Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned

I can top that... unfortunately... my sister was in their situation... two young kids... he had three DUIs (one of which he had my youngest neice in the car) and once his drunkeness led him to hit her. Shortly thereafter he had an accident and never got violent again, but his drunken binges continued and she left him and took the kids with her. Though the courts in their infinite wisdom awarded him joint custody... they even gave him primary custody at one point... but that ended with his fourth DUI.

Oh that is really awful, sorry to hear that.
Wait - are BAC & Kathi really together?

Or is this just another one of those "Darla is really a man" hoaxes (or was that transexual)?
I can top that... unfortunately... my sister was in their situation... two young kids... he had three DUIs (one of which he had my youngest neice in the car) and once his drunkeness led him to hit her. Shortly thereafter he had an accident and never got violent again, but his drunken binges continued and she left him and took the kids with her. Though the courts in their infinite wisdom awarded him joint custody... they even gave him primary custody at one point... but that ended with his fourth DUI.

That sucks.

I've always wondered what I'd do if a guy ever hit me.

Would I wait until he's asleep to bash his head in or would I in a fit of rage try to beat up right then and there. I'm thinking waiting until I'm asleep would pack the most punch, but then what would I do in between?
Do I smell another hookup?

Darla and SF?

Hmmmm, it fits.

LMAO.... While I do enjoy the verbal sparring, I don't see that as a good match. Sooner or later I would say something off the cuff and find myself in John Bobbits situation.

Wait - are BAC & Kathi really together?

Or is this just another one of those "Darla is really a man" hoaxes (or was that transexual)?

Well, I don't what they do offline, but I do know that there was quite a steamy exchange a couple of weeks ago. Something about differing political ideologies sparking something.....idk....I just :corn:ed.
That sucks.

I've always wondered what I'd do if a guy ever hit me.

Would I wait until he's asleep to bash his head in or would I in a fit of rage try to beat up right then and there. I'm thinking waiting until I'm asleep would pack the most punch, but then what would I do in between?
No, but, I really think yours will be different. I was just thinking that, in fact.

LOL. No, but really, there are some.

the biggest thing we have to work out is keeping the house clean. Otherwise, we really don't have much drama.
Yeah; but wasn't there something you & Tiana were doing before? I seem to remember Dano got really sucked into it (saw him perusing the boards yesterday...weird...)

Do you mean when I told everyone I was a gay man, or when Tiana and I claimed we were having a steamy lesbian affair?
LMAO.... While I do enjoy the verbal sparring, I don't see that as a good match. Sooner or later I would say something off the cuff and find myself in John Bobbits situation.


LMAO you should rent the movie "Teeth".

think of me when you do.
Do you mean when I told everyone I was a gay man, or when Tiana and I claimed we were having a steamy lesbian affair?

I think it was the gay man thing; that was pretty effective, from what I remember. The affair one was good too, for other reasons...
That sucks.

I've always wondered what I'd do if a guy ever hit me.

Would I wait until he's asleep to bash his head in or would I in a fit of rage try to beat up right then and there. I'm thinking waiting until I'm asleep would pack the most punch, but then what would I do in between?

Since you don't have kids, either would be suitable options. Though the instantaneous action is much more emasculating.... plus, like you said... you wouldn't have to wait.