Sasha and Malia Obama Wore $20K Dresses to the Canada State Dinner

So his slut whore daughters are wealthy???? What corner are they standing on to earn money for the dresses???

They are heirs to millionaire parents.
You childish, racist jealousy is causing your white trash head to explode, and it is hilarious.
Disgusting, and they are children.

Isn't making sexual comments about kids against the rules?

Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann /məˈliːə/, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha /ˈsɑːʃə/), born on June 10, 2001.
They are minors 17 and 14 .
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It was a question and a darn accusatory question too. Lawyers ask accusatory questions all the time to put ideas into jurors heads, don't they, Ma'am.
I never attempted to defend Kennedy. I wasn't there you see. The real surprise is that you attempted to accuse Mrs Bush of horrible crimes and you weren't there in Midland that night either.

How about RacerX the OP of this thread? Is he a one trick, dead horse racist, in your one trick racist opinion or is he jus' a good ole' boy?

But this isn't a Court and you're not a Lawyer!! :D
But you were aware that Kennedy is the one who went home and then waited for the alcohol to wear off, before calling for help for the young lady who drowned waiting for him to rescue her, and like I said; you will go to any length to defend any and all liberals. :palm:
Still trying to get that dead horse of yours to move, HUH!!
Did she watch him bleed out like teddy watched his knocked up girlfriend drown in his car ?

Which RW blog said she was pregnant? And she wasn't Ted's girlfriend, either. According to reports she was seeing another man.

"Furthermore, at the time of the incident, Mary Jo Kopechne had been unofficially engaged to be married to a career foreign service officer — a fact overlooked by those authors who tried to blemish her character by insinuating she had been single, free and willing to engage in a sexual relationship with Sen. Ted Kennedy."
So his slut whore daughters are wealthy???? What corner are they standing on to earn money for the dresses???

Jeebus, wth is wrong with you? No matter what you think about the Obamas, these are underage girls and your comments are uncalled for.

I reported your post. :mad:
Which RW blog said she was pregnant? And she wasn't Ted's girlfriend, either. According to reports she was seeing another man.

"Furthermore, at the time of the incident, Mary Jo Kopechne had been unofficially engaged to be married to a career foreign service officer — a fact overlooked by those authors who tried to blemish her character by insinuating she had been single, free and willing to engage in a sexual relationship with Sen. Ted Kennedy."

According to their marriage license, Bill and Hillary are married but that didn't stop Bill from having all sorts of girlfriends.
I suspect that Con65 hates black men because he's a small man, if you know what I mean.

You can relax C65, the mods didn't do anything about it so Racist X dodged that particular bullet.

Yes .Apparently it is okay to sexually demean and defile minor children, contrary to JPP rules, as long as said children are related to the President.
So have at them CFM.