
Someone believed Satan exists, understanding that it means an infinitely more powerful being, at odds with Satan, also exists, and chose to worship Satan, anyway.
Speaking of "Satan" and the has to but produce "documented" evidence of the left's continued support of "evil". Take for instance the documented "ONE OF OUR (the left) HEROES" statement from Chris the "mouth" Matthews concerning....Saul Alinsky, the standard bearer for modern left wing philosophy. No one can deny that the LEFT worships the ground under or rather over Alinsky.


The modern playbook being used by the left today, Rules for Radicals....was dedicated by Alinsky himself to guess who.....Satan.

And speaking of having a good belly laugh at the expense of TRUMP supporters (can anyone say, I TOLD YA SOOOOOOOOOOOO).....finally Trump speaks the truth, in his own words. Look for him to have a better he assumes he has the primary all but locked up after meeting with the Right's Home Boy's in DC. He promised them, "don't worry".....that hate talk and promises? Just politics, empty rhetoric used to get the voters to "go for me"......I will be more (wink, wink) PRESIDENTIAL as we move forward....and forget about the shit I have promised, its all that...JUST TALK. "I will be boring as hell from here on out..." THE DONALD

Does anyone "feel" like they need a "smoke"...or at least a kiss...because you have just been screwed? Talk a bout

G U L L I B L E: Naive and easily deceived, ticked with ease do to hearing what you want to an ad homiem fashion based upon emotion rather than demanding the objective evidence required to make an independent and reasoned decision. That's how one can tell the majority of Trump supporters are Leftists....its all about emotion, to hell with the facts.....
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So, Saul Alinsky. That's one.

What about the 41 "Christian" Republicans who wrote letters to Judge Thomas M. Durkin in support of former Speaker of the House, J. Douglas Hastert.

Hastert, in the event you were unaware, is a Republican who tried to hide hush money he was paying to someone to keep their mouth shut about the sexual abuse that he, Hastert, inflicted on the individual when a high school wrestling coach.

As it turns out, there was more than one victim (four that we're aware of at this point), all of whom were sexually abused by Hastert.

And you know, the funny thing is that not one of those 41 people have since rescinded their support for Hastert.

You can find evil everywhere. You don't even have to look for it.

But you go on believing that Christians can do no wrong*, and support no wrong while the rest of us live in reality.

*G U L L I B L E: Naive and easily deceived, ticked with ease do [sic] to hearing what you want to an ad homiem fashion based upon emotion rather than demanding the objective evidence required to make an independent and reasoned decision.
I doubt it would lead one to atheism. That said, only a moron would decide it was a good idea to follow Satan when he is a mere creation, himself.

Ann Rice has taught us that Satan was the good guy. Satanism is an odd mix of monotheistic lore, gothic callbacks, and willingful submittance.
Theyre a hedonistic lot, but even they complain when somebody doesnt pull their load and is there just because. And ofc they love to be subversive.

Maybe satanism is the rich person's wicca? :v
Even if he was "good," it would still be suicide to follow him. At least in Greek mythology, they're all gods and goddesses, so one could safely pick-and-choose. Of course, you're still stuck with Hades in the end.
I doubt it would lead one to atheism. That said, only a moron would decide it was a good idea to follow Satan when he is a mere creation, himself.

You are missing the point. I didn't mean that believing in Satan would lead one to Atheism. Grind said he is an atheist which would preclude Satanism.

Satan is a creation of religion. In order to have Satan there must be a God. One follows the other. Of course I am sure people will want to "self identify" to whatever suits them.
You are missing the point. I didn't mean that believing in Satan would lead one to Atheism. Grind said he is an atheist which would preclude Satanism.

Satan is a creation of religion. In order to have Satan there must be a God. One follows the other. Of course I am sure people will want to "self identify" to whatever suits them.

I would have to guess that at least 50% of satanists are just trolls.

However, hypothetically, you could believe in satan and not god. You might just think only satan exists.

Or, you could think satan is the true god and that god is evil. Role reverse that shit.

but yes i am an atheist i don't actually believe in satan.