Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

I can't believe you don't like Sarah Palin! This is EXACTLY what she has been saying in speech after speech. It's as if some people have simply been brainwashed by the talking heads! You've seen her in an interview, or you've watched a clip or two, and listened to the Beltway Boys call into question her "qualifications" as if, someone has to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or have undergone decades of corruption in the Senate or House, in order to be an effective president.

Palin is hated by the Liberals because she stands for everything they are against, and is against everything they stand for. She is disliked by the GOP establishment, because she doesn't play party politics, she acts in the best interest of the people. If you don't want to be governed by liberals or establishment republicans, then why does Sarah Palin not appeal to you?

It cracks me up that you think libs "hate" Palin. With almost every word she says she puts another nail in the repub coffin and makes even the lamest lib seem like a genius. The woman is cotton candy...sickening, swollen and lacking any substance whatsoever. Did you even read her book?

I and other libs I know would love to see Palin run for the presidency, thereby assuring Obama's second term.
I like a lot of what Palin has to say. I like her performance record in the Governors seat in Alaska - up to the last year. I like the way she went after corruption in her own party.

I believe a vast majority of the allegations aimed at her during her last year in office was politically motivated hubris. But I also think she could have handled it better.

However, I do not believe she has the level of leadership qualities we need in a president these days. She simply does not command the type of respect from even those who agree with her political philosophy, let alone those who oppose her, to make an effective President.