Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

Dixie, It's 2010. Not 2012.

I like what she says. But I hate the McCain Perry crap. Or her loyalties.

Well, here's the deal, I can think of several people who I believe would be a better president than Sarah Palin. Unfortunately for us, those who ARE most qualified, are not the least bit interested in the job. I know of several politicians who I would personally LOVE to see become president... Michelle Bachman, Bobby Jindal, hell... I think Jeb Bush would make a better prez than his brother or his dad! But the thing is, that is MY personal picks, and it doesn't necessarily mean that is who the rest of the country could get behind.

I am more of a pragmatist than an idealist. I realize that whoever the GOP nominates, is probably not going to be someone I completely agree with across the board on everything. It's just not likely to be that way, and I am realistic enough to understand that. Having said this, I am willing to listen to whomever the GOP nominee is, and when it comes down to them vs. Obama, I think the choice is clear.... even without knowing WHO the nominee will be! ANYTHING is better than Socialist Communism!

But the thing with Palin intrigues me. I continue to pose the question to those (on the right) who claim they don't like her, because I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation for WHY. I know you believe you gave one, but really.... you would refuse to support her bid for the presidency over Barack Obama, on the basis of who she has campaigned for? REALLY? HONESTLY? That is where you are on this?
you would refuse to support her bid for the presidency over Barack Obama, on the basis of who she has campaigned for? REALLY? HONESTLY? That is where you are on this?

Yep. Pretty much.

But lets, at this time, just enjoy watching the democrats implode.
Yep. Pretty much.

But lets, at this time, just enjoy watching the democrats implode.

If that's the case, your ideological ass deserves the Communist Socialist regime you're going to get. What you fail to realize is, the Democrat party is a coalition of special interests, they are going to vote in bloc for the Democrat, it doesn't matter who they campaigned for or even what they have said. It doesn't even matter if they say or do something in direct contradiction to personal ideals, they are going to vote for the Democrat. Some of them don't even follow the candidates, or the issues, they are just going to vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat. This is what we're up against. And here you are, trying to be admired for standing on your principles, while your nation goes down the toilet, refusing to budge on those principles the least little bit, even though you know what the result will be. If that is really where you're at, then you're as big of a fool as the man who votes Democrat because of heritage.
If that's the case, your ideological ass deserves the Communist Socialist regime you're going to get. What you fail to realize is, the Democrat party is a coalition of special interests, they are going to vote in bloc for the Democrat, it doesn't matter who they campaigned for or even what they have said. It doesn't even matter if they say or do something in direct contradiction to personal ideals, they are going to vote for the Democrat. Some of them don't even follow the candidates, or the issues, they are just going to vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat. This is what we're up against. And here you are, trying to be admired for standing on your principles, while your nation goes down the toilet, refusing to budge on those principles the least little bit, even though you know what the result will be. If that is really where you're at, then you're as big of a fool as the man who votes Democrat because of heritage.

Dude, The repubublicans are just as responsible for where we're at as the Dems.

My daddy was a Republican. My granddaddy was a dem, but he thought welfare was a second job. He was conservitive. I think they both would vote Libertarian if they were alive today.

Keep in mind that a lot of voters are on somekind of welfare, and they don't see things like we do.
Dude, The repubublicans are just as responsible for where we're at as the Dems.

My daddy was a Republican. My granddaddy was a dem, but he thought welfare was a second job. He was conservitive. I think they both would vote Libertarian if they were alive today.

Keep in mind that a lot of voters are on somekind of welfare, and they don't see things like we do.

Okay. So when you are sitting in your prison cell, after Socialist Communists have taken all your freedoms, you can ponder how you might have done things differently, what you may have done to change the inevitable outcome.

The Republicans are not attempting to "fundamentally transform America" into a Socialist Communist nation like the former USSR. This has nothing to do with your daddy or granddaddy, or what political party has done what in the past. This is about radical left-wing elements who have taken over the Democrat party, and are effectively changing the country we know and love.

Vote Libertarian! Throw your support to a party that can not possibly win an election, and allow the Socialist Communists to continue carrying us to their objectives. When you are sitting in that dingy dark cell, just remember this conversation. Remember that guy who talked to you about this, and tried to warn you of what was to come, and you refused to listen. Then, as you waste away and become a footnote in history, embrace your beloved ideology, and be proud of yourself for never caving on your principles. Perhaps that will make your demise more palatable.
Okay. So when you are sitting in your prison cell, after Socialist Communists have taken all your freedoms, you can ponder how you might have done things differently, what you may have done to change the inevitable outcome.

The Republicans are not attempting to "fundamentally transform America" into a Socialist Communist nation like the former USSR. This has nothing to do with your daddy or granddaddy, or what political party has done what in the past. This is about radical left-wing elements who have taken over the Democrat party, and are effectively changing the country we know and love.

Vote Libertarian! Throw your support to a party that can not possibly win an election, and allow the Socialist Communists to continue carrying us to their objectives. When you are sitting in that dingy dark cell, just remember this conversation. Remember that guy who talked to you about this, and tried to warn you of what was to come, and you refused to listen. Then, as you waste away and become a footnote in history, embrace your beloved ideology, and be proud of yourself for never caving on your principles. Perhaps that will make your demise more palatable.

Looks like we're hitting a brick wall here Dixie. A lot of what you say is no different than what I have said in the past about the republicans.

These last two yrs are the first time that I can remember, the republicans defending liberty. (That's me.) And doing what's right for that matter.
Looks like we're hitting a brick wall here Dixie. A lot of what you say is no different than what I have said in the past about the republicans.

These last two yrs are the first time that I can remember, the republicans defending liberty. (That's me.) And doing what's right for that matter.

Well, if you EVER thought the Republicans wanted to implement Communist Socialism and embraced Marxism, then you are delusional. If you EVER said that about Republicans, you were a liar. I can agree that some Conservatives in the past, have supported limits on your liberty to some degree, but nowhere near the limits which will be imposed on you in the years to come by the Commies. But you obviously live in a world where that just can't happen, it's not possible in your mind, so you just keep right on voting your conscience, and let the Commies continue to run the country in the ground. When you are sitting in that damp dingy Gulag, because they won't tolerate your silly notions of libertarianism in a Communist country, then you remember this conversation. Remember that you had the opportunity to make a change, and you passed on it, because you were too rooted to your personal ideology to give two shits about the state of your country.
Keep in mind that a lot of voters are on somekind of welfare, and they don't see things like we do.

you realize, don't you, that this is what the battle is all about.....national healthcare, 90 weeks of unemployment, stimulus money creating public's all a means of getting 51% of voters on the public dole.......
Well, if you EVER thought the Republicans wanted to implement Communist Socialism and embraced Marxism, then you are delusional. If you EVER said that about Republicans, you were a liar. I can agree that some Conservatives in the past, have supported limits on your liberty to some degree, but nowhere near the limits which will be imposed on you in the years to come by the Commies. But you obviously live in a world where that just can't happen, it's not possible in your mind, so you just keep right on voting your conscience, and let the Commies continue to run the country in the ground. When you are sitting in that damp dingy Gulag, because they won't tolerate your silly notions of libertarianism in a Communist country, then you remember this conversation. Remember that you had the opportunity to make a change, and you passed on it, because you were too rooted to your personal ideology to give two shits about the state of your country.

This is what I would like to convey to the Republicans. (And democrats)

"Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second, to liberty; third, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of ... the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another.... Now what liberty can there be where property is taken away without consent?" Samuel Adams
This is what I would like to convey to the Republicans. (And democrats)

"Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second, to liberty; third, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of ... the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another.... Now what liberty can there be where property is taken away without consent?" Samuel Adams

Socialist Communist couldn't care less about what Samuel Adams said. You can hold a grudge against Republicans all you like, but the choice is between Republicans or Socialist Communists! At present, about half the country is a part of the Coalition of the Stupid, Special Interest groups, Labor Unions, and outright Communist Marxists. The other half are Republicans and Libertarians. Now, one half is going to vote in bloc for Democrats, it doesn't matter if the Democrat does what he says, or lies his ass off, it doesn't matter what he promises or doesn't deliver, they are still going to vote for the Democrat, regardless. Meanwhile, we have Libertarian pinheads like you, who refuse to support a Republican because they endorsed someone you didn't like, or their ideals don't match precisely with yours. And because of your idiotic supporting of the Libertarian candidate, who will get less than 3% of the vote, the Idiot Half will WIN the elections! We will be governed by Socialist Communists because you are too stupid to wake up and smell the coffee!