Sanders: "Obviously, we are taking on the entire Democratic establishment.”

So just this week, Sanders has been all over stating that the Super Delegates should make him the nominee in defiance of the election results and the will of the voters. His reason is that he polls better against Trump and Cruz. I will make a post later this week regarding that bit of hilarity (this guy is unvetted and the R's are holding fire because they are SALIVATING to run against him, and I will post some of this kook's background, which shocked me because I had no idea). Okay, so as we speak, Jane Sanders is on Fox news claiming "we don't like super delegates because they are pretty much a sure bet for the establishment.

Jeff Weaver is also on tv today stating the super delegates should not "rubber stamp" the voting results, and should switch to Bernie.

So you have one hand ordering the super delegates to overturn the election results, and the other hand on Fox news claiming they believe super delegates are undemocratic. Delegitimizing Hillary's nomination to the right wing.

Now this is one of the biggest most dishonest hacky smear jobs I've seen. Have you posted one word about that anatta? If this was Hillary and Bill playing this game, what would you say?

What people have to understand, and i don't mean republicans, I mean democrats, is that the pitchfork left are so dishonest you have to check every single claim they make. I have been doing this in real life because to coin an internet phrase "I get letters". These are liars. I could be generous and say they don't know they're lying, but at this point I don't believe that can be possible. Don't believe a goddamned word you hear about this primary, the general election, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders from an avowed leftist.

I put anatta more in the Greenwald camp than the pitchfork left, though they are very similar in their methods and tactics, and tell most of the same lies. LOTS of crossover there too. Do your own research. Because these guys? They lie. Man do they lie.
And why have you been getting away with it? Because the righties love to smear Hillary and the liberals all say they like Bernie right?

Well, let me be clear. I find Sanders and his wife to both be dishonest smear artists, grifters, and I can't stand Bernie Sanders.

So this bullshit you have been spewing to wild applause won't fly.
How dare you impune sanders - who is the only real progressive
- in favor of a sellout corporatist, warmongering failed Sec of State with your bullshit "white dude butthurt" signature.
Morons vote for identity politics - it's as bad as political correctness - both are mindless - devoid of critical thought.

You're a poster child for everything that is wrong with the Democratic establishment.
Burying your eyes to the fact Hillary is corrupt arrogance of power, 2 faced liar doesn't mean you need to personally attack my motives.
Enough of that noise.

Hillary gets away with murder because the media is complicit - her lies are "misstatements" and nobody calls her on any of it.
Libya was a prime example - she blames everyone except her council to Obama of "smart power".

just tonight she was in WV "apologizing" for saying she was gona put coal miners out of business in favor of green energy.
The woman has no core, no principles, she stands for nothing except personal power acquisition.
She's a loathsome as they come.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments
Hillary Clinton, in a rare candid moment on the trail, apologized to a man who confronted her over comments made earlier this year about putting coal miners "out of business."
Seated beside his wife, Copley slid over a photo of his kids to Clinton, who was seated a just few feet from him at the community round-table discussion.

He questioned how she could say what she said at a CNN forum in March — "We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business" — and then "come in here and tell us how you're going to be our friend


She can't even own her attacks. she calls it a misstatement. Was she lieing back then or lieing now?
In fact you can be damn sure she was saying that for political gain in Ohio.
Then she comes to WV and instead of owning that as what is green energy policy; she attempts to walk it back.
For political gain. yet again.

She's slimed Sanders countless times ,and he finally got sick of it after she lost in WI.
That her modus operandi. Slime it out, and walk it back. as long as it's for political expediency.
If you add in the caucuses, Bernie has done well. They reason he is losing is the inability of independents
to vote in NY.
But the utter air of inevitability backed up by the servile MS press ( who have repeatedly tried to bury his candidacy from the get go)
coupled with Democratic interest groups/identity politics has taken it's toll..( Emily's list type voters)

I'm proud to be a Bernie supporter, and he's not even all that representative of my politics!

I support him because he's not a wall street whore, and his is a true political revolution of the people by the people -
not by the Big Donors for the Big Donors.

HRClinton is anathema to populism, and democracy, and the Democratic party establishment makes damn sure
they protect their own corptocratic interests. Superdelegates are just the face of it.
So was the debate schedule on Saturday night - conjured up by Debbie W.Schultz ( chair) as pro forma debates that nobdy watched
until Bernie caught fire.

You can support that malaise -feel free - I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
How dare you impune sanders - who is the only real progressive
- in favor of a sellout corporatist, warmongering failed Sec of State with your bullshit "white dude butthurt" signature.
Morons vote for identity politics - it's as bad as political correctness - both are mindless - devoid of critical thought.

You're a poster child for everything that is wrong with the Democratic establishment.
Burying your eyes to the fact Hillary is corrupt arrogance of power, 2 faced liar doesn't mean you need to p.

You're so full of shit. I'll say whatever I want about you, you're a crank. You're no progressive. Hillary is a progressive. You are the man who was seriously considering voting for Carly Fiorina.

I am a PROUD Hillary Clinton supporter. How dare I vote for her? LOL.
"They reason he is losing is the inability of independents
to vote in NY."

This right here is an outright factual lie. And I didn't even read your whole incoherent post. I mean, how do you people get away with these factually bald faced lies? No one has been calling you on your bullshit? Well save up your bloviating because that just changed anatta.
Open primaries my ass. Ratfuckers love em. In the early R primaries Dem rat fuckers crossed over and voted Trump. It's been established that R ratfuckers have not only been donating to Sanders (Karl Rove) but have also crossed over to vote for Bernie.

Bernie has taken that ratfucking money and he has had his campaign making phone calls encouraging Republicans to ratfuck Hillary.

I don't like ratfuckers. Let the R's, real republicans, choose their nominee, and real Democrats like me, choose ours. Real democrats don't want YOU voting in our primary anatta. We can't stop you if you either live in an open primary state, or if you not as fucking stupid as the other whiners, and switched your registration in time for the closed primary in your state. But want you voting in our primary? No.
your language is disgusting. Seeing you absolutely FROTH over Bernie taking money from INDIVIDUAL Republican donors while
Clinton whores herself out at $325k a plate suppers with Clooney - ( who has called the process obscene) is typical of this whole Clinton campaign's rationalizations.

I'm a registered Democrat out of lifelong habit, and with no reason to switch parties. Republicans are worthless.

One had to register back in October of 2015 to change parties, and hopefully the partys wouldn't screw that up too.
( my ex-g/f tried to change to Republican and they claimed she didn't fill in the form correctly - it was oddly worded).
Why not let people switch partys up to election day? The only reason not to is to protect both Partisans powers

I was able to vote for Bernie in the Florida primary, and it was one of the most personally satisfactory votes I've ever cast.
A vote for Bernie is a vote for political change - ney ; a vote for a true revolution of government by the people for the people.
Not government by the plutocrats for the plutocrats...Hillary is just another plutocrat.

Screw that noise. Let all the people vote for whom they want -afterall why be afraid of democracy?
Open primaries my ass. Ratfuckers love em. In the early R primaries Dem rat fuckers crossed over and voted Trump. It's been established that R ratfuckers have not only been donating to Sanders (Karl Rove) but have also crossed over to vote for Bernie.

Bernie has taken that ratfucking money and he has had his campaign making phone calls encouraging Republicans to ratfuck Hillary.

I don't like ratfuckers. Let the R's, real republicans, choose their nominee, and real Democrats like me, choose ours. Real democrats don't want YOU voting in our primary anatta. We can't stop you if you either live in an open primary state, or if you not as fucking stupid as the other whiners, and switched your registration in time for the closed primary in your state. But want you voting in our primary? No.

Apparently a member of JPP vote twice for Trump. I believe the member is a dem.

Your angst is noted.
your language is disgusting. Seeing you absolutely FROTH over Bernie taking money from INDIVIDUAL Republican donors while
Clinton whores herself out at $325k a plate suppers with Clooney - ( who has called the process obscene) is typical of this whole Clinton campaign's rationalizations.

I snipped the rest of your blatherings because I don't give a fuck about your personal history, your girlfriend, your favorite tv series etc.

Let's be clear - I also don't give a fuck what you think of my language. Save the policing for your girlfriend.

The tiny portion of your post that was actually about the topic, contains yet another artful smear from the smear artist.

George Clooney said that it was obscene, and then went on to say, he's doing it because Hillary is fighting and working for a Democratic congress. As he stated, because they only way to get Citizens United, which began as a smear on Hillary Clinton, with the acronym C.U.N.T., overturned is to have a Democratic Senate who will confirm a Democratic President's Supreme Court nominee. You don't want to talk about the substance of Clooney's statements, so you use a out of context pull quote to smear Hillary Clinton. Your deranged hatred of Hillary Clinton must have some deep seated roots, but I'm not interested in that either.

Your phrase "whores herself out" shows the misogyny that I have seen in you many times. Better get some new scripts anatta, because that whore is going to be your President and this whore, and a whole lot of other whores, are voting for her.
You're so full of shit. I'll say whatever I want about you, you're a crank. You're no progressive. Hillary is a progressive. You are the man who was seriously considering voting for Carly Fiorina.

I am a PROUD Hillary Clinton supporter. How dare I vote for her? LOL.

I look at everybody. Fiorina impressed me with her foreign policy knowledge .
Better even the Hillary's -without the innate intervention warmongering aspect of Hillary's. she is most superior of all on that singularity.
In the end I rejected her.

But i'll look at anyone because I vote the person ,never the party.
No I'm not a progressive. I practice tabula rasa politics. . I eschew labels as well as parties.
I don't need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows..(etc).
I think everything out for myself. I do scads of research, and even spend time watching the Hilary campaign! :rolleyes:

You are frothing, you say you are not reading my posts, so forget you for intelligent debate tonight.
This btw is the angry, miserable, smear artist crank I had to co-mod with which might give some a better idea of why I walked away from online politics for a while. But I'm back, and me and you anatta, we are going to mix it up real good about your smears against Hillary, and the BS hagiography you post about your boy.
I look at everybody. Fiorina impressed me with her foreign policy knowledge .
Better even the Hillary's -without the innate intervention warmongering aspect of Hillary's. she is most superior of all on that singularity.
In the end I rejected her.

But i'll look at anyone because I vote the person ,never the party.
No I'm not a progressive. I practice tabula rasa politics. . I eschew labels as well as parties.
I don't need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows..(etc).
I think everything out for myself. I do scads of research, and even spend time watching the Hilary campaign! :rolleyes:

You are frothing, you say you are not reading my posts, so forget you for intelligent debate tonight.

Better go back and read your first response to me, which was unhinged and very insulting. I don't know what you're used to, but this bitch doesn't take that shit. You must like the women you can bully. You can't bully me. If you can't take it whiner boy, don't dish it.
This btw is the angry, miserable, smear artist crank I had to co-mod with which might give some a better idea of why I walked away from online politics for a while. But I'm back, and me and you anatta, we are going to mix it up real good about your smears against Hillary, and the BS hagiography you post about your boy.


I snipped the rest of your blatherings because I don't give a fuck about your personal history, your girlfriend, your favorite tv series etc.

Let's be clear - I also don't give a fuck what you think of my language. Save the policing for your girlfriend.

The tiny portion of your post that was actually about the topic, contains yet another artful smear from the smear artist.

George Clooney said that it was obscene, and then went on to say, he's doing it because Hillary is fighting and working for a Democratic congress. As he stated, because they only way to get Citizens United, which began as a smear on Hillary Clinton, with the acronym C.U.N.T., overturned is to have a Democratic Senate who will confirm a Democratic President's Supreme Court nominee. You don't want to talk about the substance of Clooney's statements, so you use a out of context pull quote to smear Hillary Clinton. Your deranged hatred of Hillary Clinton must have some deep seated roots, but I'm not interested in that either.

Your phrase "whores herself out" shows the misogyny that I have seen in you many times. Better get some new scripts anatta, because that whore is going to be your President and this whore, and a whole lot of other whores, are voting for her.
oh please. whores herself out is apt description -only a PC language control freak
( who gave me hell for calling Hillary/Rice harpies - even as I explained it was in the classical Shakespearean sense)
would use that as misogynistic in context. I am beginning to really think you are unable to discriminate between trailer trash
putdowns of women, and true Shakespearean prose. Such is the bane of a politically correct thought process it appears.

Clooney et all are part of the problem. Super-packs are the problem. Big donors are the problem.
Making scads of money off wall street speeches, and then refusing to even release them with disingenuous references to "when the Republicans do it"-
when it's not even a Republican issue is the problem. She's a wall st. whore is the problem.

Clinton is the problem. she's the same stale unimaginative bought and sold politician.
But the bigger problem is one that Clinton espouses -"no we can't" political mantras.

Snipet all you like. It's expected. You froth rather then think. You redact instead of enlighten.
I have been very disappointed in Bernie's behavior over the last two months. I was going back to reading Jill Stein, then Donald just keep opening his mouth and I have to vote Hillary now. Alaska's votes don't count like your state, but I just have to be true to myself, and so my vote is going to Hillary.

Like there was ever a doubt.
oh please. whores herself out is apt description -only a PC language control freak
( who gave me hell for calling Hillary/Rice harpies - even as I explained it was in the classical Shakespearean sense)
would use that as misogynistic in context. I am beginning to really think you are unable to discriminate between trailer trash
putdowns of women, and true Shakespearean prose. Such is the bane of a politically correct thought process it appears.


Anatta is the first misogynist I've met who claimed he's not a misogynist because he's just like Shakespeare. I have to give him props for being this delusional. It remains one of the funniest things I've ever read. I bet Tom wishes he had thought of this one.
I have been very disappointed in Bernie's behavior over the last two months. I was going back to reading Jill Stein, then Donald just keep opening his mouth and I have to vote Hillary now. Alaska's votes don't count like your state, but I just have to be true to myself, and so my vote is going to Hillary.

Such disengenuous bullshit
This btw is the angry, miserable, smear artist crank I had to co-mod with which might give some a better idea of why I walked away from online politics for a while. But I'm back, and me and you anatta, we are going to mix it up real good about your smears against Hillary, and the BS hagiography you post about your boy.

by Darla:
And yet, here you are, attempting to delegitimize her win. Just like Bernie has done and continues to do by lying and smearing.
Is this what you have been getting away with here anatta?
your implication is I am lying and smearing.
Tis is why I reacted so strongly. I do not lie, nor do I need to smear.
The fact you take any criticism as such says more about you then my posts.

Are you claiming I drove you off politics "for awhile" -we were mods! It isn't like I attacked you personally -
though you resort to it right here ( crank).

Politics ain't bean bag. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen (etc.) -but don't blame your actions on me.
That's pathetic.
Clooney et all are part of the problem. Super-packs are the problem. Big donors are the problem.
Making scads of money off wall street speeches, and then refusing to even release them with disingenuous references to "when the Republicans do it"-
when it's not even a Republican issue is the problem. She's a wall st. whore is the problem.

Clinton is the problem. she's the same stale unimaginative bought and sold politician.
But the bigger problem is one that Clinton espouses -"no we can't" political mantras.

Snipet all you like. It's expected. You froth rather then think. You redact instead of enlighten.

You are stoned out of your mind on your own scent. And you really really like your smell. You couldn't enlighten a neanderthal.

You talk a lot of bullshit just like most berners. Super PACs (I guess Shakespeare called them "Super-packs") are the problem! Big money is the problem!

But you have no answer for the FACT that there is zilch anyone can do about that without the Supreme Court overturning Citizens United. Bernie's "solution" of holding a flash mob outside Mitch McConnell's window ain't going to cut it. And the only way to get the Supreme Court to overturn it is to have a Democratic Senate. And the only way to get a Democratic Senate is by raising money to elect Democrats. Only a moron would unilaterally disarm. That would deliver President Trump. And you're such a "lifelong Democrat" you would rather have him than Hillary Clinton who voted the same way as Sanders 93% of the time, and some of those conflicting votes were because she was to the LEFT of him.

Better bring facts antatta. I don't give a shit about your "prose" and I'm not even totally convinced you're the new Shakespeare.
your implication is I am lying and smearing.
Tis is why I reacted so strongly. I do not lie, nor do I need to smear.
The fact you take any criticism as such says more about you then my posts.

Are you claiming I drove you off politics "for awhile" -we were mods! It isn't like I attacked you personally -
though you resort to it right here ( crank).

Politics ain't bean bag. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen (etc.) -but don't blame your actions on me.
That's pathetic.

I'm not making any implications. You're a liar and a smear artist. That's not an implication.

You didn't chase me off of anything. I didn't want to mod with you and I grew bored with the entire thing.
oh please. whores herself out is apt description -only a PC language control freak
( who gave me hell for calling Hillary/Rice harpies - even as I explained it was in the classical Shakespearean sense)
would use that as misogynistic in context. I am beginning to really think you are unable to discriminate between trailer trash
putdowns of women, and true Shakespearean prose. Such is the bane of a politically correct thought process it appears.

Clooney et all are part of the problem. Super-packs are the problem. Big donors are the problem.
Making scads of money off wall street speeches, and then refusing to even release them with disingenuous references to "when the Republicans do it"-
when it's not even a Republican issue is the problem. She's a wall st. whore is the problem.

Clinton is the problem. she's the same stale unimaginative bought and sold politician.
But the bigger problem is one that Clinton espouses -"no we can't" political mantras.

Snipet all you like. It's expected. You froth rather then think. You redact instead of enlighten.

As much as it pains me to say it, Darla is correct on the issue of the party's primaries. You don't have to participate in the party. There are other party's out there. They can set any rules they want. We don't have to like it. People are just pissed because the veil has been lifted. Trust me. For 2020 the rules will be changed to prevent the Bernies and Trumps of the worlds from slipping through the cracks.

The GOP and democrat party don't want the common folk deciding. You are a foo, if you think they do.

The rest of Darla's feminist crap I don't care about and I will sit back and watch you two duke it out while I eat popcorn. But stop whining about the primary process. I agree with Darla they should be closed. Democrats shouldn't vote in GOP primaries and vice versa
Anatta is the first misogynist I've met who claimed he's not a misogynist because he's just like Shakespeare. I have to give him props for being this delusional. It remains one of the funniest things I've ever read. I bet Tom wishes he had thought of this one.
you need to get your thoughts in order.

I used "harpies" in the classical sense "female monster in the form of a bird with a human face." to describe Hilary and Rice
in the W.House National Security Council deliberations on Libya. It's an apt description and I stand by it.

I used Shakespeare to show the word is useful and acceptable - despite 'butthurting' PC sensibilities.. get over it. it's all all fits.