Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties, recalls envoy

Iran has supported Yemenis against the tyranny of successive ' presidents '. What has the West done to support the Yemeni revolution ?

And how did Iran help Syria when the country turned into a Dust Bowl and their oil and agriculture sectors collapsed?
The Saudis are gracious, friendly and hospitable. They value a civil society.. They are concervative and family oriented... If you don't like that go elsewhere.

I was speaking of the Saudi monarchy/govt. How can I go elsewhere from a place I'm not at?
And how did Iran help Syria when the country turned into a Dust Bowl and their oil and agriculture sectors collapsed?

Freedom has to be earned. I sympathize with the Yemeni revolution because I'm not tyranny-tolerant.
Freedom has to be earned. I sympathize with the Yemeni revolution because I'm not tyranny-tolerant.

There are five jihadi groups in Yemen.. Don't tell me that you care about the Yemeni people or some BS about self determination.
People react against their governments for good reasons. Egyptians, for example, threw off the yoke of the tyrant Mubarak only to have it reimposed by US/Israeli sedition.
If you cut right to the chase you will admit that Yemen's problems stem from Saudi Arabia/Israeli fear of Iran. Iran's revolution, after all, was SUCCESSFUL despite US/Israeli sedition.
Can you blame Iranians for wanting to share their expertise and success with other downtrodden people ? Can you blame downtrodden people for asking for it ?

Cuba's revolution is another example . Not at all popular with Uncle Slam.

That little move we made to oust Iran's duly elected democratic govt to prop up the Shah sure worked out well. They recall, we for the most part can't figure that out.
Iran has supported Yemenis against the tyranny of successive ' presidents '. What has the West done to support the Yemeni revolution ?

We provided the Saudis with internationally illegal cluster bombs know to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field.
That was 70 years ago..

Yeah, trouble ever since, and trying to ramp up another bogus war there even now, to add to our other global militarism which is economically cannibalizing society as a whole, as empires in decline are wont to do.
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The US is partnering in genocide in Yemen.

Don't be absurd. You obviously don't know anything about Yemen.. They have become a haven for AQ, ISIS, Boko Haram. Al Shabaab and assorted Somali pirates. Plus, there's still a remnant of Communists and Monarchists.
Yeah, trouble ever since, and trying to ramp up another bogus war there even now, to add to our other global militarism which is economically cannibalizing society as a whole, as empires in decline are won't to do.

You mean Trump? He's dumb as a brick.. Worry about Bolton.
Don't be absurd. You obviously don't know anything about Yemen.. They have become a haven for AQ, ISIS, Boko Haram. Al Shabaab and assorted Somali pirates. Plus, there's still a remnant of Communists and Monarchists.

We have partnered with Saddam, Osama, al Qaida, al Nusra and ISIS. Apparently you think we should be running the planet, as empires in decline inevitably do on the way down.
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Do you have any proof we partnered with ISIS or al Nusra?
we did arm the so called secular rebels (FSA and such) in Syria. al-Nusra used to constantly take their weapons.
One time they even got TOW missiles.

Other then that -no we never had anything to do with ISIS
we did arm the so called secular rebels (FSA and such) in Syria. al-Nusra used to constantly take their weapons.
One time they even got TOW missiles.

Other then that -no we never had anything to do with ISIS

I think at one point the Saudis considered arming al Nusra, but they are still stinging over having armed al Qaeda back when fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. They remember the blowback.