added to all of this guess what? Hillary won MORE open primaries than Bernie did.

Hillary is beating him in every way, and in every hypothetical way.

And yet, here you are, attempting to delegitimize her win. Just like Bernie has done and continues to do by lying and smearing.

Is this what you have been getting away with here anatta?
And why have you been getting away with it? Because the righties love to smear Hillary and the liberals all say they like Bernie right?

Well, let me be clear. I find Sanders and his wife to both be dishonest smear artists, grifters, and I can't stand Bernie Sanders.

So this bullshit you have been spewing to wild applause won't fly.
Open primaries my ass. Ratfuckers love em. In the early R primaries Dem rat fuckers crossed over and voted Trump. It's been established that R ratfuckers have not only been donating to Sanders (Karl Rove) but have also crossed over to vote for Bernie.

Bernie has taken that ratfucking money and he has had his campaign making phone calls encouraging Republicans to ratfuck Hillary.

I don't like ratfuckers. Let the R's, real republicans, choose their nominee, and real Democrats like me, choose ours. Real democrats don't want YOU voting in our primary anatta. We can't stop you if you either live in an open primary state, or if you not as fucking stupid as the other whiners, and switched your registration in time for the closed primary in your state. But want you voting in our primary? No.
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Open primaries my ass. Ratfuckers love em. In the early R primaries Dem rat fuckers crossed over and voted Trump. It's been established that R ratfuckers have not only been donating to Sanders (Karl Rove) but have also crossed over to vote for Bernie.

Bernie has taken that ratfucking money and he has had his campaign making phone calls encouraging Republicans to ratfuck Hillary.

I don't like ratfuckers. Let the R's, real republicans, choose their nominee, and real Democrats like me, choose ours. Real democrats don't want YOU voting in our primary anatta. We can't stop you if you either live in an open primary state, or if you not as fucking stupid as the other whiners, and switched your registration in time for the closed primary in your state. But want you voting in our primary? No.

I have been very disappointed in Bernie's behavior over the last two months. I was going back to reading Jill Stein, then Donald just keep opening his mouth and I have to vote Hillary now. Alaska's votes don't count like your state, but I just have to be true to myself, and so my vote is going to Hillary.