Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned

It's amazing that our expectations for politicians is so low that - when hearing that one might have possibly memorized a speech well enough to actually recite part of it without a teleprompter - words like "formidable," "impressive" and "winner" flow out with ease...

I’ve done it. And speaking of that, my mom was telling me yesterday, “you know, I was in the PTA, do you remember?” And I had forgotten, but that reminded me. And I said to her, “you know what I do remember, is you taking us around, we were real small, while you sold Avon! Boy, that is some go-getter, and don’t forget you gave birth to three children, and only regret one of them!” So now my mom is thinking of running for Mayor of her town, which isn’t that big of a place out on LI, but, bigger than Wasilla. So we’ll see what comes of this, but you do have to say that Palin is inspiring a whole bunch of Americans who used to think they were only mediocre to new heights.
Does anyone remember when Damo wouldn’t vote for any presidential candidate who wouldn’t vow to never go to war without Congress declaring war, and that the religious right needed to be kicked out of the R party because they were destroying it?


I do. Has he indicated that he will now vote for McCain? I must have missed it.
Does anyone remember when Damo wouldn’t vote for any presidential candidate who wouldn’t vow to never go to war without Congress declaring war, and that the religious right needed to be kicked out of the R party because they were destroying it?

Being impressed with a speech does not mean they have earned my vote. I was impressed with Bill Clinton's speech too.

Where have you seen me endorse this person because of this? Again. I am a public speaker, I know that it is difficult to deviate from script on a teleprompter as your eyes get caught in it, it causes you to lose track if it malfunctions like that.
I like watching a good public speaker and find it impressive when somebody can deviate from prepared lines if something goes wrong with the crowd not noticing.

I'd be impressed regardless of who did it.

I find it difficult to ignore the 'prompter when it is malfunctioning and I begin to sound like Obama.

Saying I'm impressed with public speaking skills does not say I am in agreement with the speech. (Which I have not seen.)

Classic Damo dishonesty.

Did I say that you're in agreement with her speech?

did I even imply it?

I think I'm going to start randomly inserting negative non sequitors to all my responses to you from now on.
I do. Has he indicated that he will now vote for McCain? I must have missed it.
I have not. She assumes that because I am impressed with public speaking skills that means that person gets my vote. Which is inane considering I posted how well I thought Billy Boy did and he never was going to get my vote.
I have not. She assumes that because I am impressed with public speaking skills that means that person gets my vote. Which is inane considering I posted how well I thought Billy Boy did and he never was going to get my vote.

Can you point us to the posts you must have made, since you are a public speaker so interested in public speaking, where you called Obama's skills "impressive"? Thanks Damo.
Classic Damo dishonesty.

Did I say that you're in agreement with her speech?

did I even imply it?

I think I'm going to start randomly inserting negative non sequitors to all my responses to you from now on.
You said I'm "clinging to what I can" because I am impressed with such skills. This implies a certain support that I have not given.
Being impressed with a speech does not mean they have earned my vote. I was impressed with Bill Clinton's speech too.

Where have you seen me endorse this person because of this? Again. I am a public speaker, I know that it is difficult to deviate from script on a teleprompter as your eyes get caught in it, it causes you to lose track if it malfunctions like that.

Criticizing you're enthusiasm does not mean we don't appreciate a good speech.
There is ZERO chance that on election day, Damo is pulling the lever, or whatever they pull in Colorado, for anyone other than McCain/Palin. :p

right but unlike Dixie Damo realizes we remember things and Damo does know what shame and embaressment is, again unlike Dixie.
Domo is just thankful for secret ballots.

wow. this says a lot about the state of the republican party. The fact that repugs are actually excited that a candidate can remember lines and speak somewhat off the cuff is quite pathetic.

Well it HAS been a long time since that was the case.

But cling on to what you can. I understand. Years of failed policies have made you grasp at whatever straws you can.

You mean failed policies like... "the surge will actually hurt our efforts in Iraq"???

Can you point us to the posts you must have made, since you are a public speaker so interested in public speaking, where you called Obama's skills "impressive"? Thanks Damo.
Well. Considering his skill at speaking tends to fail when the 'prompter does, so far I think his skills are good, but not quite as impressive.

Thanks Darla.
You said I'm "clinging to what I can" because I am impressed with such skills. This implies a certain support that I have not given.

I didn't say that or imply it. I said you were clinging to anything you can at this moment.

Deep down in side we know you want to support her though. I can understand how you made the jump.
Does anyone remember when Damo wouldn’t vote for any presidential candidate who wouldn’t vow to never go to war without Congress declaring war, and that the religious right needed to be kicked out of the R party because they were destroying it?


Come on now. To talk about one's ability to speak or to discuss how one gave a speech doesn't have to tie to voting for someone. I think Obama is an amazing speaker. If I were teaching a class I would use him as an example all day long. That doesn't mean I have to vote for him.

I saw some of Meg Whitman and Carly Firorena's speeches last night. For ex-CEO's I didn't think they were all that dynamic. In fact I wasn't really impressed at all. Yes, I probably agree with them politically much more than I don't but because they say something I agree with doesn't mean I have to think they are great speakers.
I didn't say that or imply it.
You may not have meant to, but clarifying doesn't mean that I am insulting you personally.

I don't believe that I am voting at all for President in this election, so far no candidate has met my criteria.
I’ve done it. And speaking of that, my mom was telling me yesterday, “you know, I was in the PTA, do you remember?” And I had forgotten, but that reminded me. And I said to her, “you know what I do remember, is you taking us around, we were real small, while you sold Avon! Boy, that is some go-getter, and don’t forget you gave birth to three children, and only regret one of them!” So now my mom is thinking of running for Mayor of her town, which isn’t that big of a place out on LI, but, bigger than Wasilla. So we’ll see what comes of this, but you do have to say that Palin is inspiring a whole bunch of Americans who used to think they were only mediocre to new heights.

was it you??
I will not be voting "for" any candidate either Damo, but I will be voting against one.
well 2 actually, I have to vote against McConnel
Come on now. To talk about one's ability to speak or to discuss how one gave a speech doesn't have to tie to voting for someone. I think Obama is an amazing speaker. If I were teaching a class I would use him as an example all day long. That doesn't mean I have to vote for him.

I saw some of Meg Whitman and Carly Firorena's speeches last night. For ex-CEO's I didn't think they were all that dynamic. In fact I wasn't really impressed at all. Yes, I probably agree with them politically much more than I don't but because they say something I agree with doesn't mean I have to think they are great speakers.
I think he is very good, and wonder if he'd be able to maintain those skills without the notice of the audience if the 'prompter failed. Evidence shows that he would not.

I would definitely use him as well as Clinton as an example (and have for myself), but would not maintain that I'd vote for them because of their skills at public speaking.