Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties, recalls envoy

Saudi Arabia is a filthy rich monarchic nest of degenerates which has the USA by the balls. Canada is, in this instance, setting a moral example.
Will the USA back Canada's stance on human rights ? Haw, haw........haw.

Funny who we partner with ain't it.
oh and by the way stay OUT OF RUNNING OTHER COUNTRIES or making policy because of human rights.
We have security agreements with KSA. and give bin Salman a chance, it's a very conservative place and it takes time
"Most"? And how did you come to this conclusion? Do you know most of them? I know plenty who hate it but stay for spouses or work. If you can be an expat who likes living in a country where human rights violations take place all around you but you happen to live a bit freer and happier simply because you aren't a native and the same cultural rules might not apply to you at all or as harshly then that makes you willfully blind and a hypocrite if you ever complained about those violations. Why give a country like that your time, effort or money?

Because that's pretty much life in America, without the native to the country bit.
oh and by the way stay OUT OF RUNNING OTHER COUNTRIES or making policy because of human rights.
We have security agreements with KSA. and give bin Salman a chance, it's a very conservative place and it takes time

Get real, they are radical Wahabist Islamists who behead and actually were involved in 9/11, and we parter with them in their genocide in Yemen.
it was KSA..some journalist or something published that was blasphemy

The protocol is that they have to hold a Koran under their arm to limit range of motion and cannot break the skin. Its geared to humiliation rather than a beating.
Get real, they are radical Wahabist Islamists who behead and actually were involved in 9/11, and we parter with them in their genocide in Yemen.

Wahabbis are neither violent nor radical.. and they were not involved in 9-11. OBL was Deobandi and followed Sayeed Qubt and al Banna.. Muhammed Atta was just MB..

Iran is funding the guys that overthrew the government and are trying to shut down shipping thru the Bab al Mandab by attacking oil tankers. They have carried out many suicide attacks in Arabia since 2008. Prior to that AQ had bombed the USS Cole followed by bombing Yemen's oil facilities and pipelines and shutting down 500 Yemeni factories.

No question is a horrific mess.. and after 40 years of Saudi investments in everythng from clean water to hospitals, universities and economic development, its a bitter pill.
The protocol is that they have to hold a Koran under their arm to limit range of motion and cannot break the skin. Its geared to humiliation rather than a beating.
thats what it looked like. but it was just a narrow cell phone view -the skin was definately not broken
Wahabbis are neither violent nor radical.. and they were not involved in 9-11. OBL was Deobandi and followed Sayeed Qubt and al Banna.. Muhammed Atta was just MB..

Iran is funding the guys that overthrew the government and are trying to shut down shipping thru the Bab al Mandab by attacking oil tankers. They have carried out many suicide attacks in Arabia since 2008. Prior to that AQ had bombed the USS Cole followed by bombing Yemen's oil facilities and pipelines and shutting down 500 Yemeni factories.

No question is a horrific mess.. and after 40 years of Saudi investments in everythng from clean water to hospitals, universities and economic development, its a bitter pill.

KSA doesn't want a failed state on their borders so they have invested in Yemen for 40 years.

Wow. So why are we partnering in the the genocide in Yemen again which included arming them with internationally illegal cluster bombs known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field?
Wow. So why are we partnering in the the genocide in Yemen again which included arming them with internationally illegal cluster bombs known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field?

I don't know about the cluster bombs. I know the Houthis have mined the northern border with thousands of Iranian mines. Do you have a solution? I haven't been there since I went climbing in Asir in 2000. They had already moved the villages back from the border then and were building a security fence.
yemen is a permanent revolution coupled with terrorists actors and proxy supported by Iran.
It's a mess
You mean that many Yemenis seek self-determination and are willing to fight for it ?

Oh stop.. Yemen has been in chaos off and on since the Communists overthrew the monarchy. The Yemeni people are victims of all these crackpots and jihadi groups.
no i mean the permanent schisms in a country that has been in revolutionary mode since like the 1960

People react against their governments for good reasons. Egyptians, for example, threw off the yoke of the tyrant Mubarak only to have it reimposed by US/Israeli sedition.
If you cut right to the chase you will admit that Yemen's problems stem from Saudi Arabia/Israeli fear of Iran. Iran's revolution, after all, was SUCCESSFUL despite US/Israeli sedition.
Can you blame Iranians for wanting to share their expertise and success with other downtrodden people ? Can you blame downtrodden people for asking for it ?

Cuba's revolution is another example . Not at all popular with Uncle Slam.
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People react against their governments for good reasons. Egyptians, for example, threw off the yoke of the tyrant Mubarak only to have it reimposed by US/Israeli sedition.
If you cut right to the chase you will admit that Yemen's problems stem from Saudi Arabia/Israeli fear of Iran. Iran's revolution, after all, was SUCCESSFUL despite US/Israeli sedition.
Can you blame Iranians for wanting to share their expertise and success with other downtrodden people ? Can you blame downtrodden people for asking for it ?

Cuba's revolution is another example . Not at all popular with Uncle Slam.

For God's sake.. WHAT has Iran done for Yemen in the past 40 years?
Iran has supported Yemenis against the tyranny of successive ' presidents '. What has the West done to support the Yemeni revolution ?