Sarah Palin is 'Qualified' Enough to be President!

I keep hearing this stupidity repeated, and I keep asking for the list! Please do tell us about all of these "Bush Messes" that Obama has cleaned up? And be specific about how he did so! IF you can't support this idiotic statement, you need to retract it and stop spewing it every chance you get. I know you think it sounds really good, but the fact you can't support it, makes it sound idiotic, and you sound like an idiot.
Dixie, Moot has regressed to a bomb thrower, nothing more than Watermark, Legion or the idiot who posts cartoons. These libtards got control and now they see what happens when children control things.
I keep hearing this stupidity repeated, and I keep asking for the list! Please do tell us about all of these "Bush Messes" that Obama has cleaned up? And be specific about how he did so! IF you can't support this idiotic statement, you need to retract it and stop spewing it every chance you get. I know you think it sounds really good, but the fact you can't support it, makes it sound idiotic, and you sound like an idiot.

For starters:

Invaded a sovereign nation on the bogus issue of WMD;
Declared that torture is legal;
Approved spying on American citizens without warrants;
Threw people into prison without just cause while depriving them of their rights;
Gutted government agencies and refilled them with political hacks and cronies;
Defied and/or ignored international treaties and laws;
Doctored scientific data that documented environmental harm being done by human activity;
Set up fake news to propagandize his failing policies;
Undermined national security by dangerously piling up debt with unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich, etc.
I asked for a list of "Bush Messes" that Obama has fixed!
Here is what we got....

For starters:

Invaded a sovereign nation on the bogus issue of WMD;
Declared that torture is legal;
Approved spying on American citizens without warrants;
Threw people into prison without just cause while depriving them of their rights;
Gutted government agencies and refilled them with political hacks and cronies;
Defied and/or ignored international treaties and laws;
Doctored scientific data that documented environmental harm being done by human activity;
Set up fake news to propagandize his failing policies;
Undermined national security by dangerously piling up debt with unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich, etc.

Invaded a sovereign nation on the bogus issue of WMD;

Obama has not fixed this... He sent another 20k troops to Iraq.

Declared that torture is legal;

Obama has not fixed this... His justice department adopted the same Bush policy on rendition and interrogation of captured detainees.

Approved spying on American citizens without warrants;

Obama has not fixed this. Again, his justice department has successfully defended the previous administration's policy regarding the Patriot Act, and Obama signed the renewal of the Patriot Act.

Threw people into prison without just cause while depriving them of their rights;

If you are talking about Gitmo, Obama didn't fix this. Gitmo remains open for business, and continues to house the same prisoners Bush put there.

Gutted government agencies and refilled them with political hacks and cronies;

Uhm... Hello? Vann Jones? ..Again, not something Obama has fixed!

Defied and/or ignored international treaties and laws;

Obama hasn't fixed this, he ordered cruise missile strikes on Yemen and Pakistan, killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

Doctored scientific data that documented environmental harm being done by human activity;
Set up fake news to propagandize his failing policies;

Both of these things are utter bullshit, Bush never did them.

Undermined national security by dangerously piling up debt with unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich, etc.

In the first 190 years of our nation's history, we amassed a debt of $1 trillion... From Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, we amassed another $1 trillion of debt. In the first 18 months of Obama's administration, he has added $2.5 trillion to the national debt. More than ALL OTHER president's in the history of America COMBINED! So again... Obama has not fixed this problem!
Let's be clear pinheads... I didn't ask you for the list of things Bush did wrong, I already have that list memorized from the past 8 years. I asked you how Obama has "FIXED" any of these things! I want some specifics on each of them! If you can't produce that, just keep your lying traps shut, okay?
I agree with your comments about healthcare going down hill. I believe that gov't has created much of the problem, and now they've totally messed up. That's my opinion.
The problem with your opinion is you're not backing it up with fact. How, prior to HC reform, which by and large has not been fully implemented yet, do you base this opinion on?

I don't think government has real answers to the problems tax payers face. I think gov't is the main cause of the problems tax payers have. They could do some great things, but the democrat-republican party only seem to answer to big money.
So by that standard, if the government is the fault for all of tax payers problems why do we just get rid of government?

I'm sorry but that's just ideological, anti-government, anarchist nonsense cause that is essentially what your advocating. Anarchy.
You've never once made a successful point in arguing presidential history with me. Or the foundations and origins of American government. So just, prattle on, Moot.
Everyone I've ever made has been valid and the only one who holds to your opinions are you. I mean you iterate complete nonsense about a political leader based on one action or policy they made that you either blow out of proportion and out of context, or you are just plain factually wrong as you are in this case.

So here's the fact. The past 230 plus years of our Republic have been marked mostly be growth and prosperity marked by an unprecedented levels of individual freedom and liberty. That is undeniable. Now that would not have been even remotely possible had this nation not been well served by our Presidents. The majority of our Presidents have governed competently and wisely and some have lead us through great periods or crises with brilliant leadership. It has only been a handful of Presidents that either bungled their responsibilities through incompetence, or who made decisions that precipitated our nation into crises.

So to state that most of our Presidents have been lousy demonstrates that you do not have a solid grasp on Presidential history or a good understanding of the importance of good governance.
So here's the fact. The past 230 plus years of our Republic have been marked mostly be growth and prosperity marked by an unprecedented levels of individual freedom and liberty. That is undeniable. Now that would not have been even remotely possible had this nation not been well served by our Presidents. The majority of our Presidents have governed competently and wisely and some have lead us through great periods or crises with brilliant leadership. It has only been a handful of Presidents that either bungled their responsibilities through incompetence, or who made decisions that precipitated our nation into crises.

So to state that most of our Presidents have been lousy demonstrates that you do not have a solid grasp on Presidential history or a good understanding of the importance of good governance.

And the fact that you can't name one specific thing the current president has "fixed" that was "messed up" by the previous president, demonstrates either the last president wasn't so bad, or the current president isn't so good, and you lack good judgment on which is which.
Everyone I've ever made has been valid and the only one who holds to your opinions are you. I mean you iterate complete nonsense about a political leader based on one action or policy they made that you either blow out of proportion and out of context, or you are just plain factually wrong as you are in this case.

So here's the fact. The past 230 plus years of our Republic have been marked mostly be growth and prosperity marked by an unprecedented levels of individual freedom and liberty. That is undeniable. Now that would not have been even remotely possible had this nation not been well served by our Presidents. The majority of our Presidents have governed competently and wisely and some have lead us through great periods or crises with brilliant leadership. It has only been a handful of Presidents that either bungled their responsibilities through incompetence, or who made decisions that precipitated our nation into crises.

So to state that most of our Presidents have been lousy demonstrates that you do not have a solid grasp on Presidential history or a good understanding of the importance of good governance.

Our economy was in a constant boom-bust cycle throughout the 19th Century, with long periods of economic stagnation. It definitely fared much better in the 20th. Most of our presidents were very mediocre, which is enough for a society such as ours to grow and prosper, thanks to the innovations which have taken place here. At any rate, I do not advocate for a strong and active presidency, so what I expect from the office is far less extensive than what most would ask for.
The problem with your opinion is you're not backing it up with fact. How, prior to HC reform, which by and large has not been fully implemented yet, do you base this opinion on?

So by that standard, if the government is the fault for all of tax payers problems why do we just get rid of government?

I'm sorry but that's just ideological, anti-government, anarchist nonsense cause that is essentially what your advocating. Anarchy.

The facts that I have are my own personal life experience. I gues I get the impression that people have an understanding of what I live day in and day out. People like you who have never tryed to start a business, sign a paycheck, meet regulatins, and try to make money.

There's a limit to what gov't can do for me. There's no limit to how hard gov't can make things for me.

Judging by your comments about anarchy, I'm led to believe you worship gov't, and you defend the right of the gov't to make life as hard on me as possible.

That being said, I would like to suggest reading Common Sense, and the Decleration of Independence. This will give you some real facts of what gov't can do to have the people say, "enough is enough." Real facts of what is to much gov't.
The facts that I have are my own personal life experience. I gues I get the impression that people have an understanding of what I live day in and day out. People like you who have never tryed to start a business, sign a paycheck, meet regulatins, and try to make money.

There's a limit to what gov't can do for me. There's no limit to how hard gov't can make things for me.

Judging by your comments about anarchy, I'm led to believe you worship gov't, and you defend the right of the gov't to make life as hard on me as possible.

That being said, I would like to suggest reading Common Sense, and the Decleration of Independence. This will give you some real facts of what gov't can do to have the people say, "enough is enough." Real facts of what is to much gov't.

I can't believe you don't like Sarah Palin! This is EXACTLY what she has been saying in speech after speech. It's as if some people have simply been brainwashed by the talking heads! You've seen her in an interview, or you've watched a clip or two, and listened to the Beltway Boys call into question her "qualifications" as if, someone has to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or have undergone decades of corruption in the Senate or House, in order to be an effective president.

Palin is hated by the Liberals because she stands for everything they are against, and is against everything they stand for. She is disliked by the GOP establishment, because she doesn't play party politics, she acts in the best interest of the people. If you don't want to be governed by liberals or establishment republicans, then why does Sarah Palin not appeal to you?
Palin: I'm not tough enough to be president???

It astounds me at the amount of criticism Sarah Palin gets for not being "qualified" to be president. Aside from the fact she has more actual experience in leadership roles than the current president, and despite the fact that no one right of Karl Marx can find much substantive issues of specific complaint with Palin, this seems to have permeated most of pop culture, and Palin is often considered "unqualified," even by critics on the right.

I reject that line of thought, and I am going to explain why I believe Sarah Palin is more than amply qualified to be the president. In my opinion, her primary qualifying attribute is the ability to write. We know that Palin can write, because the left made a huge deal out of Palin writing on her hand. She also recently authored a book which debuted as a #1 Bestseller... So with this ability to write, it can be safely assumed Palin has the capability to sign her name.

You see, much of what she will be doing as president, will be signing legislation to cut Federal spending, and downsize our government... to sign bills which will offer capitalist incentives to spur growth, and cut taxes. There will be lots of signing to be done, and I think Sarah Palin is most qualified to handle this aspect of the job. When all of the signing is done, there will be very little left for the president to do, we'll be on a strictly balanced budget, so there won't be any new programs to pitch or agenda to implement... if you don't have money, you don't have an agenda. The domestic aspects of the job will be relatively simple once we make the dramatic cuts to the size and scope of government. I'm sure Sarah can handle that.

Of course, there is more to being president than just signing legislation into law. There is the foreign policy, international diplomacy and treaties, etc... At first glance, one might think this to be Sarah's weakest point, but I think it may be her strongest. Think about who you would like to represent you in settling disputes, resolving differences, and negotiating in your general best interests? A hockey mom is a pretty damn good choice, in my opinion... I'll take the hockey mom over just about anyone, to be honest.

There is just an intuition that comes with being a mom, and running a household, which isn't found in any other situation, or by any other individual in any field. This special Mom Power is somewhat vital and crucial to our very survival as a species, and can be considered one of the highest mortal powers known to mankind, ...mother's intuition. Palin could potentially settle the Arab/Jewish conflict, by just bringing the leaders together for a Mom Summit, and settle the issue like my own mom did with me and my brother. It would take about 15 minutes, and would end with the Israeli Prime Minister awkwardly hugging the Palestinian President, as they begrudgingly promise to not fight anymore.

Lot's of other problems could be fixed as well, with the same organizational skill of a wife and mother, who also ran a successful business, as well as, a fairly impressive political career. Sarah Palin has spent her life balancing numerous responsibilities and dealing with numerous challenges, many of which the 'average American' has faced at one time or another. You can point to her flaws or isolated incidents in her life, but you can't argue with the fact that she has been successful. There is only one Sarah Palin.

The President may also appoint Supreme Court Justices, and again, I think Palin would demonstrate a remarkable ability to do her homework, and find well-qualified justices. I think she would take a pragmatic approach to find a group of judges qualified, and then she would review every word they ever wrote, to determine the best possible choice. I think she would probably take this responsibility more seriously than the men of the past, because I think that may be an attribute more abundant in women, and Palin's record indicates she tends to analyze things very carefully. We wouldn't get a 'Harriet Myers' kind of pick from Palin, that's for sure.

So there you have it, all the reasons I believe Palin is well-qualified.
Fire away!

Palin: I'm not tough enough to be president (Well Duh?!)

Run Sarah Run! Palin 2012

I can't believe you don't like Sarah Palin! This is EXACTLY what she has been saying in speech after speech. It's as if some people have simply been brainwashed by the talking heads! You've seen her in an interview, or you've watched a clip or two, and listened to the Beltway Boys call into question her "qualifications" as if, someone has to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or have undergone decades of corruption in the Senate or House, in order to be an effective president.

Palin is hated by the Liberals because she stands for everything they are against, and is against everything they stand for. She is disliked by the GOP establishment, because she doesn't play party politics, she acts in the best interest of the people. If you don't want to be governed by liberals or establishment republicans, then why does Sarah Palin not appeal to you?

Dixie, It's 2010. Not 2012.

I like what she says. But I hate the McCain Perry crap. Or her loyalties.