Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned

If it happened I suppose it would be an impressive display of her memory considering she didn't write the speech and it was mostly written before she was even selected VP.

Yay for Palin, she can remember things that she reads. I just wish she would testify in the investigation into the firing of the public safety commissioner so she could display her perfect memory under oath.
If it happened I suppose it would be an impressive display of her memory considering she didn't write the speech and it was mostly written before she was even selected VP.

Yay for Palin, she can remember things that she reads. I just wish she would testify in the investigation into the firing of the public safety commissioner so she could display her perfect memory under oath.
Considering that they noticed her departure from the script (if it happened) that means she began to wing the speech based on remembering the points. Basically writing on the fly. Again, personally I get distracted by the 'prompter. It draws my eye and gets me off track if it fails like that.

It would be very impressive.
I think he is very good, and wonder if he'd be able to maintain those skills without the notice of the audience if the 'prompter failed. Evidence shows that he would not.

I would definitely use him as well as Clinton as an example (and have for myself), but would not maintain that I'd vote for them because of their skills at public speaking.

Being able to read a prepared speech and speaking off the cuff are two very different things and skills for one don't necessarily translate into the same skills for the other.
You may not have meant to, but clarifying doesn't mean that I am insulting you personally.

I don't believe that I am voting at all for President in this election, so far no candidate has met my criteria.

If you really need clarification I'll give it you. I was pointing your (repugs/cons alike) constant tendency to cheerlead for even the most minute of perceived successes in the Republican Party.
was it you??

LOL! I was joking that it was , yeah.

I used to always say that as kind of a joking on the square thing. I used to give my mom some gray hairs because I would never bring any “boys” to our family gatherings, and I told her to lay off I wasn’t bringing no boy there, because I was never getting married, it sounded like death to me. This used to actually really worry her and she told me if marriage sounded like death, I should see a therapist.

Until…I started to do pretty nice for myself, and she saw I was going to be ok, and my brother got married and it turned into a soap opera. And one day she said to me “I’m very glad you’re where you are and not where your sister in law is” and I said “me too!”
If you want to see an Obama speech that was off the cuff and without resorting to a teleprompter you can view the video of the speech that he gave on September 1 in Milwaukee.
it's good to see citizen looked in the mirror.

My stance has changed very little. As I have said I think obama offers some slim hope of good change, but am not convinced. I WILL vote against 4 more years of Bush with McCain though.
If you want to see an Obama speech that was off the cuff and without resorting to a teleprompter you can view the video of the speech that he gave on September 1 in Milwaukee.

No, Damo doesn’t want to see any such thing, he just wants to pretend that he wishes he could see it, so he could be “fair and balanced”. He’s an undecided voter you know.

LOL! I was joking that it was , yeah.

I used to always say that as kind of a joking on the square thing. I used to give my mom some gray hairs because I would never bring any “boys” to our family gatherings, and I told her to lay off I wasn’t bringing no boy there, because I was never getting married, it sounded like death to me. This used to actually really worry her and she told me if marriage sounded like death, I should see a therapist.

Until…I started to do pretty nice for myself, and she saw I was going to be ok, and my brother got married and it turned into a soap opera. And one day she said to me “I’m very glad you’re where you are and not where your sister in law is” and I said “me too!”

Thats funny, because I went through pretty much the same, except it was my sister that got married and went through a circus divorce and is still dealing with her idiot ex 8 years later (who lives with his mommy right now... he is 39).
Thats funny, because I went through pretty much the same, except it was my sister that got married and went through a circus divorce and is still dealing with her idiot ex 8 years later (who lives with his mommy right now... he is 39).

Really? That is funny. But probably not uncommon.
I have noticed a lot of marriages are circuses. I don’t take any pleasure in it at all. I just knew it ahead of time, and didn’t go there, is the way I look at it.

I’m sorry to say I don’t know any happily married people, in my personal life (I do know there are some) My girlfriends who are married, my heart breaks for them. Two of them are married to alcoholics (which was always my worst fear), and they have young kids, so you know, they’re stuck. Trapped.
In my entire life I have known of perhaps 3 marriages that lasted and were happy.
A good lasting marriage is a rare thing and even less so now with the unrealistic expectations of the current generation.
Thats funny, because I went through pretty much the same, except it was my sister that got married and went through a circus divorce and is still dealing with her idiot ex 8 years later (who lives with his mommy right now... he is 39).

Do I smell another hookup?

Darla and SF?

Hmmmm, it fits.
In my entire life I have known of perhaps 3 marriages that lasted and were happy.
A good lasting marriage is a rare thing and even less so now with the unrealistic expectations of the current generation.

u people are depressing.
Really? That is funny. But probably not uncommon.
I have noticed a lot of marriages are circuses. I don’t take any pleasure in it at all. I just knew it ahead of time, and didn’t go there, is the way I look at it.

I’m sorry to say I don’t know any happily married people, in my personal life (I do know there are some) My girlfriends who are married, my heart breaks for them. Two of them are married to alcoholics (which was always my worst fear), and they have young kids, so you know, they’re stuck. Trapped.

I can top that... unfortunately... my sister was in their situation... two young kids... he had three DUIs (one of which he had my youngest neice in the car) and once his drunkeness led him to hit her. Shortly thereafter he had an accident and never got violent again, but his drunken binges continued and she left him and took the kids with her. Though the courts in their infinite wisdom awarded him joint custody... they even gave him primary custody at one point... but that ended with his fourth DUI.
Being able to read a prepared speech and speaking off the cuff are two very different things and skills for one don't necessarily translate into the same skills for the other.
Definitely. I do my best when I either have points to work from and speak, or if I memorize the speech. Working in that timeframe and length of speech I would have done the first and used the 'prompter.