Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned

Since you don't have kids, either would be suitable options. Though the instantaneous action is much more emasculating.... plus, like you said... you wouldn't have to wait.

Yeah but in all honesty, I'd probably lose. Guaranteed victory would only be achieved by a sneak attack.
Yeah; but wasn't there something you & Tiana were doing before? I seem to remember Dano got really sucked into it (saw him perusing the boards yesterday...weird...)

You can tell that Onceler is a little bit out of it. It’s very tempting to take advantage of, but…I have to go to a meeting.
You can tell that Onceler is a little bit out of it. It’s very tempting to take advantage of, but…I have to go to a meeting.

Who is Onceler?

Yeah - I shouldn't be posting. If I start heading off into late night cawacko territory, see if you can get Damo to freeze my posting ability, or something...
You can tell that Onceler is a little bit out of it. It’s very tempting to take advantage of, but…I have to go to a meeting.

I can pick up that slack.

While you go to your meeting, I'll quiz SF about his interest in being your one and only true love.

have fun!
Who is Onceler?

Yeah - I shouldn't be posting. If I start heading off into late night cawacko territory, see if you can get Damo to freeze my posting ability, or something...

yeah right.

the status quo is to quote and immortalize such posts and encourage it.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Sorry to interrupt, but:

The teleprompter did not break

Sarah Palin delivered a powerful speech last night, but she did not "wing it."

That is what Erick Erickson, citing sources close to McCain, has written on his blog, RedState.

Erickson writes that "the teleprompter continued scrolling during applause breaks. As a result, half way through the speech, the speech had scrolled significantly from where Governor Palin was in the speech."

This claim has been picked up on Drudge and could quickly enter into the insta-mythmaking about a speech that need not be embroidered.

Perhaps there were moments where it scrolled slightly past her exact point in the speech. But I was sitting in the press section next to the stage, within easy eyeshot of the teleprompter. I frequently looked up at the machine, and there was no serious malfunction. A top convention-planner confirms this morning that there were no major problems.

Erickson writes that the same malfunction happened during Rudy Giuliani's speech earlier in the night. Again, I watched the teleprompter during this speech and it worked without problem. Giuliani, as is his wont, simply decided to go off-script and add some new lines, such as one attacking Obama for his "bitter" comments.

These extemporaneous comments, many of which drew huge applause, made the former New York mayor's speech run much longer than planned. So much so, that a convention-planner confirms that they had to scrap a planned video ahead of Palin's speech.
I'm shocked that would put an erroneous report out there like that; they're usually so reliable.

Oh, well; she DID improvise her remark about lipstick & pitbulls. Maybe for Damo & Little A, that is still impressive, formidable, and the sign of a winner...
cnn angled the cam to see the teleprompter and it seemed to be working fine to me.. actually she was waiting for it to catch up on those shots.