Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

Eligible and qualified ain't the same.

That's where her ability to sign her name comes into play! This is going to be very important for the next president, because there will be lots of signing needed. See, most actual legislation, comes from a thing we call Congress, which will undoubtedly be controlled by conservatives with a mandate to cut the size and scope of government. Those people will be doing most of the 'heavy lifting' and Palin only needs the ability to sign the legislation into law. I think she is probably as qualified as anyone to do that.
I think I'd personally be enriched if she won with her pro oil and pro fiscal conservatism.
But I'd also love the comedy along the way. Win/win
That's where her ability to sign her name comes into play! This is going to be very important for the next president, because there will be lots of signing needed. See, most actual legislation, comes from a thing we call Congress, which will undoubtedly be controlled by conservatives with a mandate to cut the size and scope of government. Those people will be doing most of the 'heavy lifting' and Palin only needs the ability to sign the legislation into law. I think she is probably as qualified as anyone to do that.

depends who controls may be that NOT signing comes into in vetoing.....
Didn't seem to bother you when that post turtle Bush was President or are we misunderestimating you?

You mean the first man to hold an MBA and become President, the one who had degrees from both Harvard and Yale, and a GPA higher than John Fucking Kerry? Hmmm... I hardly see how that is relevant to this discussion.
You mean the first man to hold an MBA and become President, the one who had degrees from both Harvard and Yale, and a GPA higher than John Fucking Kerry? Hmmm... I hardly see how that is relevant to this discussion.

Yea, that guy.

The unconscionable prick who lied and mislead us into an immoral war of aggression in Iraq.

The fuck up who sat on his ass while the incompetent morons he appointed let New Orleans drowned.

The jack ass who was asleep at the wheel and preaching the glories of deregulation while our economy collapsed around his feet because he wouldn't enforce existing regulations.

The immoral bastard who tossed American values, the rule of law and human decency out the window by detaining and torturing people and denying them their civil and legal rights.

The incredible nincompoop who denied that it was possible that global warming was man made.

The twit that alienated the entire world against the US after a tragic event had united the world behind us.

The half wit who fired US attorneys based on political motives.

The shit for brains who knee capped a CIA agent in the field for political pay backs.

The pea brain who pushed tax cuts for trucks contradicting national goals such as fuel efficiency and leading our Auto industry into bankruptcy when gas hit $4/gallon and nobody wanted the gas guzzler they made.

Yea that guy. The ones historians are comparing to Warren G. Harding. That's the guy all right.
Yea, that guy.

The unconscionable prick who lied and mislead us into an immoral war of aggression in Iraq.

The fuck up who sat on his ass while the incompetent morons he appointed let New Orleans drowned.

The jack ass who was asleep at the wheel and preaching the glories of deregulation while our economy collapsed around his feet because he wouldn't enforce existing regulations.

The immoral bastard who tossed American values, the rule of law and human decency out the window by detaining and torturing people and denying them their civil and legal rights.

The incredible nincompoop who denied that it was possible that global warming was man made.

The twit that alienated the entire world against the US after a tragic event had united the world behind us.

The half wit who fired US attorneys based on political motives.

The shit for brains who knee capped a CIA agent in the field for political pay backs.

The pea brain who pushed tax cuts for trucks contradicting national goals such as fuel efficiency and leading our Auto industry into bankruptcy when gas hit $4/gallon and nobody wanted the gas guzzler they made.

Yea that guy. The ones historians are comparing to Warren G. Harding. That's the guy all right.

That's exactly what we need, a female version of that guy - only dumb and dumberer.
Ya know...I am being naive here and Dixie does have a point here. I thought back in 1999, yea sure, go ahead an nominate Bush, there's no way the country would be stupid enough to vote for him. Boy was I wrong. They were that stupid. So maybe I should back off on my stance on Palin cause Dixie does have a point. There could be legions of clueless idiots more than willing to vote for her. LOL
Yea, that guy.

The unconscionable prick who lied and mislead us into an immoral war of aggression in Iraq.

The same war Hillary, Bill, Kerry, Biden, Reid, and Pelosi lied us into? The same war Obama is STILL fighting and sending troops to?

The fuck up who sat on his ass while the incompetent morons he appointed let New Orleans drowned.

Like Obama did with the Gulf Oil spill?

The jack ass who was asleep at the wheel and preaching the glories of deregulation while our economy collapsed around his feet because he wouldn't enforce existing regulations.

You mean like the regulations passed by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who thought it wise to lend billions to people who couldn't afford it?

The immoral bastard who tossed American values, the rule of law and human decency out the window by detaining and torturing people and denying them their civil and legal rights.

The same Civil Rights being denied by Obama and Company at the same facility he promised to close but still hasn't?

The incredible nincompoop who denied that it was possible that global warming was man made.

Wow... before the actual science was debunked and shown to be a fraud... he was ahead of his time, wasn't he?

The twit that alienated the entire world against the US after a tragic event had united the world behind us.

Yes, and all of the world is clearly loving the hell out of us now, right?

The half wit who fired US attorneys based on political motives.

As opposed to hiring ACORN, SEIU, and NAACP cronies based on Liberalism?

The shit for brains who knee capped a CIA agent in the field for political pay backs.

You mean the former CIA agent who hadn't been "in the field" in 10 years, who instigated a plan with her husband to undermine the president's case for war, by telling outright dishonest hack lies? Not much different than firing a General because you didn't like the way he made you look in Rolling Stone, was it?

The pea brain who pushed tax cuts for trucks contradicting national goals such as fuel efficiency and leading our Auto industry into bankruptcy when gas hit $4/gallon and nobody wanted the gas guzzler they made.

Yeah, he should have just taken over the fucking truck manufacturing industry and did as he pleased, in direct contradiction of the Constitutional powers he has.

Yea that guy. The ones historians are comparing to Warren G. Harding. That's the guy all right.

Not as bad as being compared to Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter.
Yea, that guy.

The unconscionable prick who lied and mislead us into an immoral war of aggression in Iraq.

The fuck up who sat on his ass while the incompetent morons he appointed let New Orleans drowned.

The jack ass who was asleep at the wheel and preaching the glories of deregulation while our economy collapsed around his feet because he wouldn't enforce existing regulations.

The immoral bastard who tossed American values, the rule of law and human decency out the window by detaining and torturing people and denying them their civil and legal rights.

The incredible nincompoop who denied that it was possible that global warming was man made.

The twit that alienated the entire world against the US after a tragic event had united the world behind us.

The half wit who fired US attorneys based on political motives.

The shit for brains who knee capped a CIA agent in the field for political pay backs.

The pea brain who pushed tax cuts for trucks contradicting national goals such as fuel efficiency and leading our Auto industry into bankruptcy when gas hit $4/gallon and nobody wanted the gas guzzler they made.

Yea that guy. The ones historians are comparing to Warren G. Harding. That's the guy all right.

yeah, I miss him too....who would have thought those would be the "good old days" so soon......
Oh, I agree, BUT... McCain is responsible for anyone knowing who the fuck she is! While I am not a big fan of McCain's politics, I don't think Palin is either. You can't really throw moderates under the bus, and not be considered an 'extremist' can you?

McCain is not a moderate.

McCain is a big part of the problem.
Ya know...I am being naive here and Dixie does have a point here. I thought back in 1999, yea sure, go ahead an nominate Bush, there's no way the country would be stupid enough to vote for him. Boy was I wrong. They were that stupid. So maybe I should back off on my stance on Palin cause Dixie does have a point. There could be legions of clueless idiots more than willing to vote for her. LOL

Yes, you were wrong.

But look at it from my point of view. Bush or Gore.

I know you would have loved Gore, but someone like me who see's them as bad a choice that I could have to choose from, is a real nightmare.

Don't feel so bad. You've had some Presidents who you've liked. Not me.

:pke:You should be having an orgy of fun with this one.
McCain is not a moderate.

McCain is a big part of the problem.

I agree that Moderate Republicans like McCain are a big part of the problem. But to sit here and argue that McCain isn't a "moderate" is just plain ignorant of what the word means. It's exactly how you describe the "Maverick" from Arizona, and pretty much, always has been.
I agree that Moderate Republicans like McCain are a big part of the problem. But to sit here and argue that McCain isn't a "moderate" is just plain ignorant of what the word means. It's exactly how you describe the "Maverick" from Arizona, and pretty much, always has been.

I'll be looking for someone other than Palin. If my vote means anything, and the votes of people like me mean anything, then the republicans better run someone that has enough common sense as to not support McCain. (& Perry)