Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned

This woman is looking more and more formidable.


BREAKING: Sarah Palin "Winged" Her Speech Because of "Broken" Teleprompter

Posted by: Erick Erickson
Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 01:00AM

Halfway through Sarah Palin's speech tonight at the RNC, people following the speech noticed she was deviating from the prepared text.

According to sources close to the McCain campaign, the teleprompter continued scrolling during applause breaks. As a result, half way through the speech, the speech had scrolled significantly from where Governor Palin was in the speech. The malfunction also occurred during Rudy Giuliani's speech, explaining his significant deviations from his speech.

Unfazed, Governor Palin continued, from memory, to deliver her speech without the teleprompter cued to the appropriate point in her speech.

Contrast this to Barack Obama who, when last his teleprompter malfunctioned, was left stuttering before a crowd unable to advance his speech until the problem was resolved.

Sarah Palin. Winner.


Yeah but in all honesty, I'd probably lose. Guaranteed victory would only be achieved by a sneak attack.

If that is a concern, then simply pick up the phone and call your brother. I would imagine the idiot that hit you would soon have an accident.
really?? what do you mean by "hardly"????


Well, there’s Tiana, and twice with Cawacko though he claims not to remember it (we were both drunk but only one of us blacked out afterwards), and once with Damo, before I realized he was an actual republican. Of course, he’ll deny it. (the phone sex AND being a republican)
Why don't you tell him about what you said?

I don't want to step on your toes. Clearly this is a match made in heaven (hell is equally believable though). Wait.....aren't you friends with him? Lemme check his profile....