Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

It astounds me at the amount of criticism Sarah Palin gets for not being "qualified" to be president. Aside from the fact she has more actual experience in leadership roles than the current president, and despite the fact that no one right of Karl Marx can find much substantive issues of specific complaint with Palin, this seems to have permeated most of pop culture, and Palin is often considered "unqualified," even by critics on the right.

I reject that line of thought, and I am going to explain why I believe Sarah Palin is more than amply qualified to be the president. In my opinion, her primary qualifying attribute is the ability to write. We know that Palin can write, because the left made a huge deal out of Palin writing on her hand. She also recently authored a book which debuted as a #1 Bestseller... So with this ability to write, it can be safely assumed Palin has the capability to sign her name.

You see, much of what she will be doing as president, will be signing legislation to cut Federal spending, and downsize our government... to sign bills which will offer capitalist incentives to spur growth, and cut taxes. There will be lots of signing to be done, and I think Sarah Palin is most qualified to handle this aspect of the job. When all of the signing is done, there will be very little left for the president to do, we'll be on a strictly balanced budget, so there won't be any new programs to pitch or agenda to implement... if you don't have money, you don't have an agenda. The domestic aspects of the job will be relatively simple once we make the dramatic cuts to the size and scope of government. I'm sure Sarah can handle that.

Of course, there is more to being president than just signing legislation into law. There is the foreign policy, international diplomacy and treaties, etc... At first glance, one might think this to be Sarah's weakest point, but I think it may be her strongest. Think about who you would like to represent you in settling disputes, resolving differences, and negotiating in your general best interests? A hockey mom is a pretty damn good choice, in my opinion... I'll take the hockey mom over just about anyone, to be honest.

There is just an intuition that comes with being a mom, and running a household, which isn't found in any other situation, or by any other individual in any field. This special Mom Power is somewhat vital and crucial to our very survival as a species, and can be considered one of the highest mortal powers known to mankind, ...mother's intuition. Palin could potentially settle the Arab/Jewish conflict, by just bringing the leaders together for a Mom Summit, and settle the issue like my own mom did with me and my brother. It would take about 15 minutes, and would end with the Israeli Prime Minister awkwardly hugging the Palestinian President, as they begrudgingly promise to not fight anymore.

Lot's of other problems could be fixed as well, with the same organizational skill of a wife and mother, who also ran a successful business, as well as, a fairly impressive political career. Sarah Palin has spent her life balancing numerous responsibilities and dealing with numerous challenges, many of which the 'average American' has faced at one time or another. You can point to her flaws or isolated incidents in her life, but you can't argue with the fact that she has been successful. There is only one Sarah Palin.

The President may also appoint Supreme Court Justices, and again, I think Palin would demonstrate a remarkable ability to do her homework, and find well-qualified justices. I think she would take a pragmatic approach to find a group of judges qualified, and then she would review every word they ever wrote, to determine the best possible choice. I think she would probably take this responsibility more seriously than the men of the past, because I think that may be an attribute more abundant in women, and Palin's record indicates she tends to analyze things very carefully. We wouldn't get a 'Harriet Myers' kind of pick from Palin, that's for sure.

So there you have it, all the reasons I believe Palin is well-qualified.
Fire away!
Personally, i was convinced at the writing on her hand part.

Go on America...elect know you want to.
I think the comedy channel will fight against her running.
I pray to Jah that she runs, her college transcrips from all 4 or 5 including the one that socially promoted her will be hillarious.
Please run Sarah run.
Fine. Vote for her if you want 4 more years of Obama.

A vote for Palin is a vote for Obama.

I'll remind you of your dismal record at predicting who will be elected.

Lots of things have to happen before I could vote for her, namely, she would have to announce she is running. I'm not so sure she plans to run, at this point. Now, I know as soon as Palin says she isn't running, there will be a hoard of pinheads here, rubbing this in on me, as if I have 'guaranteed' she would run and win the presidency. It's just how shallow-minded and stupid pinheads are. It will actually be a surprise to me if she does run, to be honest. But I figure, since Palin seems to tweak the melons of liberals, I'll play along.

As for Obama, at his current rate of decline in popularity, just about anyone will be able to defeat him in 2012. He will likely NOT be re-elected. From a political strategy standpoint, this might actually be the perfect time for a Sarah Palin to get elected.
I'll remind you of your dismal record at predicting who will be elected.

Lots of things have to happen before I could vote for her, namely, she would have to announce she is running. I'm not so sure she plans to run, at this point. Now, I know as soon as Palin says she isn't running, there will be a hoard of pinheads here, rubbing this in on me, as if I have 'guaranteed' she would run and win the presidency. It's just how shallow-minded and stupid pinheads are. It will actually be a surprise to me if she does run, to be honest. But I figure, since Palin seems to tweak the melons of liberals, I'll play along.

As for Obama, at his current rate of decline in popularity, just about anyone will be able to defeat him in 2012. He will likely NOT be re-elected. From a political strategy standpoint, this might actually be the perfect time for a Sarah Palin to get elected.
Dixie, the country needs a right wing reactionary journalism major (I wonder who that reminds me of?) running this country like we need a hole in our heads.

It doesn't matter how low Obama sinks in the poll. He could eclipse Bush or Nixon and he'd still get re-elected Presidend it he's running against Palin so my response to you is......go ahead, make my day, vote for Palin! LOL
It astounds me at the amount of criticism Sarah Palin gets for not being "qualified" to be president. Aside from the fact she has more actual experience in leadership roles than the current president, and despite the fact that no one right of Karl Marx can find much substantive issues of specific complaint with Palin, this seems to have permeated most of pop culture, and Palin is often considered "unqualified," even by critics on the right.

I reject that line of thought, and I am going to explain why I believe Sarah Palin is more than amply qualified to be the president. In my opinion, her primary qualifying attribute is the ability to write. We know that Palin can write, because the left made a huge deal out of Palin writing on her hand. She also recently authored a book which debuted as a #1 Bestseller... So with this ability to write, it can be safely assumed Palin has the capability to sign her name.

You see, much of what she will be doing as president, will be signing legislation to cut Federal spending, and downsize our government... to sign bills which will offer capitalist incentives to spur growth, and cut taxes. There will be lots of signing to be done, and I think Sarah Palin is most qualified to handle this aspect of the job. When all of the signing is done, there will be very little left for the president to do, we'll be on a strictly balanced budget, so there won't be any new programs to pitch or agenda to implement... if you don't have money, you don't have an agenda. The domestic aspects of the job will be relatively simple once we make the dramatic cuts to the size and scope of government. I'm sure Sarah can handle that.

Of course, there is more to being president than just signing legislation into law. There is the foreign policy, international diplomacy and treaties, etc... At first glance, one might think this to be Sarah's weakest point, but I think it may be her strongest. Think about who you would like to represent you in settling disputes, resolving differences, and negotiating in your general best interests? A hockey mom is a pretty damn good choice, in my opinion... I'll take the hockey mom over just about anyone, to be honest.

There is just an intuition that comes with being a mom, and running a household, which isn't found in any other situation, or by any other individual in any field. This special Mom Power is somewhat vital and crucial to our very survival as a species, and can be considered one of the highest mortal powers known to mankind, ...mother's intuition. Palin could potentially settle the Arab/Jewish conflict, by just bringing the leaders together for a Mom Summit, and settle the issue like my own mom did with me and my brother. It would take about 15 minutes, and would end with the Israeli Prime Minister awkwardly hugging the Palestinian President, as they begrudgingly promise to not fight anymore.

Lot's of other problems could be fixed as well, with the same organizational skill of a wife and mother, who also ran a successful business, as well as, a fairly impressive political career. Sarah Palin has spent her life balancing numerous responsibilities and dealing with numerous challenges, many of which the 'average American' has faced at one time or another. You can point to her flaws or isolated incidents in her life, but you can't argue with the fact that she has been successful. There is only one Sarah Palin.

The President may also appoint Supreme Court Justices, and again, I think Palin would demonstrate a remarkable ability to do her homework, and find well-qualified justices. I think she would take a pragmatic approach to find a group of judges qualified, and then she would review every word they ever wrote, to determine the best possible choice. I think she would probably take this responsibility more seriously than the men of the past, because I think that may be an attribute more abundant in women, and Palin's record indicates she tends to analyze things very carefully. We wouldn't get a 'Harriet Myers' kind of pick from Palin, that's for sure.

So there you have it, all the reasons I believe Palin is well-qualified.
Fire away!

I wouldn't vote for anyone who supports McCain, and Perry. She's just another Bush in my opinion.
Summing up, Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States because she's a mom that can sign her name.

Yeah, pretty much. When you think about it, that's all we really need... someone who can sign the legislation to cut spending and the size of government, and someone who can solve problems that may arise. I think she is well-qualified to do both... at the same time, even!
Well I am sure the GOP isn't counting on YOUR vote. I guess we can hope you'll be so disgusted with Obama, you'll just stay home.

No. I'll vote. I always do.

But come on. Is it to much to ask for the republicans to run someone who wants small limited gov't, (which they never do) and is it to much to ask to get rid of the income tax?
No. I'll vote. I always do.

But come on. Is it to much to ask for the republicans to run someone who wants small limited gov't, (which they never do) and is it to much to ask to get rid of the income tax?

Well, just about every sentence that comes out of Sarah Palin's mouth is about smaller government and lower taxes, I don't know what else she could do besides tattoo it on her face or something! Lots of people want to get rid of the income tax, and perhaps that will be a platform plank this time? It would certainly be popular, I agree! I favor the idea promoted by Boortz, the Fair Tax, but could get behind the Flat Tax plan as well.
Well, just about every sentence that comes out of Sarah Palin's mouth is about smaller government and lower taxes, I don't know what else she could do besides tattoo it on her face or something! Lots of people want to get rid of the income tax, and perhaps that will be a platform plank this time? It would certainly be popular, I agree! I favor the idea promoted by Boortz, the Fair Tax, but could get behind the Flat Tax plan as well.

Sounds good, but she really hurt herself by supporting McCain and Perry. We need leaders that will throw these people under the bus.
Sounds good, but she really hurt herself by supporting McCain and Perry. We need leaders that will throw these people under the bus.

Oh, I agree, BUT... McCain is responsible for anyone knowing who the fuck she is! While I am not a big fan of McCain's politics, I don't think Palin is either. You can't really throw moderates under the bus, and not be considered an 'extremist' can you?