Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

I'll be looking for someone other than Palin. If my vote means anything, and the votes of people like me mean anything, then the republicans better run someone that has enough common sense as to not support McCain. (& Perry)

Okay, but if you don't support the candidate (whoever it is) running on the GOP ticket, the Democrats will win the election, and we'll have another 4 years of Socialist Utopia. I guess you must be okay with that, or else, you'd get over your idealism long enough to realize sometimes you have to make compromises. What really scares me is, I believe many of you idiot libertarians will do just that, and refuse to support whoever runs against Obama.

One word of caution... It is extremely difficult to get to Libertarianism through Socialism. Once the Socialists shut down the political process and control all aspects of Free Speech, you are done... so are we... and we'll live sadly-ever-after as a Socialist Republic. It will require an armed revolution overthrowing the government to change it then, whereas now, we just need some support from like-minded people.

If you sincerely have some beef with Palin, post it! Let's hear it! So far, I have yet to hear anyone articulate a damn thing in opposition to her political views, except those on the left, who don't accept anything right of Karl Marx. The ONLY complain you all seem to have is, the MEDIA has told you she isn't "qualified" and you suck asses can't seem to think for yourselves, you just accept that they must be right!
Okay, but if you don't support the candidate (whoever it is) running on the GOP ticket, the Democrats will win the election, and we'll have another 4 years of Socialist Utopia. I guess you must be okay with that, or else, you'd get over your idealism long enough to realize sometimes you have to make compromises. What really scares me is, I believe many of you idiot libertarians will do just that, and refuse to support whoever runs against Obama.

One word of caution... It is extremely difficult to get to Libertarianism through Socialism. Once the Socialists shut down the political process and control all aspects of Free Speech, you are done... so are we... and we'll live sadly-ever-after as a Socialist Republic. It will require an armed revolution overthrowing the government to change it then, whereas now, we just need some support from like-minded people.

If you sincerely have some beef with Palin, post it! Let's hear it! So far, I have yet to hear anyone articulate a damn thing in opposition to her political views, except those on the left, who don't accept anything right of Karl Marx. The ONLY complain you all seem to have is, the MEDIA has told you she isn't "qualified" and you suck asses can't seem to think for yourselves, you just accept that they must be right!

I got to go. I'll try to reply tomorrow.
Summing up, Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States because she's a mom that can sign her name.

Why don't they get Paul the Octopus, he's got an excellent record of predicting the future. I'm not sure if he can sign his own name though?

[ame=""]Paul the octopus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Oktopus-Orakel_Paul_mit_Schuh.JPG" class="image"><img alt="Oktopus-Orakel Paul mit Schuh.JPG" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/b9/Oktopus-Orakel_Paul_mit_Schuh.JPG/220px-Oktopus-Orakel_Paul_mit_Schuh.JPG[/ame]
yeah, I miss him too....who would have thought those would be the "good old days" so soon......
I'm sure to a clueless wingnut reactionary who could give a flying fuck less about affective government, yea, those would be the good ole days.

Boy, we cant' pick up people, throw them in jail with out telling them why and torture them anymore. What a shame.

We can't invade nations, with imperial designs, unless their a clear and present danger to our national security anymore. Who would have thunk it?

God damn, those greedy bastards on Wallstreet can't lie and cheat and steal and do what ever they want to make a buck anymore. For crying out loud.

For christ's sake, we won't be able to publicly disclose the cover of CIA agents in the field and jeapordize the lives of their contacts anymore. I just can't believe it.

Oh my God. We'll have to interact and communicate with other nations on something approaching an equal basis, oh the horror.

Yea...boy...those were the good old days.
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McCain is not a moderate.

McCain is a big part of the problem.
True. McCain is not a moderate. Nor did he ever claim to be one. McCain is more of the traditional conservative who has been pulled further to the right by the extremist fringe. Probably the greatest tragedy in the last 10 years is that in 2000 those fools in the Republican party picked a half assed authoritarian right wing extremist instead of McCain. Now I wouldn't have envisioned McCain as the second coming of Abe Lincoln to say the least but shit dude, how much better off this nation would have been had he been nominated instead of W the most inept President since Harding?

Bush will go down in history as a warning to the American people as to what happens when you elect am extremist ideologue lacking in talent, ability and character for high office.
I'm sure to a clueless wingnut reactionary who could give a flying fuck less about affective government, yea, those would be the good ole days.

Boy, we cant' pick up people, throw them in jail with out telling them why and torture them anymore. What a shame.

We can't invade nations, with imperial designs, unless their a clear and present danger to our national security anymore. Who would have thunk it?

God damn, those greedy bastards on Wallstreet can't lie and cheat and steal and do what ever they want to make a buck anymore. For crying out loud.

For christ's sake, we won't be able to publicly disclose the cover of CIA agents in the field and jeapordize the lives of their contacts anymore. I just can't believe it.

Oh my God. We'll have to interact and communicate with other nations on something approaching an equal basis, oh the horror.

Yea...boy...those were the good old days.

lol......which of those things have changed.....ah maybe the Plume thing, but hey, that never actually happened during Bush's administration either....remember? was Armitage in the Library with a Candlestick, not Bush in the News with a Press Release....shucks, she wasn't even a CIA agent in the field

let's be honest....if we told America that they could go back to 2008 and have a do over, what do you think the vote would be?........compared to today, the Bush years WERE the good old days.....
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lol......which of those things have changed.....ah maybe the Plume thing, but hey, that never actually happened during Bush's administration either....remember? was Armitage in the Library with a Candlestick, not Bush in the News with a Press Release....shucks, she wasn't even a CIA agent in the field

let's be honest....if we told America that they could go back to 2008 and have a do over, what do you think the vote would be?........compared to today, the Bush years WERE the good old days.....

I mean why not ask if we'd rather return to the way U.S. Grant ran the country or Herbert Hoover, or Harding or Cooledge or Buchannon or Nixon?

Obama could end up being Carteresque, and that's hardly a compliment, but that's a long way off from being the fuck ups W and Nixon were.

I'll put it to you this way. If you were to have a national election right now pitting Bush against Obama, Obama would walk away with it in a landslide.

But I guess for someone who voted for Harding light twice, that's kinda hard to accept.
Obama could end up being Carteresque, and that's hardly a compliment, but that's a long way off from being the fuck ups W and Nixon were.

I'll put it to you this way. If you were to have a national election right now pitting Bush against Obama, Obama would walk away with it in a landslide.

I don't think it's true Obama would's true we're a long way from where we were under Bush, but when you look at the full eight years, we're still farther down....and, judging by the economic news this week, headed further down......
You mean the first man to hold an MBA and become President, the one who had degrees from both Harvard and Yale, and a GPA higher than John Fucking Kerry? Hmmm... I hardly see how that is relevant to this discussion.

US fighter pilot, governor, and presided over a 7 1/2 year long successful economy boosting an unemployment rate of 4.5 %....???
Yep, thats the guy.
No. I'll vote. I always do.

But come on. Is it to much to ask for the republicans to run someone who wants small limited gov't, (which they never do) and is it to much to ask to get rid of the income tax?

Actually, itis too much to ask to get rid of the Income Tax. The 16th Amendment will still have to be the basis for tax reform, should we choose to remove the Shitty Tax and implement the Flat Tax.

I mean, I want to repeal the 17th Amendment, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Not only that, but I would also like to isolate the Electors from the people by removing the popular vote, and just have the state legislatures appoint them to do their bidding.
Actually, itis too much to ask to get rid of the Income Tax. The 16th Amendment will still have to be the basis for tax reform, should we choose to remove the Shitty Tax and implement the Flat Tax.

I mean, I want to repeal the 17th Amendment, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Not only that, but I would also like to isolate the Electors from the people by removing the popular vote, and just have the state legislatures appoint them to do their bidding.

All I want from Santa is to get rid of the 16th. This can happen, and will happen one way or another. Or that's my opinion anyway.

I agree with your take on the 17th.:clink:

I mean why not ask if we'd rather return to the way U.S. Grant ran the country or Herbert Hoover, or Harding or Cooledge or Buchannon or Nixon?

Obama could end up being Carteresque, and that's hardly a compliment, but that's a long way off from being the fuck ups W and Nixon were.

I'll put it to you this way. If you were to have a national election right now pitting Bush against Obama, Obama would walk away with it in a landslide.

But I guess for someone who voted for Harding light twice, that's kinda hard to accept.

W1 against W2. What a nightmare. I think they're both the worst of the worst.
It astounds me at the amount of criticism Sarah Palin gets for not being "qualified" to be president. Aside from the fact she has more actual experience in leadership roles than the current president, and despite the fact that no one right of Karl Marx can find much substantive issues of specific complaint with Palin, this seems to have permeated most of pop culture, and Palin is often considered "unqualified," even by critics on the right.

I reject that line of thought, and I am going to explain why I believe Sarah Palin is more than amply qualified to be the president. In my opinion, her primary qualifying attribute is the ability to write. We know that Palin can write, because the left made a huge deal out of Palin writing on her hand. She also recently authored a book which debuted as a #1 Bestseller... So with this ability to write, it can be safely assumed Palin has the capability to sign her name.

You see, much of what she will be doing as president, will be signing legislation to cut Federal spending, and downsize our government... to sign bills which will offer capitalist incentives to spur growth, and cut taxes. There will be lots of signing to be done, and I think Sarah Palin is most qualified to handle this aspect of the job. When all of the signing is done, there will be very little left for the president to do, we'll be on a strictly balanced budget, so there won't be any new programs to pitch or agenda to implement... if you don't have money, you don't have an agenda. The domestic aspects of the job will be relatively simple once we make the dramatic cuts to the size and scope of government. I'm sure Sarah can handle that.

Of course, there is more to being president than just signing legislation into law. There is the foreign policy, international diplomacy and treaties, etc... At first glance, one might think this to be Sarah's weakest point, but I think it may be her strongest. Think about who you would like to represent you in settling disputes, resolving differences, and negotiating in your general best interests? A hockey mom is a pretty damn good choice, in my opinion... I'll take the hockey mom over just about anyone, to be honest.

There is just an intuition that comes with being a mom, and running a household, which isn't found in any other situation, or by any other individual in any field. This special Mom Power is somewhat vital and crucial to our very survival as a species, and can be considered one of the highest mortal powers known to mankind, ...mother's intuition. Palin could potentially settle the Arab/Jewish conflict, by just bringing the leaders together for a Mom Summit, and settle the issue like my own mom did with me and my brother. It would take about 15 minutes, and would end with the Israeli Prime Minister awkwardly hugging the Palestinian President, as they begrudgingly promise to not fight anymore.

Lot's of other problems could be fixed as well, with the same organizational skill of a wife and mother, who also ran a successful business, as well as, a fairly impressive political career. Sarah Palin has spent her life balancing numerous responsibilities and dealing with numerous challenges, many of which the 'average American' has faced at one time or another. You can point to her flaws or isolated incidents in her life, but you can't argue with the fact that she has been successful. There is only one Sarah Palin.

The President may also appoint Supreme Court Justices, and again, I think Palin would demonstrate a remarkable ability to do her homework, and find well-qualified justices. I think she would take a pragmatic approach to find a group of judges qualified, and then she would review every word they ever wrote, to determine the best possible choice. I think she would probably take this responsibility more seriously than the men of the past, because I think that may be an attribute more abundant in women, and Palin's record indicates she tends to analyze things very carefully. We wouldn't get a 'Harriet Myers' kind of pick from Palin, that's for sure.

So there you have it, all the reasons I believe Palin is well-qualified.
Fire away!

I think she'd make a great president, which is why the lib-tards insist on demonizing her. They can't attack her on the issues.
I'm sure to a clueless wingnut reactionary who could give a flying fuck less about affective government, yea, those would be the good ole days.

Boy, we cant' pick up people, throw them in jail with out telling them why and torture them anymore. What a shame.

Actually, we still can. The Obama Justice Department argued for a continuation of Bush's policies on interrogation and rendition.

Justice Department Stands Behind Bush Secrecy In Extraordinary Rendition Case

We can't invade nations, with imperial designs, unless their a clear and present danger to our national security anymore. Who would have thunk it?

We have already done so TWICE since January 2009.

Cruise Missiles Launched Thursday Hit Two Suspected al Qaeda Sites; Major Escalation of US Efforts Against Terrorists

Eleven killed in 'US missile strike' in Pakistan

God damn, those greedy bastards on Wallstreet can't lie and cheat and steal and do what ever they want to make a buck anymore. For crying out loud.

Have you actually READ any of the 2,300 page bill? Are you aware it was essentially put together by financial lobbyists, the same people who got us into trouble to begin with, and contains over 530 federal regulations for small business seeking loans, etc.? Nooo, of course you didn't know this, you are gulping koolaid too fast to keep up with such things!

For christ's sake, we won't be able to publicly disclose the cover of CIA agents in the field and jeapordize the lives of their contacts anymore. I just can't believe it.

How about shutting the fuck up about Valerie Frikkin Plame? I mean, come on, how fucking long are you going to keep bringing up this hack bitch and her husband, who were conspiring to bring down a president? Robert Novak is who revealed her name, you gotta fucking problem, go talk to HIM!

Oh my God. We'll have to interact and communicate with other nations on something approaching an equal basis, oh the horror.

Yea...boy...those were the good old days.

And here we get to the heart of what you problem is. You hate America! You think America is greedy and capitalistic, and acts too stuck up for her own good, and you want to whack her down to size! Make the US like all other nations, nothing special, and certainly nothing "exceptional" ...just another run-of-the-mill country like all the rest! When we achieve that level of DECLINE, you will celebrate in the streets, for you will have destroyed the Great Giant and fostered the way for World Peace nad Tranquility!

You need to be shot in the back of the head, and thankfully, I won't have to do it! Your new masters will be more than happy to put you out of your misery as soon as you've enabled them to reach their objectives. For now, just keep toting their water like a good little useful idiot!

I mean why not ask if we'd rather return to the way U.S. Grant ran the country or Herbert Hoover, or Harding or Cooledge or Buchannon or Nixon?

Obama could end up being Carteresque, and that's hardly a compliment, but that's a long way off from being the fuck ups W and Nixon were.

I'll put it to you this way. If you were to have a national election right now pitting Bush against Obama, Obama would walk away with it in a landslide.

But I guess for someone who voted for Harding light twice, that's kinda hard to accept.

Actually, I'd gladly settle for Harding or Coolidge, since you saw fit to arbitrarily compare them to Grant, Hoover, Buchanan, and Nixon...
Okay, but if you don't support the candidate (whoever it is) running on the GOP ticket, the Democrats will win the election, and we'll have another 4 years of Socialist Utopia. I guess you must be okay with that, or else, you'd get over your idealism long enough to realize sometimes you have to make compromises. What really scares me is, I believe many of you idiot libertarians will do just that, and refuse to support whoever runs against Obama.

One word of caution... It is extremely difficult to get to Libertarianism through Socialism. Once the Socialists shut down the political process and control all aspects of Free Speech, you are done... so are we... and we'll live sadly-ever-after as a Socialist Republic. It will require an armed revolution overthrowing the government to change it then, whereas now, we just need some support from like-minded people.

If you sincerely have some beef with Palin, post it! Let's hear it! So far, I have yet to hear anyone articulate a damn thing in opposition to her political views, except those on the left, who don't accept anything right of Karl Marx. The ONLY complain you all seem to have is, the MEDIA has told you she isn't "qualified" and you suck asses can't seem to think for yourselves, you just accept that they must be right!

??????????? to your first paragraph. Or maybe,,,,,, how about someone you like that says the things Ron Paul would say.

"Already done that",,, in response to your second paragraph. I won't support a whore.

In response to your last paragraph,,,, I've already told you. She's actively supporting McCain. And Perry. Both through the primaries. What more do you need dude?

Who's more conservative Dixie? Me or you?

Oh,,, I liked your last avatar better than this one.
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