Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

??????????? to your first paragraph. Or maybe,,,,,, how about someone you like that says the things Ron Paul would say.

Well, I think that's Sarah Palin!

"Already done that",,, in response to your second paragraph. I won't support a whore.

Well okay then, I guess we'll live in a Socialist Republic ruled by authoritarian totalitarian egalitarians who will dictate every aspect of our lives. If you are stubbornly going to refuse to participate in the process, and cling to some ideological principle, that's what is likely going to happen. As long as you understand that.

In response to your last paragraph,,,, I've already told you. She's actively supporting McCain. And Perry. Both through the primaries. What more do you need dude?

*sigh* ....Last I checked, Rick Perry and John McCain ARE Republicans! Is she supposed to endorse the DEMOCRAT? Who the hell do YOU endorse? The Democrat??? I don't know much about Perry, I know the Texas economy is doing better than MOST states at the moment, so he must be doing something right... McCain, I think is an 'okay' Senator from Arizona, who would have made a crappy president. But I am not going to refuse to vote for Sarah Palin on the basis of who she "helped" by making a fucking campaign appearance and giving a speech! I think it is a very SHALLOW way to make your choice on the President of the United States, and a piss poor reason to allow a fucking Communist Socialist to retain power another 4 years!

Who's more conservative Dixie? Me or you?

Oh,,, I liked your last avatar better.

I have no idea, I think I am more REALISTIC than you! I can be a little flexible on my PERSONAL ideology, for the sake of electing someone to the presidency who isn't a Marxist! I don't have to have it ALL my way or nothing, I can accept anything CLOSE to core Conservative principles, over what we currently have, and I don't need to be coddled much to do that. You seem to be an idiot who wants an ideal perfect world! Well guess what, Liberty? There is no "perfect world!" Keep chasing that DREAM and we'll end up being a Socialist Republic ruled by a Marxist dictator! A second Obama term, this country can not withstand... that is just the TRUTH of the matter here!
Well, I think that's Sarah Palin!

Well okay then, I guess we'll live in a Socialist Republic ruled by authoritarian totalitarian egalitarians who will dictate every aspect of our lives. If you are stubbornly going to refuse to participate in the process, and cling to some ideological principle, that's what is likely going to happen. As long as you understand that.

*sigh* ....Last I checked, Rick Perry and John McCain ARE Republicans! Is she supposed to endorse the DEMOCRAT? Who the hell do YOU endorse? The Democrat??? I don't know much about Perry, I know the Texas economy is doing better than MOST states at the moment, so he must be doing something right... McCain, I think is an 'okay' Senator from Arizona, who would have made a crappy president. But I am not going to refuse to vote for Sarah Palin on the basis of who she "helped" by making a fucking campaign appearance and giving a speech! I think it is a very SHALLOW way to make your choice on the President of the United States, and a piss poor reason to allow a fucking Communist Socialist to retain power another 4 years!

I have no idea, I think I am more REALISTIC than you! I can be a little flexible on my PERSONAL ideology, for the sake of electing someone to the presidency who isn't a Marxist! I don't have to have it ALL my way or nothing, I can accept anything CLOSE to core Conservative principles, over what we currently have, and I don't need to be coddled much to do that. You seem to be an idiot who wants an ideal perfect world! Well guess what, Liberty? There is no "perfect world!" Keep chasing that DREAM and we'll end up being a Socialist Republic ruled by a Marxist dictator! A second Obama term, this country can not withstand... that is just the TRUTH of the matter here!

First, In my opinion we already live in a Socialist Republic ruled by authoritarian totalitarian egalitarians. I believe your stubborn. Not me. Palin would be OK, but 2 yrs out from the pres election, I hopefully will see better, or have a better choice.

Perry wants to put things in both my daughters bodies against my will to put money into his own pocket. Perry wants to sell the rights to roads that me and many other Texans have already payed for. To people from such places like Iran. Making a toll road. (And other tings.)

McCain told me that he was going to take my money and entice people to migrate here against the law, and against my will. He told these people, "come on in, liberty is going to pay for it." We're going to take his money and give you education, food, etc. And when he argues will say he's a racist.

You openly support Marxist politicians, and turn around and try to make it sound as if I'm the one supporting them.

I stopped chasing and started fighting. You should do the same.
First, In my opinion we already live in a Socialist Republic ruled by authoritarian totalitarian egalitarians. I believe your stubborn. Not me. Palin would be OK, but 2 yrs out from the pres election, I hopefully will see better, or have a better choice.

ANY choice would be better than a Marxist Communist like Obama! And yes, we are quickly approaching a Socialist Republic... another 4 years of Liberals running the show, and that is exactly what we'll have, and we probably won't be able to do a damn thing about it. How do you figure I am stubborn? I am willing to put my personal opinions on hold for the betterment of the country as a whole, I am not clinging to my personal ideology and refusing to bend. I am willing to accept a "more libertarian" and "less socially conservative" candidate, if that is what the GOP nominates, but if not, I will support whoever they nominate, as that is the only chance of defeating the current regime in power. You seem to be the one who is staunchly rooted in your personal ideology and refusing to budge.

Perry wants to put things in both my daughters bodies against my will to put money into his own pocket. Perry wants to sell the rights to roads that me and many other Texans have already payed for. To people from such places like Iran. Making a toll road. (And other tings.)

I think you are being a bit disingenuous here. Rick Perry can not have things put in your daughter's body against their will.... sorry, I don't buy that, and I don't believe that. I am not sure what you are talking about, but it doesn't matter, the Constitution is pretty specific on that sort of thing... it's forbidden, so I doubt Rick Perry is advocating something so ridiculous. As for selling your roads... are they going to pack them up and ship them to Iran? I haven't heard of this one either, but again, it sounds like emotive nitwit overblown rhetoric, which makes NO sense whatsoever.

McCain told me that he was going to take my money and entice people to migrate here against the law, and against my will. He told these people, "come on in, liberty is going to pay for it." We're going to take his money and give you education, food, etc. And when he argues will say he's a racist.

What McCain suggested, was some sort of reasonable approach to solving the problem of illegal immigrants who are already in our country. We simply can't (and won't) deport 15 million illegals! So we have to find some way to deal with them, as we SEAL THE BORDERS! Of course, that was in 2008, when he was running for President... it's too late for McCain's idea now... this Communist Socialist is going to sign an Executive Order and grant them all citizenship with the stroke of a pen... problem solved! Hope it was worth you sticking to your principles for!

You openly support Marxist politicians, and turn around and try to make it sound as if I'm the one supporting them.

Uhm, no, I don't openly, tacitly, or secretly support Marxists, and never have. You apparently don't know what the fuck a Marxist is, but you are going to learn in the coming years, because you're going to sit on your hands and allow them to continue being elected to power and transform us into a Marxist society.

I stopped chasing and started fighting. You should do the same.

Doesn't look like you are fighting anything to me. Looks like you are clinging to some ideological principle of a Perfect Libertarian World, which you will NEVER see! And you don't really give a damn that your country is spiraling down the toilet before your eyes, you'll cling to your idiotic notions until it's too late to do anything about it.
ANY choice would be better than a Marxist Communist like Obama! And yes, we are quickly approaching a Socialist Republic... another 4 years of Liberals running the show, and that is exactly what we'll have, and we probably won't be able to do a damn thing about it. How do you figure I am stubborn? I am willing to put my personal opinions on hold for the betterment of the country as a whole, I am not clinging to my personal ideology and refusing to bend. I am willing to accept a "more libertarian" and "less socially conservative" candidate, if that is what the GOP nominates, but if not, I will support whoever they nominate, as that is the only chance of defeating the current regime in power. You seem to be the one who is staunchly rooted in your personal ideology and refusing to budge.

I think you are being a bit disingenuous here. Rick Perry can not have things put in your daughter's body against their will.... sorry, I don't buy that, and I don't believe that. I am not sure what you are talking about, but it doesn't matter, the Constitution is pretty specific on that sort of thing... it's forbidden, so I doubt Rick Perry is advocating something so ridiculous. As for selling your roads... are they going to pack them up and ship them to Iran? I haven't heard of this one either, but again, it sounds like emotive nitwit overblown rhetoric, which makes NO sense whatsoever.

What McCain suggested, was some sort of reasonable approach to solving the problem of illegal immigrants who are already in our country. We simply can't (and won't) deport 15 million illegals! So we have to find some way to deal with them, as we SEAL THE BORDERS! Of course, that was in 2008, when he was running for President... it's too late for McCain's idea now... this Communist Socialist is going to sign an Executive Order and grant them all citizenship with the stroke of a pen... problem solved! Hope it was worth you sticking to your principles for!

Uhm, no, I don't openly, tacitly, or secretly support Marxists, and never have. You apparently don't know what the fuck a Marxist is, but you are going to learn in the coming years, because you're going to sit on your hands and allow them to continue being elected to power and transform us into a Marxist society.

Doesn't look like you are fighting anything to me. Looks like you are clinging to some ideological principle of a Perfect Libertarian World, which you will NEVER see! And you don't really give a damn that your country is spiraling down the toilet before your eyes, you'll cling to your idiotic notions until it's too late to do anything about it.

I figure you're stubborn because you keep accusing me of being a hard head.

Perry tried to mandate a vaccine for girls in schools. The legislature was ready to make it law until people like me called our state reps. This was for personal gain as he owed the vaccine manufacturer. (and more on this issue)

Perry tried to make toll roads out of roads already built, and or wanted to use tax money to build roads and put others in charge of collecting money. A toll. There's more on Perry.

McCain is a Benedict Arnold. There was nothing reasonable about anything he pushed on that issue. And I won't tell him that I support him with my vote.

Your comments concerning Marxism show me that you think supporting known Marxist is something other than what it is. Or at least, "what I think" it is.

You Wrote, "Doesn't look like you are fighting anything to me. Looks like you are clinging to some ideological principle of a Perfect Libertarian World, which you will NEVER see! And you don't really give a damn that your country is spiraling down the toilet before your eyes, you'll cling to your idiotic notions until it's too late to do anything about it."

And I'm to blindly trust the republicans? If history repeats itself, The republicans will do nothing. Hopefully they will,,,,,,,, but they'll have to earn my support thru action.
And I'm to blindly trust the republicans? If history repeats itself, The republicans will do nothing. Hopefully they will,,,,,,,, but they'll have to earn my support thru action.

Well unless you fear Republicans transforming us into a Socialist Republic like the USSR or Iran, then whatever they do will be better than what's in store otherwise. I just don't get it... you are literally willing to watch your country be destroyed by Communists, rather than vote for someone because you don't believe they conform to your specific personal ideals enough. Perhaps you don't really think anything jeopardizes our freedom and liberty, and you take it for granted that we'll always have that?
Real Politik is a spineless and bankrupt ideology which dresses up spinelessness as "pragmatism".

Fuck McCain, dixie. Fuck him.
Real Politik is a spineless and bankrupt ideology which dresses up spinelessness as "pragmatism".

Fuck McCain, dixie. Fuck him.

Look, I am not a big McCain fan, just like I wasn't a big Bush Fan... but with McCain, I would have at least had some hope that, while he was sticking the Constitution in the shredder, that maybe he would realize what he was doing, and stop! I don't get that feeling with Obama, I think he ENJOYS shredding the Constitution because he hates America and what it stands for.

McCain is a moderate, I don't agree with moderates, I think they are stupid and just don't get it. This all stopped being a "civilized political discourse" in 1992. You can't reason with the Left, the more you try to appease them and 'bend' your principles to find this elusive 'bipartisanship', the more they move the goalposts, and advance their progressive agenda. The only way to defeat them is to remain true to core principles, and refuse to budge.

For the sake of all you Godless Libertarian nitwits, this means accepting the Socially Conservative elements of Conservatism as well. These are the bedrock foundation for ALL Conservative principles. Without the solid core beliefs in a higher power, a guiding source for good and greatness, and divinity of the blessings we enjoy as liberty, we are nothing. Failing to understand that importance to the entire scope of Conservatism, is typical and common among those who describe themselves as "fiscal con" but "social lib." It is through the divine belief, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that we can make a case and justification for capitalist free market economics. If we abandon that "judeo-christian" belief, we have destroyed the basis for our belief in capitalism and free market trade. It then becomes a mechanism of greed, every man for himself, live and let die. This provides an impetus for liberals to attack conservatism, and they exploit that regularly.
I don't think it's true Obama would's true we're a long way from where we were under Bush, but when you look at the full eight years, we're still farther down....and, judging by the economic news this week, headed further down......
Then you're not judging the data objectively. We've had 3 straight quarters of economic growth. That usually defines the end of a recession. Consumer confidence has been increasing and so have consumer purchases. Economic indicators are showing continued growth. Sales for OEM's have increased. Automative manufacturers sold 11 million units this year. Up from 8 million units last year. Chemical companies and basic material companies have seen substantial increases in sales over the last year all of which are indicators that the economic stimulus plan is working. Are we out of the woods? No, the fact that employment is lagging and unemployment rates are at around 9% and are staying flat is very troubling but the data is unquestionably moving in the direction of economic growth. So the facts are, considering the disaster Obama inherited from the Bush administration, is that the economy has been growing steadily over the last year . Only a partisan hack would claim we are headed further down.
you didn't listen to the news this week I take it.....consumer purchasing down, home foreclosures up, home construction down, unemployment up.....
W1 against W2. What a nightmare. I think they're both the worst of the worst.
It's to early to tell. Bush had 8 years to make a royal mess of things. Obama has spent most of his first two years cleaning up those messes. Is he the second coming of Abe Lincoln or FDR? Not hardly though he has had some significant accomplishments, it's to early to determine how significant those accomplishments are, though I suspect his setting the precedent for health care reform will be the true legacy of his first term. Be that as it may, it's way to early to tell if Obama is Carteresque flop, an unmitigated disaster like Bush or just an average US President (which in my book is high praise indeed as the majority of our Presidents have been very good.).
you didn't listen to the news this week I take it.....consumer purchasing down, home foreclosures up, home construction down, unemployment up.....
and you haven't paid attention to the other news that OEM sales are up. Auto and Truck sales are up. Chemicals and Basic materials sales are up (and guess who they sell mostly to? OEM's. The auto industry, home building and the construction industry.). I work for one of the major chemical companies that are an economic indicator and our 3rd qtr profits were triple over last years. How could that be possible with out economic growth? How do you explain the auto industry selling 3 million more units this year over last year? That couldn't be possible with out economic growth. How do you explain the growth of the NASDAQ over the last year if the economy isn't growing? Are all aspects of the economy recovered? No, they are not but you're just cherry picking those and ignoring all the other evidence of economic growth just so you can support the conclusion you want to draw.
lol......which of those things have changed.....ah maybe the Plume thing, but hey, that never actually happened during Bush's administration either....remember? was Armitage in the Library with a Candlestick, not Bush in the News with a Press Release....shucks, she wasn't even a CIA agent in the field

let's be honest....if we told America that they could go back to 2008 and have a do over, what do you think the vote would be?........compared to today, the Bush years WERE the good old days.....

I think you mean Plame not Plume, so you even got that wrong.
Well unless you fear Republicans transforming us into a Socialist Republic like the USSR or Iran, then whatever they do will be better than what's in store otherwise. I just don't get it... you are literally willing to watch your country be destroyed by Communists, rather than vote for someone because you don't believe they conform to your specific personal ideals enough. Perhaps you don't really think anything jeopardizes our freedom and liberty, and you take it for granted that we'll always have that?

What you're not getting is, "I don't see a difference in the two parties."

If the republicans actually keep their promise and repeal the healthcare law, It'll be the first time in my life they have done such a thing.

I'll be just as happy as you when Obama is gone, but I don't have any faith in the republicans.
It's to early to tell. Bush had 8 years to make a royal mess of things. Obama has spent most of his first two years cleaning up those messes. Is he the second coming of Abe Lincoln or FDR? Not hardly though he has had some significant accomplishments, it's to early to determine how significant those accomplishments are, though I suspect his setting the precedent for health care reform will be the true legacy of his first term. Be that as it may, it's way to early to tell if Obama is Carteresque flop, an unmitigated disaster like Bush or just an average US President (which in my book is high praise indeed as the majority of our Presidents have been very good.).

What we are going through at this time has been foretold for many generations here in the USA. The seeds were planted before W1 was born.

As for as healthcare goes, I don't like being told that I'm going to be forced to pay for healthcare. Something I already have and pay for.
...though I suspect his setting the precedent for health care reform will be the true legacy of his first term. Be that as it may, it's way to early to tell if Obama is Carteresque flop, an unmitigated disaster like Bush or just an average US President (which in my book is high praise indeed as the majority of our Presidents have been very good.).

Bolded text = redundancy

Underlined text = WTF? Most of them have been mediocre or shitty
What we are going through at this time has been foretold for many generations here in the USA. The seeds were planted before W1 was born.

As for as healthcare goes, I don't like being told that I'm going to be forced to pay for healthcare. Something I already have and pay for.
Except you don't pay for it. At least not the majority of it. Your employer does and it's costing the typical company 15% of it's over head to pay for your health care. In the not to distant future it's going to cost them 20%.

Maybe you haven't noticed but most employer covered health insurance has gone down hill. It covers less and less with more cost to you and your employer and to the tax payers to cover those who can't afford it or who are disqualified by the death panels of insurance corporations or those who are forced into bankruptcy when insurance companies refuse to pay. Why do you think health care cost are the single #1 reason for bankruptcy in the nation? Don't you think it's wrong that a person should lose all they ever worked for in their life because they got sick or had an accident? More importantly, how much longer to you think that is sustainable?

I'll tell you this. It's not sustainable indefinately and eventually the US will have to modernize our health care system.
Bush had 8 years to make a royal mess of things. Obama has spent most of his first two years cleaning up those messes.

I keep hearing this stupidity repeated, and I keep asking for the list! Please do tell us about all of these "Bush Messes" that Obama has cleaned up? And be specific about how he did so! IF you can't support this idiotic statement, you need to retract it and stop spewing it every chance you get. I know you think it sounds really good, but the fact you can't support it, makes it sound idiotic, and you sound like an idiot.
Except you don't pay for it. At least not the majority of it. Your employer does and it's costing the typical company 15% of it's over head to pay for your health care. In the not to distant future it's going to cost them 20%.

Maybe you haven't noticed but most employer covered health insurance has gone down hill. It covers less and less with more cost to you and your employer and to the tax payers to cover those who can't afford it or who are disqualified by the death panels of insurance corporations or those who are forced into bankruptcy when insurance companies refuse to pay. Why do you think health care cost are the single #1 reason for bankruptcy in the nation? Don't you think it's wrong that a person should lose all they ever worked for in their life because they got sick or had an accident? More importantly, how much longer to you think that is sustainable?

I'll tell you this. It's not sustainable indefinately and eventually the US will have to modernize our health care system.

I agree with your comments about healthcare going down hill. I believe that gov't has created much of the problem, and now they've totally messed up. That's my opinion.

I don't think government has real answers to the problems tax payers face. I think gov't is the main cause of the problems tax payers have. They could do some great things, but the democrat-republican party only seem to answer to big money.