Sanders: "Obviously, we are taking on the entire Democratic establishment.”

your implication is I am lying and smearing.
Tis is why I reacted so strongly. I do not lie, nor do I need to smear.
The fact you take any criticism as such says more about you then my posts.

Are you claiming I drove you off politics "for awhile" -we were mods! It isn't like I attacked you personally -
though you resort to it right here ( crank).

Politics ain't bean bag. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen (etc.) -but don't blame your actions on me.
That's pathetic.

Oh snap. He told Darla to stay out of the kitchen. More male white privilege.

you need to get your thoughts in order.

I used "harpies" in the classical sense "female monster in the form of a bird with a human face." to describe Hilary and Rice
in the W.House National Security Council deliberations on Libya. It's an apt description and I stand by it.

I used Shakespeare to show the word is useful and acceptable - despite 'butthurting' PC sensibilities.. get over it. it's all all fits.


STFU idiot. You're a misogynist. "but but but Shakespeare" isn't an excuse or a reason. It's the mindless pontificating of someone who was flattered by some moron into believing he's an intellectual. Then took to the internets and probably started a blog "I have thoughts! Shakespearean thoughts really...donate here". The blog flops 2 months later and now you move to message boards and announce to all "I have thoughts!". And got told to get fucked by 90 percent of the other posters, if memory serves. And it serves.
As much as it pains me to say it, Darla is correct on the issue of the party's primaries. You don't have to participate in the party. There are other party's out there. They can set any rules they want. We don't have to like it. People are just pissed because the veil has been lifted. Trust me. For 2020 the rules will be changed to prevent the Bernies and Trumps of the worlds from slipping through the cracks.

The GOP and democrat party don't want the common folk deciding. You are a foo, if you think they do.

The rest of Darla's feminist crap I don't care about and I will sit back and watch you two duke it out while I eat popcorn. But stop whining about the primary process. I agree with Darla they should be closed. Democrats shouldn't vote in GOP primaries and vice versa
It's a legitimate debate. I'm not so much for crossover primarys, as letting independents vote in either primary -like New Hampshire does.

Of course the "establishment" doesn't want common folk to have a say! The Republicans are apoplectic that Trump is winning.
The Dems pre-load the deck with super-delegates which are dutifully added to Clintons totals from the beginning by the servile corporatist press
in order to reinforce her "inevitablility"

The political partys have become the enemy of we the people, in favor of their myopic power structure.
Throw it all out, or reduce the power of the establishment. That is Bernie's ( and Trumps) charm
Oh snap. He told Darla to stay out of the kitchen. More male white privilege.

oh shit. Blame it on Harry S. !

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" definition at, a free online ...
Note : This saying was a favorite of President Harry S. Truman.

STFU idiot. You're a misogynist. "but but but Shakespeare" isn't an excuse or a reason. It's the mindless pontificating of someone who was flattered by some moron into believing he's an intellectual. Then took to the internets and probably started a blog "I have thoughts! Shakespearean thoughts really...donate here". The blog flops 2 months later and now you move to message boards and announce to all "I have thoughts!". And got told to get fucked by 90 percent of the other posters, if memory serves. And it serves.
what?? I never ran a blog. The only "blog " I run/ever ran is --> Libyan Civil War 2014 - Present @ DCJunkies

I'm done. I never really disliked you as a person before tonight, though our ideas clash.
In the interest of aborting a full scale flame war...we'll clash later. hopefully with out the personal recriminations.
And I do apologize for any personalized anger on my part. It does not lead to clarity.
It's a legitimate debate. I'm not so much for crossover primarys, as letting independents vote in either primary -like New Hampshire does.

Of course the "establishment" doesn't want common folk to have a say! The Republicans are apoplectic that Trump is winning.
The Dems pre-load the deck with super-delegates which are dutifully added to Clintons totals from the beginning by the servile corporatist press
in order to reinforce her "inevitablility"

The political partys have become the enemy of we the people, in favor of their myopic power structure.
Throw it all out, or reduce the power of the establishment. That is Bernie's ( and Trumps) charm

The Republicans are in disarray over Trump's nomination because he is cementing their party as anti-Latino and anti-Black. Here's something you white male fools don't get - the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male. And white males don't swing elections anymore. Demographics have changed and will only continue that way. Trump is on target to not only lose the white house, but to take down a good many house and senate seats with him. AND to cement the Republican party as the white male party. Which means they can't win elections. So that's a serious problem for them.

And Bernie will do the same to the Democratic party if he ever became the nominee and the R's unloaded the mother of all opposition research loads. And there's a lot there. You are probably idiot enough to believe that a man who celebrates bread lines and claims that bread lines are a great sign and countries that have them are better off than America, because it means that everyone eats, and here only the rich eat, could be elected in this country. But the party establishment, also known as professionals who actually know wtf they're talking about, know he cannot be.

If Bernie didn't like the rules he should have run as an Independent. But he didn't because even though he has NEVER been a Democrat he decided it would be a good idea to use the party for organizational purposes, and knew he would raise far more money running as a Dem than he would raise running as the third party crank that he is. He knew the rules. Bernie Sanders IS A FUCKING SUPER DELEGATE. Tad Devine his campaign manager, DEVISED the Super Delegate system.

So stow it.
what?? I never ran a blog. The only "blog " I run/ever ran is --> Libyan Civil War 2014 - Present @ DCJunkies

I'm done. I never really disliked you as a person before tonight, though our ideas clash.
In the interest of aborting a full scale flame war...we'll clash later. hopefully with out the personal recriminations.
And I do apologize for any personalized anger on my part. It does not lead to clarity.

Do you know what "probably" means?
The Republicans are in disarray over Trump's nomination because he is cementing their party as anti-Latino and anti-Black. Here's something you white male fools don't get - the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male. And white males don't swing elections anymore. Demographics have changed and will only continue that way. Trump is on target to not only lose the white house, but to take down a good many house and senate seats with him. AND to cement the Republican party as the white male party. Which means they can't win elections. So that's a serious problem for them.

And Bernie will do the same to the Democratic party if he ever became the nominee and the R's unloaded the mother of all opposition research loads. And there's a lot there. You are probably idiot enough to believe that a man who celebrates bread lines and claims that bread lines are a great sign and countries that have them are better off than America, because it means that everyone eats, and here only the rich eat, could be elected in this country. But the party establishment, also known as professionals who actually know wtf they're talking about, know he cannot be.

If Bernie didn't like the rules he should have run as an Independent. But he didn't because even though he has NEVER been a Democrat he decided it would be a good idea to use the party for organizational purposes, and knew he would raise far more money running as a Dem than he would raise running as the third party crank that he is. He knew the rules. Bernie Sanders IS A FUCKING SUPER DELEGATE. Tad Devine his campaign manager, DEVISED the Super Delegate system.

So stow it.
that's insane - and it's my turn not to read your loaded language PC ramblings..

Are you SERIOUSLY claiming: "the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male" ???

so..... there are no independents but white males??

That PC garbage language is gonna rot your brains. :whoa:
that's insane - and it's my turn not to read your loaded language PC ramblings..

Are you SERIOUSLY claiming: "the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male" ???

so..... there are no independents but white males??

That PC garbage language is gonna rot your brains. :whoa:

Those Feminazis are good with codes. Everything is code for something. She has daddy issues. Go easy on her
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the problem with that is the 2 partys control who are the viable nominees. Superdelegates are anathema to populism.
That's why Bernie correctly calls the Democratic primary "rigged". The superdelegates were for Clinton before any primary was held.
They were pledged. The game was rigged in favor of the establishment

Which means only establishment candidates are viable for the Democrats - a decidedly UN-democratic process for a Party that calls itself Democrats..

As you say that is the Party's prerogative -but it doesn't serve the will of the People to have a real say in who is nominated.
Newspapers/pundits have been using the superdelegates since before this whole thing started to point to HRClinton's "inevitability"

Then there is the matter of closed primarys -like NY's where 3,000,000 voters could not participate in choosing the nominees for president.
Given the fact Bernie does much better with independents - everyone except blacks and single women, and older women really-
shutting out the core of independent thought plays right to HRClinton's strength of mindless inevitability.

The Republicans are the democratic (small 'd') party!

i really think proportionality is the main problem. it makes it almost impossible to override the superdelegates with votes. im not saying the others arent i just think this one causes the most without being obvious about it.
what?? I never ran a blog. The only "blog " I run/ever ran is --> Libyan Civil War 2014 - Present @ DCJunkies

I'm done. I never really disliked you as a person before tonight, though our ideas clash.
In the interest of aborting a full scale flame war...we'll clash later. hopefully with out the personal recriminations.
And I do apologize for any personalized anger on my part. It does not lead to clarity.

You should have seen how inflamed she was, when she interpreted "come" as "cum" on a different board.
Her mind is truly in the gutter.
i really think proportionality is the main problem. it makes it almost impossible to override the superdelegates with votes. im not saying the others arent i just think this one causes the most without being obvious about it.

The main problem with what? As far as I can tell there is no problem. The candidate with 3 million more votes is winning. Now, if the candidate with 3 million less votes was winning, like Bernie is demanding the Super Delegates make happen, then I'd agree there was a problem.

But your post gives me a great opportunity to follow up on my previous statement "Hillary is winning by every measure and by every hypothetical measure".

If the Democratic primaries were winner take all, Hillary would be winning now by a more massive lead. She would have over double the number of pledged delegates that Sanders would have.

So keep em coming. Try and find a way Bernie would be winning this.
that's insane - and it's my turn not to read your loaded language PC ramblings..

Are you SERIOUSLY claiming: "the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male" ???

so..... there are no independents but white males??

That PC garbage language is gonna rot your brains. :whoa:

Did I stutter?

I laugh because you and those like you are so clueless about the demographic change. You scoff at the Obama coalition because you don't really know what it means. You'll never get your way electorally again. Remember which insane PC rambler said it. I bet when it finally dawns on you 18 years from now you'll think it's your idea.
The Republicans are in disarray over Trump's nomination because he is cementing their party as anti-Latino and anti-Black. Here's something you white male fools don't get - the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male. And white males don't swing elections anymore. Demographics have changed and will only continue that way. Trump is on target to not only lose the white house, but to take down a good many house and senate seats with him. AND to cement the Republican party as the white male party. Which means they can't win elections. So that's a serious problem for them.

And Bernie will do the same to the Democratic party if he ever became the nominee and the R's unloaded the mother of all opposition research loads. And there's a lot there. You are probably idiot enough to believe that a man who celebrates bread lines and claims that bread lines are a great sign and countries that have them are better off than America, because it means that everyone eats, and here only the rich eat, could be elected in this country. But the party establishment, also known as professionals who actually know wtf they're talking about, know he cannot be.

If Bernie didn't like the rules he should have run as an Independent. But he didn't because even though he has NEVER been a Democrat he decided it would be a good idea to use the party for organizational purposes, and knew he would raise far more money running as a Dem than he would raise running as the third party crank that he is. He knew the rules. Bernie Sanders IS A FUCKING SUPER DELEGATE. Tad Devine his campaign manager, DEVISED the Super Delegate system.

So stow it.

The code word bullshit from another idiot.

Tell me what "code" I'm using when I identify you as a bitch. That's right, it's not code.
The man is my hero. It is about time someone takes on the establishment and shakes it to the core.
Will this change the anticipated outcome? No, but it will lay a solid foundation for a change.
Did I stutter?

I laugh because you and those like you are so clueless about the demographic change. You scoff at the Obama coalition because you don't really know what it means. You'll never get your way electorally again. Remember which insane PC rambler said it. I bet when it finally dawns on you 18 years from now you'll think it's your idea.

The Obama coalition is blacks that want to stay on the plantation and guilt ridden white trash that want to make themselves feel better for having voted for a black.

You didn't stutter, bitch. You proved you're an idiot when you talked about "code" words.
Did I stutter?

I laugh because you and those like you are so clueless about the demographic change. You scoff at the Obama coalition because you don't really know what it means. You'll never get your way electorally again. Remember which insane PC rambler said it. I bet when it finally dawns on you 18 years from now you'll think it's your idea.
You forget I was a Hillary supporter in '08 -so I'm well aware of the Obama coalition.( since you're all up in my business)
Have you ever seen me say anything remotely like "Trump is gonna win?"

Clinton won't get the youth vote like Obama did -she's poisoning the millenials with her stale sameness and attacks on Bernie
(along with her supporters like yourself) but she's more likely to expand on women's votes-increasing percentages
as well as increasing Latino percentages. The race is all but over baring an indictment from the FBI/DoJ.

I survived Nixon ( I was a McGovern voter) and the US is resilient enough to survive either Clinton or even Trump.
But it's lost a chance for true political revolution -a break away from plutocratic rule-that the Bernie campaign offered.
Clinton offers more of the same stale big money rule. Oh well. At least the seed is planted for the younger voters to eventually take back their country.

Clinton is a farce here is her funding of "downtickets" you are so fond of.(next post).
The only thing Clinton cares about is money and power acquisition -she is anathema to populism. even Trump beats her there!
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties
The Democratic front-runner says she's raising big checks to help state committees, but they've gotten to keep only 1 percent of the $60 million raised.

After POLITICO revealed that the victory fund was asking for couples to donate or raise a whopping $353,400 in order to sit at a table with Clinton, Clooney and his wife, attorney Amal Clooney, at a fundraiser last month in San Francisco, Clooney admitted that was "an obscene amount of money." But he justified it by saying "the overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising is not going to Hillary to run for president, it's going to the down-ticket."

According to the agreements signed by the participating committees, which were obtained by POLITICO, the money is required to be distributed, at least initially, based on a formula set forth in joint fundraising agreements signed by the participants. The first $2,700 goes to the Clinton campaign, the next $33,400 goes to the DNC, and any remaining funds are to be distributed among the state parties.

But what happens to the cash after that initial distribution is left almost entirely to the discretion of the Clinton campaign. Its chief operating officer, Beth Jones, is the treasurer of the victory fund. And FEC filings show that within a day of most transfers from the victory fund to the state parties, identical sums were transferred from the state party accounts to the DNC, which Sanders’ supporters have accused of functioning as an adjunct of the Clinton campaign.

STFU idiot. You're a misogynist. "but but but Shakespeare" isn't an excuse or a reason. It's the mindless pontificating of someone who was flattered by some moron into believing he's an intellectual. Then took to the internets and probably started a blog "I have thoughts! Shakespearean thoughts really...donate here". The blog flops 2 months later and now you move to message boards and announce to all "I have thoughts!". And got told to get fucked by 90 percent of the other posters, if memory serves. And it serves.

He routinely tries to justify his sexist misogynistic and racist sentiments by reference to Shakespeare.
Yesterday he published a tribute to Andrew Jackson that jusified the Trail of Tears massecre as well as slave owning in general because it "delayed the civil war by several decades".

The fucking idiot is too stupid to keep it's mouth shut.